The Simpsons

The 7 Beer Itch - S32-E5

Continuity mistake: While Lily continues to "light up all the men's lives, except Homer's," when she walks into the power plant with picnic lunches, Homer is wearing a solid peach colored tie, but in the next shot it's a striped peach and pink tie. (00:11:00)

Super Grover

The 7 Beer Itch - S32-E5

Continuity mistake: At the end, when Lily is back at a pub in England and meets Homer's doppelganger, his single shirt pocket and button are at his right side, but as he and Lily leave the pub arm in arm his shirt pocket and button are on the opposite side. (00:20:20)

Super Grover

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Continuity mistake: Seymour's time as a POW in Vietnam changes throughout the show. One episode he mentions having been one for a year and a half. Another one he says it was two years. A third one he says it was three years.


Barting Over - S14-E11

Continuity mistake: When Tony Hawk and Homer compete against each other on the skateboards, Bart is on Tony's starting side. When Homer knocks Hawk off his skateboard, Bart is now on the side that Homer started on.

The Simpsons mistake picture

The Nightmare After Krustmas - S28-E10

Continuity mistake: While Krusty is in the hospital talking to Sophie, he pops the IV line from his arm so the tubing hangs down from the fluid bag. But when Krusty tells Sophie that he knows she's reaching out, suddenly Krusty's IV line is properly inserted in the cannula again, only to change back to the tubing hanging down. Also, the white pillow propping up Krusty's foot vanishes and reappears during these shots. (00:05:15)

Super Grover

The Simpsons mistake picture

The Nightmare After Krustmas - S28-E10

Continuity mistake: When Bart opens the door for Krusty and Sophie, Bart is standing on a floor mat, but in the next exterior shot, that indoor floor mat has vanished. Other changes include the cane's handle within Krusty's grip facing the opposite way, as well as Krusty's and Sophie's positions at the outdoor purple mat. (00:06:50)

Super Grover

The Simpsons mistake picture

Flaming Moe's - S3-E10

Continuity mistake: After Homer reveals the secret ingredient, one week later, Homer walks into Moe's. In the exterior shot, the door swings open at its right. However, when Moe lights the Flaming Homer, in the next exterior shot, the door swings open at its left. (00:21:00)

Super Grover

The Simpsons mistake picture Video

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Continuity mistake: This is a mistake for the introduction from seasons 2-20 (1991-2009). When Homer screams, he turns round. You see this in a wide shot. There are no boxes to the right of the door in the garage. However, two just appear out of thin air when he runs through the garage. (00:01:50)

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The Cartridge Family - S9-E5

TV Announcer: The Continental Soccer Association is coming to Springfield. It's all here: fast kicking, low scoring. And ties? You bet.
Bart: Hey Dad, how come you've never taken us to see a soccer game?
Homer: I don't know.
TV Announcer: You'll see all your favorite soccer stars. Like Arriaga, Arriaga II, Barriaga, Aruglia, and Pizzozza.
Homer: Oh, I've never heard of those people.
TV Announcer: And they'll all be signing autographs.
Homer: Woohoo!
TV Announcer: This match will determine once and for all which nation is the greatest on Earth. Mexico or Portugal.


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The Simpsons trivia picture

Trivia: Maggie scans as $847.63 in the supermarket at the beginning (not NRA4EVER, as Troy Maclure asserts in 3F31 "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular), the price it costs to feed and care for the average American baby every month.

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Question: Which episodes feature the "Howling Dog" (usually used on outside shots of buildings)?

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