
23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Audio problem: After Dante kills a gunman and licks the bloody knife, the sound of the blade sliding against a rough surface is heard, but it was just sliding against his tongue. It's a more striking sound, but really odd, nonetheless.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: After Dante drops the dead bodies, he raises his hands. A shot later, they are lowered. (00:17:52)


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Dante arrives at Cipher's lair with the dead cops, he walks by the threshold twice between shots.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: After Cipher shows up, Letty wakes up Brian. His right hand swaps between lying on the duvet to being hidden beneath.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: Toretto corners Cipher, placing both arms on each side. When the shot changes, his left arm is suddenly lowered.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Toretto corners Cipher at his front door, her hairstyle swaps from messy around her face to neatly brushed sideways.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Cipher shows up at Toretto's place, her right arm is raised. Shot changes, and it's suddenly lowered.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: Inside the garage, Toretto and Han toast, but from the side angle, Toretto's arm is lowered. (00:12:20)


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: After lunch, a small RC car is about to crash against Tej, who steps away. Shot changes to a close-up, and he is repeating all previous movements.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: Abuelita ends her speech, stressing about legacy. When she says the word "never," she signals with her left hand while the right arm leans on the chair. A shot later, it's her right hand moving, palm up.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Tej tells Roman to stop eating during Abuelita's toast, her arm is either extended and leaning on the chair or bent against her belly.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Abuelita is pronouncing her speech, her hands are clenched next to her breast. A shot later, they're loose by her waist.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Abuelita clinks the bottle to make a toast, Ramsey lowers her fork. The shot changes, and she is eating and then lowers it again.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Fast X mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During lunch, Tej stands up to avoid sitting next to Roman and leaves an empty chair in between them. Shot changes, and he is back on his previous chair (the empty chair is gone).


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: During lunch with Abuelita, Mia grabs a soda while Ramsey serves herself some salad. Shot changes and Mia's arms are lowered, and Ramsey is drinking from a glass.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Hernan is watching the vault, Dante's pocket square changes style between shots. Check how the left side suddenly stands out.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Abuelita is about to hug Toretto, she lowers and spreads her arms, while Mia raises hers. Shot changes, and Mia's arms are lowered, and Abuelita's are raised.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Fast X mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Han is given the phone with his Tinder profile, he leaves a plastic wrap aside and holds it with both hands. A shot later, he's grabbing it with his right hand while the left holds the plastic wrap, and yet a shot later, the phone and the wrap have swapped sides.


23rd Dec 2023

Fast X (2023)

Fast X mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the heist at the beginning of the movie, despite there being two cars skidding, the underground road is covered in multiple skid marks from previous takes.


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