The Simpsons

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: When Lisa arrives home after her parents gave the boy a party, she parks her bicycle near the path. When Lisa sees the boy with make-up on his face in the next shot, the bicycle is on the grass.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: When Lisa and Tumi have finished their square dancing, there is nothing to the left of the basketball stand, but when Lisa and Tumi are talking in the next shot, three balls have appeared.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: When Homer and Marge are eating cake with Grampa, Grampa says "Barney's yours for nothing" and there is a spoon next to Homer's arm. In the next shot, the spoon is by Homer's plate, and in the shot after that, it is by Homer's arm again.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: When Homer reveals the murderer in the story, he is holding a card in his right hand. When Booth tells Homer he has given away the game, the card has disappeared.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: When Marge and Maggie check out their groceries at the supermarket, the cashier says that she requires a price check on Gramma Shortcut's Store Bought Bundt Cake. The position of the cake on the scanner changes between shots.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: In a full view of the checkout, when the cashier requires a price check on Gramma's Shortcut Store Bought Bundt Cake, you can see beside Marge there is a stand and there is a man with a beard and glasses behind it. When we see Marge in the next shot, the man is now standing behind her, and there is also a couple who weren't there previously.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: When Marge puts down a dollar note on the scanner and takes the cake before leaving the supermarket with Maggie, the position of the dollar note on the scanner changes between shots.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: When the man is talking to the cashier in the supermarket after Marge and Maggie left, there is a dollar bill on the scanner. When the cashier tells him to "shut up", the dollar bill has gone.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: In a full view of Ear Poison on the stage at the block party, there are two guitarists next to the drummer, who were not next to him in the previous shot.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: When Marge and Homer are in bed, Homer puts down his glasses when she asks him why they don't have any couples' friends. When Marge says "I want friends!", we cut back to Homer and his glasses are nowhere to be seen.

Pay Pal - S25-E21

Continuity mistake: When Homer comes into the kitchen after Marge turned on the food mixer and got the room covered in mixture, you can see there is mixture in Marge's hair, but when we see her in the next shot, the mixture has gone.

Lisa the Vegetarian - S7-E5

Continuity mistake: In the cafeteria scene, the shots from Lisa's perspective show glass protectors with signs where the food is. However, when the shot switches to Lunch lady Doris' perspective, the protectors are gone.

The Simpsons mistake picture

Bart Gets An F - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: The door to Mrs. Krabappel's classroom has a window, but when Bart fakes being sick then walks out of the class (we see the desks as the door closes), the door's window has vanished, and the doorknob has switched sides as well. Additionally, earlier, when Bart deliberately falls off his chair in class, note that one of the bars on the back of his chair has gone missing. (00:07:35)

Super Grover

Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em - S18-E3

Continuity mistake: As the workmen begin to leave site after hearing that Homer is unable to pay them, a couple of tools are dropped on the ground; however, in the following shot, facing back towards the cabinet where Homer is hiding, the tools have disappeared.

More mistakes in The Simpsons

Homer's brain: It's simple, just use reverse psychology.
Homer: Reverse psychology? That sounds too complicated.
Homer's brain: Alright, don't use reverse psychology.
Homer: Alright, I will!

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The Simpsons trivia picture

Trivia: Maggie scans as $847.63 in the supermarket at the beginning (not NRA4EVER, as Troy Maclure asserts in 3F31 "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular), the price it costs to feed and care for the average American baby every month.

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Question: Which episodes feature the "Howling Dog" (usually used on outside shots of buildings)?

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