
Continuity mistake: Bond grabs Kissy's both arms to help her climb inside the raft. Shot changes and he's just grabbing one arm.


You Only Live Twice mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Bond starts flying the Nelly there's a close-up of him where a thick white outline appears around revealing his body has been cut-out and pasted on the flying footage. Problem is... his arm was erased. One might think it's an optical illusion caused by the visor but you can actually see the mountain right where his arm is supposed to be.


You Only Live Twice mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Bond destroys the two helicopters there are two thin wires above running along the screen, seemingly where they hung the scale models from.


Continuity mistake: When Bond leaves the Aston Martin on the mountain its roof and rear window are covered in snow. Right before it explodes the snow is gone.


The Living Daylights mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Bond drives on the frozen lake, there are mounts of snow to hide the explosives from the rockets fired at by the enemies.


The Living Daylights mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Before Bond lands on the yacht his parachute is burning and noticeable holes are made. A shot later the parachute looks perfect, except for a couple of steam clouds coming out.


22nd Oct 2022

The Lost City (2022)

Continuity mistake: When the imposter crashes against the barrier, the jeep blows away the right side, but it reappears a shot later. (00:05:11)


22nd Oct 2022

The Lost City (2022)

The Lost City mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the community manager is reading Grandma the new novel, a crew member with his arms raised is reflected on her lenses.


22nd Oct 2022

The Lost City (2022)

Continuity mistake: When Dash and Loretta drive away from the baddies, Loretta's hair keeps changing style all the time: sometimes neat, others messy, then back to neat, sometimes loose, others nicely tucked.


22nd Oct 2022

The Lost City (2022)

22nd Oct 2022

The Lost City (2022)

The Lost City mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jack is killed blood splatters on Dash's sweatshirt and T-shirt. A shot later the blood has changed colour, his T-shirt is spotless and most of the blood on the right side of the sweatshirt is gone.


22nd Oct 2022

The Lost City (2022)

Continuity mistake: After Jack frees Loretta she reaches for the map, which lies on the lower part of the table. A shot later it has moved to the middle part of the table.


22nd Oct 2022

The Lost City (2022)

22nd Oct 2022

The Lost City (2022)

Continuity mistake: The way Loretta unrolls her sleeve differs between shots: first she places her thumb under the fabric, then it's her hand over the fabric. (00:02:20)


Revealing mistake: While the lab explodes, Blofeld jumps a ditch followed by Bond. Bond's stunt is noticeable because of his longer and light brown coloured hair, as opposed to Bond's very dark colour. (02:11:40)


Continuity mistake: When Bond approaches Tracy to give her flowers, her sleeve stands out of the window or not, depending on the shot. (02:19:20)


On Her Majesty's Secret Service mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the thug is stuck to the spikes on the wall, the protruding safety pad under his clothes is very noticeable.


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