General questions about movies, TV and more

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Recently watched a western movie, can't remember the actors names. The plot was about a man that died and left his ranch to his best friend. The best friend was to run it until the son was responsible enough to handle it. The friend went to Kansas to get a wife for the boy so that he would grow up and become a man. I believe he got her at a place called Hannah's. After many trials the friend decides that the boy should have the ranch, so he gives it to him and heads back to Kansas to Hannah's to hook up with Hannah. Does anyone know the name of this movie or the actors that played in it?

Answer: I just watched this movie a couple of weeks ago. An older western - the son is a drunk and is gambling all the money away.I really hope this is the correct movie it sounds right:

I saw a movie a while ago and I was wandering if you know the title. The plot is complicated and I'll use X and Y to explain it better. It's about a man (X) who is killed and reincarnates into a baby. It turns out that the father of the baby is the murderer (Y) and X wants revenge. The only way to do that is to commit suicide, and X tries many times, but every time his plans fail (the baby wants to drown in the bathtub, but his father stops him, or tries to pull down the heated iron, but the babysitter saves him and she arrives at the hospital with her hands burned). X had a girlfriend in his previous life and she is pregnant-Y decides to help her. At the end X discovers that Y is not the murderer, but in that moment X is reincarnated again, this time being the baby of his girlfriend. I'm sorry for writing so many explanations and I hope you'll read it. And another thing: I think it's a French movie, but I don't know for sure. Can you help me, please? Thanks in advance.


Chosen answer: I think that maybe you are talking about the 2003 French movie "Mauvais esprit", translated to Mean spirit. Thierry Lhermitte plays the lead role.

I saw a movie in the early 90's about a German concentration camp. It was a disturbing movie depicting happenings in the camp. I remember seeing people being led in to gas chambers etc. One particular scene I remember was a little naked boy trying to run away. The German guard let his dog loose and let it chase down the kid killing him. I need to know the title.


Chosen answer: The movie is "Escape from Sobibor" starring Rutger Hauer.

I saw a film from the 1990s or early 2000s. I only remember the end where the FBI, mafia, cops, a wanted fugitive (I think), criminals, and one of the main characters all get tricked into meeting at a cafe or restaurant. There is a massive shootout, and I think it was all set up to kill one guy. Thanks in advance for the help; this has been killing me for years.


Chosen answer: This sounds like Enemy of the State (1998), where crooked NSA agents, the mob, the FBI, a protagonist dressed as a cop, and another protagonist (a fugitive) all meet in a restaurant, where a gunfight ensues, and the good guys survive.


Does anyone know what movie had a guy in a wheelchair helping a girl become a great singer or piano player for a competition? He got killed in the end by the townspeople because they thought he was bad, when in fact, he healed people. There was also a little girl in it that limped really bad and he healed her. I recall there being a bridge and waterfall in it?


Chosen answer: The name of this movie is Rigoletto (

I can't remember the title of a movie. It was made sometime around the 70's-80's. It was about a group of humans that aged rapidly. They would only live for a month or something. They had to wait for the chosen one who would go on a journey to another land to find the cure but he had to get there before he died of old age himself. If anyone can give me a hand with this I would really appreciate it.

Answer: I searched for this too a while ago. I believe the movie you're looking for is "Quest" (1984).

Looking for the name of a french movie where a young boy is lying in bed with a woman (his nanny?) that lets him feel her naked breast. During this the boy's parents phone him on his cell.

Answer: Sounds like a scene found in "Private Lessons".

Answer: The movie "Private Lessons" is about a French nanny seducing a young boy. There are two scenes similar to what you described. The teen makes a move on her in a dark movie theater and she takes his hand and puts it on her breast. Later, when he is talking on the phone to his father, the nanny playfully taunts and flirts with him.

There was a movie that came out about 7-10 years ago about a man who had an affair with a woman and they had a child together. The man and his wife adopted the child but she did not know it was his child. The mistress was supposed to stay away from the child but was hired as the nanny for the child by his wife. He figures out who she is later. This movie is like one of those old English movies. Can someone tell me the name of this movie?

Answer: It is called "Firelight" and stars Sophie Marceau and Stephen Dillane. It came out in 1997.

I saw an animated movie as a kid, probably late 80's, about a wind-up toy that came to life. The toy was a father mouse and his son connected at the hands; the father picked the son up and did some kind of twirly thing with him. Anyway, they get separated out in the big wide world somehow and each one is trying to find their way back to the other. I don't remember any scenes at all except one were the child mouse is told by some other character (I can't recall who or what it was) that he needs to count the number of cats that appear in a poster advertisement for some cat food. I don't remember why he had to do this, but the trick to it was that the can of cat food in the poster featured the same image as the poster itself. As the mouse counted, the camera swept into the image and zoomed in on each smaller image as he counted. I think maybe he had to start over a couple of times for some reason. Also, in another scene either before the father and son were separated or perhaps after they were reunited, I remember them crossing some railroad tracks while still connected at the hands. Any help or suggestions will be much appreciated.


Chosen answer: The film is "The Mouse And His Child" made in 1977 (also known as "The Extraordinary Adventures of the Mouse and his Child" in USA) It was originally a book by Russell Hoban. I read it as a kid & never forgot the infinite number of dogs on the tin of Bonzo dog food!

Ok not much detail here but my friend told me of this movie about this person that goes through like the stages of Jesus's life and stuff Things like they get the wounds on their hands from the crucifixion I would love to know the name, if this sounds like anything you have seen let me know.


Chosen answer: Could very well be Stigmata starring Patricia Arquette and Gabriel Byrne.


I saw this movie about 3-4 years ago and missed much of it at the start, but this is what I remember. There is a woman (I think she died at the start) who is a tooth fairy and she comes to a boy (he may be her son) and speaks to him every night, and occasionally sings this song. Then she goes back to this place where there is a stairway to heaven (I think) and an elevator to hell, and she goes down screaming. The screen goes all white and you see her lying on the road (perhaps that's how she died) and she sees a traffic warden miming something like "you have one more chance". Any suggestions for the name of this movie would be amazing.


Chosen answer: Sounds a lot like "Toothless" starring Kirstie Alley.


I am trying to find a movie I saw in the late 70 's to early 80's that was a Nazi Germany-U.S. war movie where the U.S. took over a German town that had an area fenced off by the Germans that had a cave or pyramid in the middle that had a monster or evil force of some kind in it and would kill people that went in. It was in colour and was well made, not a B movie.

Answer: This film is called The Keep. It was directed by Michael Mann and released in 1983.

Gavin Jackson

I watched a movie in the early 80's that seemed to be set in Hawaii about a group of assassins hired to kill a group of bad guys. I think the name of the movie was 7 or seven but my searches result in nothing. I cannot remember the names of any actor but there were some very good scenes in it. An armored limo burned at a gas station, a long distance assassination involving breakfast and a missile while whistling "pop goes the weasel" and a martial arts fight up a high rise culminating in a fight with the boss only to have the assassin pull out a gun and say "hiyah my ass" and blow the guy away. The killings had to be done at the same time on the same day to keep suspicion down of the victims. Anyone with information here would be appreciated. It was a b movie and not well acted, but very entertaining nonetheless.

Answer: Yes it was called Seven and starred William Smith. It was actually made in 1979.

I remember seeing this movie many years ago (I think it was made late 80s, early 90s) but the only things I can recall about it was that there were two young boys (maybe 12 and 8ish) and the youngest wanted to get to California, so I think they ran away from home. Unsure whether they were related or not. I also remember a really big fake dinosaur in the desert and the youngest boy was amazed by it. At first, I thought it might have been The Cure, but then I saw it again and realized it wasn't. I have a feeling Joseph Mazzello might be in it, though. Can anyone help me out? It has been bugging me for years.


Chosen answer: I believe you're referring to "The Wizard", which came out in 1989.

I am trying to remember the name of this film I saw years ago, but the title escapes me. I remember something takes over the minds of the students of a high school, one of the scenes i remember is that there is a certain powder that is deadly to the creatures so some friends in a circle snort the powder to prove they aren't one, but one female deceives them by having the skin of their nose close up and block their nostril. Plus I remember a janitor in this film who uses the lyrics "hey, teacher leave those kids alone" just before he saves them. Any ideas anyone? It's driving me insane.

heavy hearted angel

Chosen answer: The Faculty starring Elijah Wood.


Trying to think of the name of a movie that came out within the past 3-5 years if I remember correctly. I thought it was Fred Claus at first, but I fast forwarded through the whole movie the other day and it wasn't it. All I remember is the end, where the main character was supposed to go to jail or something, but there was a group of kids at a orphanage that stuck up for him and helped him from going. I remember him confronting them all in a room and where there was both girls and boys. He asked them why they helped him after lying to them and doing what he did.that is all I remember. It's like a combination of Fred Claus and Role Models if that helps. I remember one of the girl actresses has been in a lot of things and has curly brunette hair.


Chosen answer: I think you mean "Bad Santa". It has Billy Bob Thornton and the girl you're thinking of is Lauren Graham.

I'm looking for the name of a TV series from the early to mid 90s. There were five (?) teenagers, and it either took place on the beach or they lived on the beach or something. They made movies (or commercials or something) on the beach. It's not Dawson's Creek.


Chosen answer: This might have been the "Party of Five" TV series.

Answer: It could be "The MacKenzies of Paradise Cove." A 1979 TV series, ran only six episodes. Five siblings lose their parents in a boating accident. In order to stay together, they persuade a gruff charter boat captain to be their guardian. It was set on the beaches of Hawaii.

In this movie that I saw in the mid 80s, all I remember is that it had children outwitting kidnappers. The kidnappers have one child's father. There is a fat kidnapper that chases the kids into a cave and when the kids go through a hole that kidnapper tries to go through it and gets stuck.


Chosen answer: I may be wrong but that film sounds like its The Goonies.

I saw a movie quite a few years ago about a man getting killed by accident before his wedding and he fights against death, then comes back for his girlfriend, but she gets killed just after the man gains his life back. Can anyone tell me the name of this movie?

Answer: "If only" starring Jennifer Love Hewitt.


I saw a movie when I was a kid in the early 80's, but I only remember a few parts, and I think it's a scary movie. Kids are in a school coatroom, when the school is closed. I also remember an angel or something at the end in a red dress, and there is a house on a beach side cliff that is lit on fire at the end. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: It sounds like you're describing Lady in White.


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