
Seeing the Light - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Miranda and Carrie talk about guilt Miranda grabs the glass form the upper part. Shot changes and she is now holding the middle part. Also, a couple seconds later she holds it close to her face or lower, depending on the shot. (00:05:59)


Continuity mistake: The tornado rips off the farm's roof, but it magically reappears with the house in perfect state after Superman arrives with the girl. He didn't have time to fix it. (Laserdisc and international extended editions).


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the tornado, when the little girl cries by the window check the lower corner of the window on the right and you'll see the white string moving the window. (Laserdisc and international extended editions).


Continuity mistake: When Superman walks towards the UN entrance there's a lot of people between him and the red car. A shot later the people have vanished and him and the kid are standing right next to the car.


Revealing mistake: After (superimposed) Superman stops the tornado, he flies away to the left. Instead, the farmer stares and moves his head to the right. The director forgot to tell him where the image would be placed. (Laserdisc and international extended editions).


31st Jan 2022

Spider-Man (2002)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mary Jane falls off the balcony she falls sideways except for a shot of her falling face down. Shot changes and she is falling sideways again.


31st Jan 2022

King Richard (2021)

Factual error: When Arantxa Sánchez Vicario cries in anger her accent is Mexican, not Spanish, because that's where the actress portraying her is from.


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