
3rd Sep 2011

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: When Bond duels with Tilly's car, before crashing it, a blue-screened mountain always appears behind him, despite the landscape being totally different.


2nd Sep 2011

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Continuity mistake: When Gwen is hanging on the edge of the building, the table that slides towards her swaps from being worn out and filled with scratches to new.


2nd Sep 2011

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Continuity mistake: When Gwen is free falling, her hair moves wildly except for the part where she is about to be crushed by two pieces of concrete, where her CGI hair is completely still.


2nd Sep 2011

101 Dalmatians (1996)

Continuity mistake: When Cruella steps out of her car she pours ash on the doorman's shoe. In the next shot the shoe is spotless.


2nd Sep 2011

How Do You Know (2010)

2nd Sep 2011

Mac and Me (1988)

Continuity mistake: When the kids dance in the parking lot, they swap positions 180ยบ just as the family car arrives.


27th Aug 2011

Spider-Man (2002)

27th Aug 2011

Fatal Attraction (1987)

Fatal Attraction mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Dan throws his umbrella and it bounces on the edge of the wastebasket but lands on the floor. When he walks next to the wastebasket the umbrella is now inside.


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Suggested correction: It lands on the ground and stays there.

Amy Emerick Tice

False. Junk correction. There's a picture online proving it.


27th Aug 2011

Super 8 (2011)

Continuity mistake: Jack stares at an army truck and turns his head to the left. From the opposite angle, his head is still and he is turning it again.


27th Aug 2011

Spider-Man (2002)

Continuity mistake: During the famous kiss scene, Mary Jane's hair keeps swapping styles between shots. It changes between hairless cheek then hair on cheek, and soaked and straight to curly hair.


27th Aug 2011

Spider-Man (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Aunt May is praying, right before being attacked by Goblin, the portrait moves closer/ further away from the quilt between shots.


27th Aug 2011

Spider-Man (2002)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Osborn is gassed inside the vault and the doctor comes to aid him, 2 green squares are reflected on his glasses. The green fumes are already gone so it can't be that. Plus from the opposite angle there's no green wall anywhere, so it was the green screen used on the set or a continuity error when fumes were still on the set.


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Suggested correction: I think it's the green smoke reflecting on his glasses. The chamber has rectangular windows so that's why the reflections are rectangular.


No, when he is helping him the green smoke is already gone.


I don't think it's green screen, they look a bit small for that but there's something there, you are right. There're green little rectangles on his glasses even when he is doing CPR, when he is looking directly at Norman's face but no green stuff around Norman's head. Perhaps green smoke would be harmful or expensive, so they used regular white vapor and shone green lights on the smoke to make it appear green and later forgot to turn those lights off.


There are monitors with green colored animations throughout that scene, in fact we can see a monitor behind the doctor in the shared screenshot. It could be that the monitor is getting reflected on the glass walls of the chamber which then gets reflected on doctor's glasses.


I just submitted a picture where one can see there's nothing green in front of the doctor.


27th Aug 2011

Spider-Man (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Osborn awakens in the vault, the position of his hand grabbing the doctor's throat changes positions depending on the angle.


25th Aug 2011

Goldfinger (1964)

25th Aug 2011

Goldfinger (1964)

Revealing mistake: In Fort Knox, after Oddjob cuts the cables with his hat, he and Bond fight and Bond smashes a metal bar against him. Sean Connery's stunt double is very noticeable because of his longer and bulkier hair.


25th Aug 2011

Goldfinger (1964)

25th Aug 2011

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: While Bond drives in Geneva, the landscape differs between the blue-screen shots inside the car and the ones outside.


25th Aug 2011

Goldfinger (1964)

Continuity mistake: When Goldfinger first strikes the ball, it is an awful hit and the ball flies flat close to the ground for a few meters; however, the shot changes and the ball is seen flying high.


Other mistake: The subway carriage stops by the Statue of Liberty ad, however, the one reflected on the cabin's glass is a VW ad.


Other mistake: When Superman flies next to the subway carriage and Lois spots him and smiles, he is flying in the opposite direction.


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