General questions about movies, TV and more

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I've been desperately trying to find the title of a film I saw a few years ago and really enjoyed. I can't remember any of the actors' names and the main plot line is a bit hazy, but hopefully I have enough information for someone out there to recognize it and tell me what movie this is. It's a drama with comedic elements, it's the story of 2 or 3 siblings, I remember the brother having some emotional issues (he smokes too much, stays up all night, never gets out of his pajamas or walks around completely naked) and having recently moved back in with an older sister (perhaps after a parent has died?). The younger sister (an actress with a Lizzie Caplan, Zooey Deschanel type of look) returns from out of town and sees her ex-boyfriend, now in a wheelchair. They'd broken up, she left town, he got drunk and wrapped his car around a tree and lost use of his legs. He's now engaged to an overweight pretty redhead who was his nurse and perhaps physiotherapist. Does any of this ring a bell to anyone? Toward the end of the film the younger sister character runs to the ex-boyfriend's house, breaks down crying, sits on his lap and he holds her, and eventually (after they've shared a kiss, I think) she falls asleep, only to wake up to find him hanging out with his new fiancee by their pool in their backyard. The chubby redhead fiancee invites the younger sister to the wedding with an invitation, I think. I remember the families of the ex-boyfriend and the younger sister used to be close friends, there is now some bitterness between younger sister's siblings who stand up for her, and the ex's parents. I hope this helps.

Answer: I don't know if this is the correct answer, but there is a movie called Our Idiot Brother. It does star Zooey Deschanel. The characters you describe are right, but the plot is different. Three sisters believe their brother is ruining their lives.

I saw this movie in the 90s where in one scene a girl and a guy are in a laundry room of an apartment, I think. The girl asks the guy if he wants to touch her breast. She sits atop of the washing machine while he does so. I also think the girl and her friend share the apartment room.

Answer: "Slums of Beverly Hills" starring Natasha Lyonne.


I remember watching a movie about 4 teenagers who gain powers. Two of them are siblings and the sister becomes evil. I think the movie is from the late 1990s or the early 2000s. Other than that, I don't remember much. If you could tell me the possible name of the movie, I would appreciate it.

Answer: This sounds like the 1996 movie titled The Craft, starring Neve Campbell.


I am looking for this comedy movie that I saw back in the 90s. I remember one scene only and it's about a guy who pretends to be paraplegic to get money from a very rich girl. He tells her that the only one who can cure him is a German (or Austrian) professor and that costs a lot if money. His other friend is trying to expose him so he pretend to be the German professor and started hitting his legs with stick or a sword, but the other guy keeps denying any feelings.


Chosen answer: "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," starring Michael Caine and Steve Martin. (

Captain Defenestrator

I am trying to find the name of a horror film that I saw back in the 1980's. The only scene I can remember is there is a man that is sitting in a trailer home at the kitchen table and his head starts to bubble up, then it explodes.

Answer: Scanners.

Trying to remember a movie I saw when I was a teenager on IFC. The movie was in Italian or another European language, set in the future, about a boy who can't go outside or he dies. I only watched the end. In the movie he's always stuck indoors so he talks to call girls on some webcam. The thing though is that you don't see the main character's face. It just shows the people he's talking to. When talking on the webcam he falls in love with a call girl. And vice versa, then he breaks it to her that he can't go outside. Then she shuns him, he ties to get in contact with her again but he can't reach her. So feeling heart broken he gets frustrated with his disease. The last part was sad because he calls his mom and asks her how's the weather outside that's when his mother knows he's going to go outside meaning certain death, she just tells him to put on a coat, it's chilly outside. The last part just shows the security camera of the boy about the go outside. Just about when he's going outside the movie ends.

Answer: There was a TV movie in 1977 titled "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble." It was an American film with John Travolta. The other is a Yugoslavian film from 1988 titled "The Dark Side of the Sun." It was Brad Pitt's very first starring role.

We saw a movie from the 80's which was a kids' action film I think. The only thing I can remember from it was that the two kids (maybe brother and sister) were caught and turned bad when the bad guys put round red devices behind their ears. Does anyone know what the movie was called?

Answer: Sounds like "Return to Witch Mountain".

I want to know the name of the movie in which there is a family trapped with black magic or something, they had been transferred to another dimension, found themselves standing on an old rock wall and had to play games or answer questions, and every time they passed, they moved along and climbed up high. I remember there was a woodcraft or voodoo doll for each member of this family.


I'm looking for the name of a movie my husband watched in the 80's. It's black and white, he said it came on one night after Car 54 on Nick at Night. He only remembers the ending as a cop was in a car, and it goes into the water. It's not very much info but if anyone has a clue as to what it is I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

I was very young when I saw this movie and only remember flashes. There is a scene I remember where a beautiful man is looking around a corner of a very old fashioned home, the walls were grey. There is also a beautiful young girl whom I think he is in love with. There's another man (I don't really remember) her boyfriend or perhaps her brother. And the young beautiful man is an angel, and in the end I think he is killed. I just remember all of the towns people gathering and lighting candles (by a river I think). The beautiful boy also had shoulder length blonde hair. And the girl's hair I think was brown. It could have been blonde. I'm not sure. But I know I loved this movie a lot and would really like to know what it is called. Thank you.

In movies where a giant being is attacking smaller beings, why is it that the giants always seem to be moving so slowly? Happens in video games often as well.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Firstly, giants are heavy, really heavy. If you double the height of an individual, simple maths indicates that their volume, and thus their mass, multiplies by a factor of eight. So anything huge is going to have a hell of a lot of mass to move around. Secondly, in order for a giant to appear to move at what we would consider normal human speeds, they would actually have to move their body at a much higher velocity than normal. Say, for example, that a human, walking fast, takes two paces every second. A giant ten times the size, in order to appear to be moving at human-normal speeds, would also have to be taking the same two paces per second. Given the ten-times-longer stride length, this would translate to the giant's limbs moving at ten times the velocity of the humans, with a correspondingly much higher acceleration and deceleration. Given the increase in mass (a giant ten times the height of a human would possess a thousand times the mass) and the need for much higher acceleration, basic physics (Force = Mass x Acceleration) dictates that the amount of force required to move at what would appear to be a normal speed is staggeringly higher than that required for a normal-sized human; ten times the acceleration and a thousand times the mass requires ten thousand times the force. While our theoretical ten-times-larger giant would have a thousand times the muscle volume, in order to apply the necessary force, those muscles would still have to operate at ten times the capacity of normal muscles to give the appearance of normal movement. Obviously in the case of fictional giants, that sort of muscular efficiency isn't out of the question (they are fictional, after all), but most creators recognise on some level that there's a certain implausibility there, and thus the image of the slow-moving giant has become an indication of something really big. And while their movements may appear slow, their increased size means that their actual movement speed is still likely to be considerably higher than human norms, so the slowness is somewhat misleading anyway.


I'm looking for a movie I watched at school. It was about a teenage girl who gives birth to a daughter, but because of her age she can't raise her, so the child is given up for adoption to a childless couple who raise her. 2 years or so later, the teenager decides that she wants her daughter back, and so goes to court to fight for her. Any help in finding this movie would be much appreciated.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: I think the name of this movie was Immediate Family. Could also be "This Child is Mine" with Nancy McKeon.

I'm looking for a film from the 50s or early 60s, Hollywood - a mother, father and daughter go on a cruise, the daughter has an affair and ends up pregnant. The family all go to live in South America during the pregnancy and then the mother claims the baby as her own (i.e., the real mother pretends she is the sister).

Answer: I think the name of the movie is Susan Slade, with Connie Stevens.

What is the name of a movie that was out in the late 80's or early 90's, which had a serial killer who turned out to be the son of a lady physician that had been doing abortions for women in his home since he was a kid?

Answer: "Criminal Law" (1988) starring Kevin Bacon and Gary Oldman - 'Bacon has a mother who practices abortion, as he was the product of a failed abortion attempt. Due to his heartache surrounding this issue, he takes it upon himself to kill the women who are clients of his mothers, as he feels they are murdering innocent babies...'.

I am looking for a film from possibly the late 80s, that somehow involves rich kids and horses and high school kids trying to sneak into college dorms. The film wraps up with a young couple who have been trying to be intimate with each other getting a fancy hotel room and trying to make the moment perfect, but consequently the girl gets food poisoning or the flu which botches their big plans. Right before the credits roll she finds him sulking on the shoreline outside the hotel and they sleep together there. Does this ring any bells?

Answer: Sounds vaguely like Private School, from 1983.


A few years back me and my dad were in a motel flipping through the channels. We came across a movie staring Bruce Willis. For whatever reason, we didn't watch much of it and went to something else, but it has always stuck out in my mind and I'd like to find it. The scene shown had Bruce Willis and Jack Black in it. To sight his gun, Bruce had Jack hold out a cigarette pack so he could shoot it. He shot off Jack Black's arm, and then killed him. What movie is this?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The Jackal (1997).


I'm trying to find a film I saw years ago, maybe late 90's early 2000's but can't be sure. It's a British film of a brother and sister who live with their father in the countryside, The father has become/is angry and abusive. The brother has developed feelings for his sister and attacks and kills the father when he tries to rape the sister. The only scene I remember is at the end, when the brother and sister are hiding and begin to kiss. I remember it pulling no punches.

Answer: Perhaps "The War Zone" (1999). It's a film by Tim Roth, and they live in the Devonshire countryside, and the boy (Tom) kills his father. Just that they don't kiss in the end, just sit down next to each other.

I'm looking for a lifetime movie where believe a teen girl was raped by a rich guy in a red car. The mother later searches for the boy by going to all the houses in the neighborhood with red cars and finds him. That's all I can remember.

I'm looking for the name of a movie that I saw on HBO in the late 80s or early 90s. It was a western movie with a teenage or young adult girl who runs away with a group of men on horseback for adventure. I want to say the name of her horse was something like Honeybelle and the title of the movie may have been "The Adventures of..." Any suggestions?

Answer: There is a movie from the 1980s titled "Cattle Annie and Little Britches." Two young girls, Amanda Plummer and Diane Lane, join a gang of outlaws led by Burt Lancaster.

Hi, I watched a movie in the 90's (I think) which had young characters seeking to adopt a child, but the investigator came at the same time as either a drug deal gone bad or maybe a home invasion. This was a dark-ish comedy with the young male character moving and hiding a body and other things happening along the same lines, and at the end they decide to forget it or just go on vacation or move. I'm not really doing justice to the movie as it was pretty good. So if anyone could help me with this vague question it would be appreciated. My last question here was answered spot on, so you guys are good at helping out, and thanks for that help.


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