
17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

Sex and the City mistake picture

Hot child in the city - S3-E15

Continuity mistake: While doing the chicken breast fight, Wade wets Carrie's tanktop slightly, then he leans over the balcony and when we see Carrie again her tanktop is magically wetter. Then she leans over and its drier, but when she enters the house it's soaking wet.


17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

Hot child in the city - S3-E15

Revealing mistake: When Carrie is scooting through New York, there are literally crowds of people gathering together watching the filming and staring at Carrie and the camera. There's even a big group standing in the middle of the road despite the traffic with a cop in front controlling the situation.


17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

17th Jun 2020

Sex and the City (1998)

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