Friends mistake picture

The One With The Cake - S10-E4

Visible crew/equipment: After Joey describes Emma's funny Elmo cup to Phoebe, it cuts to Monica and Chandler walking in, and to the right of the door we can see the bulletin board is cut in size partially covering the hole in the wall. Later, when Phoebe and Joey leave after the wind-up toy race not only is this visible again, but through the hole we can see the other hole in Monica and Chandler's wall.

Super Grover

The One With The Dirty Girl - S4-E6

Continuity mistake: When Ross is making out with Cheryl in her apartment, he gets chocolate syrup on his fingers. In the following shots the chocolate syrup has disappeared. While he wipes his hand on the sofa, no way that would leave his hand perfectly clean.

The One With Joey's Dirty Day - S4-E14

Visible crew/equipment: When Ross and Joey are explaining phase two of Chandler's break up (going to strip clubs), the camera switches from the girls to Ross and Joey. Behind them is Chandler and Joey's kitchen window where you can briefly see a reflection of someone passing by (crew member). At first I thought it could have been Chandler, since he was not in the scene, but after a few moments you see that Chandler has been in the bathroom the whole time. (01:35:00 - 01:39:00)


The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross.] married a lesbian, [to Rachel.] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe.] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey.] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler.] LIVE IN A BOX!

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Trivia: Matthew Perry's wit is so legendary that the scriptwriters have often incorporated his gags into the show.

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The One With The Dirty Girl - S4-E6

Question: When Joey asks why he can't give Kathy the pen, Chandler says, "Because she's not eleven. And it's not the seventh night of Chanukah." What is Chandler talking about when he says, "It's not the seventh night of Chanukah?"

Answer: Usually by the seventh night of Hanukkah you don't know what to get the other person, and you will probably resort to getting the other person something insignificant. Chandler is basically saying that the pen is a stupid gift.

Answer: Chanukah is a Jewish celebration that occurs around the same time as the Christian Christmas. The celebration lasts for eight days and it is customary to give a small gift on each of the eight days. There is no special gift required and the line about it being "the seventh night" of Chanukah is just Chandler's sarcasm.


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