The Simpsons

Bart the Genius - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Ms Melon is talking to Bart during the chemistry experiment, she is holding her clipboard with one hand on the back, but in the next shot she is holding the board with both hands on the side.

Bart the Genius - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Richard, Milhouse and Lewis are playing marbles in the school playground, behind Lewis there is only a tree, but in the next shot a table appears from nowhere.

Bart the Genius - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: At lunch, two boys exchange Bart's sandwich for a grape. When they give him the grape, it lands in Bart's right hand but in the next shot he has it in his left hand, and when one boy gives Bart a cup, the grape is back in his right hand again, and in the shot after that, the two items have changed positions.

Bart the Genius - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Ms Melon is showing Bart his new classmates in the classroom at the Learning Center, you can see that Bart is standing in front of a wooden sculpture in one shot, but in the next shot he is standing in front of the bookcase.

Bart the Genius - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Homer and Bart arrive at The Enriched Learning Center, they go to the classroom and you can see there is a sign outside the room saying "Learning Center: Grade IV." But when we see the two a little later on, the writing has gone.

Bart the Genius - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Bart picks up his chair after falling during the intelligent test, you can see there is only a pencil on his desk. In the next shot, his paper appears from nowhere. (00:06:00)

Bart the Genius - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Homer grabs hold of Bart's arm and demands to know what a "Kwyjibo" is, he is holding a brown skinned banana in his left hand. The banana remains in his hand when Bart is forced to explain what a "Kwyjibo" is, but when Homer begins to chase Bart, the banana has gone. (00:03:10)

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Continuity mistake: This is a mistake for the introduction from seasons 2-20 (1991-2009). When Homer screams, he turns round. You see this in a wide shot. There are no boxes to the right of the door in the garage. However, two just appear out of thin air when he runs through the garage. (00:01:50)

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The Cartridge Family - S9-E5

TV Announcer: The Continental Soccer Association is coming to Springfield. It's all here: fast kicking, low scoring. And ties? You bet.
Bart: Hey Dad, how come you've never taken us to see a soccer game?
Homer: I don't know.
TV Announcer: You'll see all your favorite soccer stars. Like Arriaga, Arriaga II, Barriaga, Aruglia, and Pizzozza.
Homer: Oh, I've never heard of those people.
TV Announcer: And they'll all be signing autographs.
Homer: Woohoo!
TV Announcer: This match will determine once and for all which nation is the greatest on Earth. Mexico or Portugal.


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Trivia: The only voice artists who regularly perform as only one character are Yeardley Smith as Lisa and Marcia Wallace as Edna Krabappel. Yeardley has also voiced different versions of Lisa (Lisa Jr. and Lisabella) in at least two other episodes.

He's My Brother

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Tree House of Horror V - S6-E6

Question: Homer travels back in time and causes changes by what he does in the past, like stepping on a bug. I once saw a movie with the same basic plot: some people travel back in time and are told to be careful not to disturb anything, but when they return to their time everything has changed. In the end they discover it was because they stepped on a butterfly. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: I'm not sure if this is the one you're thinking of, but an episode of "Ray Bradbury Theatre," called "A Sound of Thunder," dealt with a similar matter: a group of hunters travel back in time to hunt dinosaurs, only to find things have changed when they get back because someone stepped on a butterfly.


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