
Continuity mistake: After Beast becomes human he flies, then falls and once on the floor check the right side of his leg touching the stone floor. When the angle changes his shroud is now covering the floor.


Continuity mistake: When Luthor explains his plan to the three baddies the champagne bottle swaps between pointing at him or away. The glass next to the ice cube also moves nearer/further in different shots.


15th Mar 2020

Superman II (1980)

Other mistake: When the three villains jump out of the Daily Planet window they just break some glass; however, from a ground level shot huge chunks of concrete are falling. This is more dramatic, indeed, but senseless.


15th Mar 2020

Superman II (1980)

Revealing mistake: Right when the Metropolis fight is about to start, Superman flies to the Daily Planet and passes by a building. Check the pattern on the windows and you'll notice that the same small door on the left appears almost everywhere, revealing that a miniature was used.


15th Mar 2020

Speed (1994)

Revealing mistake: In the elevator, Payne grabs Detective Temple by his nose holes, but it's very obvious that Payne is not grabbing his nose and Temple is pushing himself sideways and upwards with his left arm.


14th Mar 2020

Spice World (1997)

Continuity mistake: While announcing their World Tour, Scary hails out loud and Sporty extends her arm bending it slightly. A shot later it's completely extended.


14th Mar 2020

Superman II (1980)

Revealing mistake: During the Metropolis battle, after Non and Super go down through the pavement, Non is launched upwards thorough the concrete. Check the people around, specially the cop on the right. They are blatant toys (note the cop's weird arms), revealing it is all a miniature set.


Continuity mistake: Right before the phoenix becomes Maleficent, Philip is comforting Aurora, with his hand around her head. A shot later the hand is gone and he is 2 meters away from her.


Continuity mistake: In London, Hurst is either holding the fish bowl parallel or perpendicular to him depending on the shot.


Continuity mistake: When Elliot shows up behind the fridge his mom kneels down and puts her head on his chest. From the opposite angle she is standing taller, with her head by his right elbow.


10th Feb 2020

Jumanji (1995)

Audio problem: When Alan is trapped by the floor he is given a wooden log and then tosses it away. The foley artist forgot to add the thump of the log crashing on the floor.


2nd Feb 2020

Spice World (1997)

27th Jan 2020

Jojo Rabbit (2019)

Continuity mistake: When the swimming pool scene is about to end, Finkel raises his arm and hand. A shot later it's lowered.


10th Jan 2020

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Continuity mistake: Kids buying fruit suddenly appear behind Peter when he arrives at the pizza place for the first time.


5th Jan 2020

Hobbs & Shaw (2019)

Hobbs & Shaw mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the car chase in the factory, Brixton jumps on the car and Hobbs and Shaw argue about who hits him first. When Shaw blows the first punch he is replaced by a very obvious stuntman who looks nothing like him. (01:18:40)


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