General questions about movies, TV and more

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Does anyone know why story lines on daytime soap operas drag on for months? You can watch 2 weeks of episodes, yet it will still be the same day on the soap.

Answer: The writers for these soaps have to come up with new material on a daily basis. It's far easier for them to drag one story out than to come up with completely new plot lines ever other day.


I remember a movie back in the 80's along the lines if "Just one of the guys" where a girl wanted to know what it would be like to become a guy. One day there is suppose to be a big Eclipse and what she doesn't know is that this eclipse is the that one thing that is going to turn her into a guy. She goes through a couple of months realizing it hell for her and has to wait for the next eclipse to change back.

Answer: "Willy/Milly" - Pamela Segall was Milly and Patty Duke played her mom.

I remember a film from ages ago.I think this man was trapped in a jungle or woods.I then remembered when he actually got out, he then got run over by a truck. After all his efforts to get out, that happens. Please, do you know what the name of this film was?

Answer: Could this be "Sorcerer" starring Roy Scheider?

joe schuster

Answer: It reminds me of the movie, Lonely are the Brave (1962). Kirk Douglas plays a modern day cowboy, who runs afoul of the law. He escapes into the wilderness on horseback. Just when he believes he got away, he crosses a busy highway at night and is hit by a truck.

Can anybody help me name the movie I saw quite a while back? The film is British. It was about a series of murders of young girls. The crimes get solved by a young noblewoman and a police officer who of course fall in love. And the murderer is a quite mad wife of a local priest.

Answer: I believe the movie you're looking for is "The Cater Street Hangman" - a production based on the novel by Anne Perry about a British police inspector Thomas Pitt and the woman is Charlotte Ellison.

I am looking for a sci-fi movie that involved a lady on a space ship. At one point in the movie she exercises by doing an un-parallel bar gymnastic routine. I believe she is the lone passenger on the ship, but she does talk to the captain over the PA. I also seem to recall that the captain is actually just a personality downloaded to the ships computer.

Answer: Perhaps it's Nightfliers? Catherine Mary Stewart works out on uneven parallel bars and the captain appears as a hologram.

Grumpy Scot

I am looking for the name of a made-for-TV movie that started with the words "The Rape of ___", about a police detective who has a very cavalier attitude about rape until he is cornered in a basement by two criminals (and is without backup) and is taunted and raped by these men. The movie deals with his emotional/psychological problems as a result of his ordeal. The actor that played the lead role should have received an award, but I don't think he did and have never seen the movie again.

Answer: The movie is "The Rape of Richard Beck" starring Richard Crenna, from 1985.


Can anyone help me find the title of this movie? The only thing I remember was that a man was torturing a woman, but she somehow managed to get a gun. She then proceeded to humiliate him by forcing him to eat a dead rat out of a trap and drink sludge off the floor.

Answer: This sounds like the 1986 film, "Extremities" starring Farrah Fawcet as a women who is trapped in her home by a rapist. She is able to turn the tables on him, and he becomes the captive.


I'll try to be as detailed as possible. This is a late 70's, early 80's movie. Tenants at a high rise apartment building were being killed off 1 by 1. The police thought the killer was the night doorman whose name was Vincent, but it turned out to be the day doorman who was jealous of all the attention the night doorman was getting from all the tenants. The night doorman and his catatonic mother were the last victims before the police found out the truth. Also the night doorman had a rich female tenant who had a crush on him and was always trying to invite him up to her place for cake.


Chosen answer: Seems to be "Too Scared To Scream", 1985.


I am trying to find the name of a horror movie that came out in the late 70's or early 80's. All I can remember about the plot was there was a person killing people via the telephone. He would call them, the other person would hear rapid beeping, then the phone would explode in their ear, killing them.


Chosen answer: Cute name for the movie, "Murder By Phone", 1982.


I'm trying to find a movie I watched in the 90s about a girl who used to hide out in a horses stable when her father was drunk, when she grew up she acted like a horse when she was nervous or frightened. A horse-hand helps her to get over this. Does anyone know what the name of this movie is?

Answer: I believe the movie may be called 'The Girl Who Came Late' Miranda Otto and Martin Kemp star. It's set in Australia.

As a child, in the 80's, I saw a film about a man who was cursed to wear a bear's skin/coat. For many years, he was cursed, living in the wilderness. I recall a beautiful woman befriending him. I recall him being bathed, hair cut, beard shaved, nails clipped. I remember the coat being ripped from his flesh. And the end result is him being quite a handsome man. Sounds a lot like Beauty and the Beast, I know.but its not. It is not animated either. Thanks.

Answer: Sounds like "Bearskin, or The Man Who Didn't Wash for Seven Years."


I'm trying to remember the name of a movie. All I can remember from it is the bad guy laying on the ground almost dead. Then the good guy (or girl, don't remember) comes over to put him out of his misery by suffocating him. They say something to the effect of "This is more than you deserve" then before the person is dead the good guy changes his mind and the bad guy lives. Can someone please help me?

Answer: Sounds like the miniseries, "The Langoliers".

Grumpy Scot

Hello, I'm trying to find the title of a movie I watched as a child probably around early 90s. Im not really sure what the plot is, but it takes place in the UK I believe and revolves around these children finding the misty end of a rainbow and entering this magical realm. They arrive on a boat and there are people floating (I think) above their boat on this "canal." It is very surreal with flowing music and a lot of flowing colors and mist. This was a favorite of mine back in the day but neither I nor my parents can remember the title. Please, any help is so appreciated. Thanks.

Answer: I believe the answer is "The Great Land Of Small", I was looking for the movie myself and my description was the same as yours. I came across your question during my search, I hope this will help you.

I am after the name of a vampire film, probably from the 70's (it may be a Hammer film) - it involves a master swordsman vampire who died never having "met his match". The hero in the film is also a master swordsman and they meet in the end and the vampire is killed?

Answer: It seems to be "Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter" 1974 and it is indeed an Hammer film.


I would like to know the name of a tv show that I saw a few years ago. All I can remember is, in one episode this woman (main character?) went to see the famiily of her boyfriend, and he has a brother who pretends to be retarded after an accident the brother causes, and he feels quilty and looks after him and wears a helmet of some sort. In the end the family find out he is faking it.

Answer: This was an episode of "Just Shoot Me" starring David Spade and Laura San Giacomo. David Cross played the "retarded" brother. The episode aired in 1999 and is called "Slow Donnie".


In the movie "Very Bad Things," a song is playing during the hotel stripper scene. What is that song?

Answer: Might be better to have asked this in that movie's section, but the song is a clip from "Dirt" by Death in Vegas (oddly enough). I'm pretty sure.

I am trying to remember the name of a movie. I think it was about aliens that look like human beings and infect new ones to try to take over the Earth. In the final scene, two aliens, a man and a woman have a human baby in the back seat of a car. They turn around and speak to it in gibberish, showing us that they are aliens.

Answer: I believe it was called 'The V'.

Answer: Actually it's from a syndicated TV series, War of the Worlds. In the episode, governments agents are hunting an alien possessed human into a department store, to avoid capture he enters the body of a woman who is pregnant. When the agents track the alien to the hospital, she gives birth to a baby with alien DNA. After disposing of the alien and seeing a regular human infant, they allow it to be adopted. In the vehicle, the adoptive parents say, "To Life Immortal." The aliens' motto.

There's this movie that I've been trying to find that I can't really provide a lot of details about, because I watched it as a kid. I think it's an early 90's movie (definitely before 1996, anyway) or possibly late 80's (89 maybe). It's kind of an action film (sort of), and has a dark-haired, handsome young guy in the lead. The only thing I can remember is that in the movie, he gets a red convertible, and that towards the end, there's a burning (fire) scene, and he has these special shoes that help him stick to the roof (so that he doesn't fall). I know that's a very bad description, but it's all I can remember. Hopefully you can help. I watched it dubbed in French.

Answer: The movie was called "If Looks Could Kill." It starred Richard Grieco who is a high school student visiting France and is mistaken for a secret agent.


I saw a trailer for this movie maybe five or ten years ago. All I remember is that it is a summer camp movie, maybe some type of boy scouts. The only scene I remember is a counselor asking the boys if they brought their cameras. He then steps aside to reveal a naked woman (who I think is also a counselor) and all the boys start taking pictures of her. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Answer: What you are describing is a great scene in "I love trouble" with Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte. She is not naked but close and she falls in the lake.

Does anyone remember a movie, probably made in the late 70's early 80's somewhere in that time. All I can remember is that its a horror movie, about a little girl who fell in a well and died, its got some rhyme that goes with it but I cannot remember. I also believe that it has some type of clown doll in it also.

Answer: "Child of Glass."A Disney TV-Movie. A family moves into a haunted Louisiana mansion. The son makes friends with the girl ghost cursed to haunt the home. He must solve a riddle to free her. In the end, she is freed and leaves the doll, revealing the hidden diamonds within which cursed her in the first place, because she refused to give them to her cruel uncle.


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