
Corrected entry: When the Troll stabs Frodo in Balin's tomb, it stabs the left side of his stomach with the blade held horizontally. When Frodo sits up and is alive, the stab mark on his shirt is on his right shoulder and it is vertical.

Correction: That's because it's from an earlier wound - the Witch King stabbed Frodo in his right shoulder on Weathertop.


23rd Feb 2006

Doom (2005)

Corrected entry: The skeleton of Lucy and her child- they wouldn't die in that position (her shielding the baby) if there were mutants/demons attacking; she'd be torn apart, thrown against a rock/wall, etc. as would the child. The only way they could die and be preserved in that manner would be if she died from a volcano (ie Pompeii). When asked "How did [she] die?" Samantha replies "We don't know". Death by volcano is easy for a master archaeologist to spot.

James King III

Correction: Reaper and Samantha are not talking about Lucy and her child specifically, but the entire race they belonged to. Sam describes how their extra chromosome made them smarter, stronger and healthier, and also how the extra chromosome must have been artificially made, since earlier skeletons don't have it. Reaper then asks "If they were so smart, how come they're so dead?", to which the answer is "we don't know". So the conversation is about why an entire race of advanced beings suddenly died out, something a volcanic eruption would not be capable of.


After they finish discussing how such a super race died out, Reaper makes a rhetorical statement asking what she was protecting the baby from. Ultimately I think this is a character mistake by Reaper, assuming the skeletons were found in the same position as they are being displayed.


21st Jul 2007

The Shining (1980)

Corrected entry: Jack runs away from the woman in room 237 and if you look out the front door the hallway is lit up. When he finally runs out of the room the hallway is now dark. (01:15:55)


Correction: This may be because Jack is inside a ghostly illusion in room 237 - seeing a lit hallway from inside the haunted room is part of the way that particular ghost manifests itself. When Jack stumbles out, he sees the hallway the way it really is, dark.


21st Jul 2007

The Shining (1980)

Corrected entry: In room 237 the chairs and table on the right side of the bedroom are dark. When the old woman follows Jack out of the bathroom he walks through the bedroom again and all of these items are now lit up. (01:15:25)


Correction: That may be because the entire room is part of the ghostly illusion - the first time Jack sees the bedroom the way it really is, but after the ghost appears, he sees the room the way it was when she died.


15th May 2007

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Corrected entry: During the "runaway crane" incident, Spider-Man comes to save the crane driver and stop the crane. Gwen is being knocked out of a building, he saves her and then swings off, never at all stopping the crane, or saving the driver.

Correction: By the time he was done rescuing Gwen, the power to the block would be cut off, just like Cpt. Stacy ordered earlier. The crane would not be a threat anymore, and the driver could easily be taken to safety.


10th Jul 2007

The Shining (1980)

Corrected entry: Wendy's reaction to the old bloodied gentleman in the back of the lobby is great but if you look closely there's no reason for it as he doesn't move or make a sound while she's obviously facing the other way. (02:12:40)


Correction: Look again. He raises his glass in a toast and asks her "Great party, isn't it". So he both moves and speaks.


10th Jul 2007

The Shining (1980)

Corrected entry: Wendy is in the apartment talking to herself trying to decide what she should do with Danny and we see the right side of the apartment as she walks around. Lots of stuff has disappeared since Mr. Ullman's tour, most notable is the lamp on top of the bookcase. (01:31:50)


Correction: As explained several times already, time has passed between Ullmann's tour and later scenes. It is quite possible for the Torrance's to have moved things around in the days or weeks they have been there. Especially in their own apartment, where they want to be as comfortable as possible.


10th Jul 2007

The Shining (1980)

Corrected entry: As Jack talks to Delbert Grady in the bathroom he says, "You chopped your wife and daughter into little bits," yet we have been told that he had two daughters by himself and Mr. Ullman, and we see two in all of Danny's visions. (01:27:25)


Correction: Character mistake - Jack misremembers and thinks Grady only had one daughter.


4th Jul 2007

The Shining (1980)

Corrected entry: In the Colorado Lounge a sofa appears facing, and in front of Jack's desk as he throws the tennis ball. During Mr. Ullman's tour it wasn't there. (00:37:45)


Correction: As explained several times before, between Mr. Ullman's tour and following scenes from the Overlook several days, if not weeks, have passed. There has been plenty of time for the Torrances to move furniture around to places they prefer. After all, they are going to be stuck inside the hotel for several months, might as well make themselves as comfortable as possible.


13th Jul 2007

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Burns is filthy rich, and could easily have payed to have a cassette deck installed, seeing how he had always wanted to play Ride of the Valkyries while riding a tank into battle. It is of course a spoof of "Apocalypse Now", where helicopters were fitted with tape players and loudspeakers blasting the same music.


26th Jun 2007

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: When Dr Octavius first meets Peter he says, "Intelligence is not a privilege - it's a gift to be used for the good of mankind." But in the scene towards the end of the movie where Doc Ock has realized that Spiderman is Peter Parker, Peter says, "You once spoke to me about intelligence, that it was a gift to be used for the good of mankind." Doc Ock nods his head and says, "A privilege." He's contradicting himself.

Correction: Character mistake - he misremembers. Not surprisingly, considering the stress he's been under lately.


Corrected entry: When the Bride is looking at Hattori Hanzo's various swords in his loft, she reaches for one in a reddish brown scabbard. Hanzo tells her to reach for a different one. When the whole display of swords is shown, there is no reddish brown scabbard on any of the swords. (00:51:55)

Correction: Yes, there is - the mistake, as noted elsewhere, is that the sword has moved to a lower position on the stand, but it is still there.


26th Jun 2007

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: Early in the movie, in the scene where the goat is presented to try and attract the T-Rex, Lex claims to be a vegetarian. Yet later in the movie, Lex is eating jelly, which contains gelatin, an animal derived product, which is unsuitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Correction: Character mistake or decision - she either didn't know, or was hungry enough not to care.


Perhaps the jelly was made with a vegetarian gelling agent?

Correction: It is possible to make jelly using pectin. This would make the jelly vegan.


26th Jun 2007

Shrek 3 (2007)

Corrected entry: In scenes where Pinocchio tells a lie, his nose grows in size. In each subsequent scene, however, the nose has returned to its normal length.

Correction: That's a joke. Or if an explanation is demanded, either a) Pinocchio could have shortened his nose himself in between scenes, with some simple knife work, or b) His nose grows back by itself. As Pinocchio is a magical being, it is impossible to say what his limitations or exact qualities are.


26th Jun 2007

Casino Royale (2006)

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie, Vesper goes to the bank and withdraws the 120 million dollars to deliver to Mr. White. Next we see her carrying a silver briefcase through the streets of Venice. Then after she's dead, Mr. White presumably fishes it out of the water, and we see him carry it off, but what is in it? Certainly not 120 million dollars or money of any denomination. It would never fit.

Correction: Bearer or corporate bonds would easily have fit into a briefcase of that size, even in the amount of 120 million dollars.


7th Jun 2007

The Shining (1980)

Corrected entry: In the long shot of Jack typing just before the shot of Wendy trying to phone the forest rangers we see that there's no rug in front of his desk. It was there during Mr. Ulman's tour. (00:20:45 - 00:47:05)


Correction: Several weeks pass between those two scenes. Plenty of time for the Torrances to move the rug.


Corrected entry: In the film, Hal Moore repeatedly fires his weapon at NVA soldiers near the command post. In actuality no NVA soldiers got into the command post area, and Hal Moore never fired his weapon.

Correction: Artistic license, not a mistake.


This is still a factual error. Any factual error could be said to be "artistic licence." That doesn't mean it's not a factual error.


I don't think you really know the definition of "artistic licence" or "factual error." This movie is a dramatization, not a documentary. As such, film makers are free to use artistic licence to further the action and make the story more intense. Having Moore, for instance, use a gun that was made after the Vietnam War, would be a factual (historic) error.


It becomes a gray area and I agree the term "artistic license" is too much of a blanket statement that can be used to wipe away factual errors. Generally artistic or dramatic license can allow a film, show, or book based on a true store to have composite characters, fictional characters, or real characters doing things in dramatic fashion. But having NVA soldiers in an area they historically never were should be a mistake just like if a dramatization of Apollo 11 mission had a crew of 4.


Corrected entry: In the scene when Barbossa and the others are sailing to the arctic regions the opening shot is of Jack the Monkey. The monkey is shivering, but he's still undead, so shouldn't feel the cold.

Correction: As explained several times in corrections for the first movie, pirates (and monkeys) under the Aztec curse can still feel uncomfortable sensations, such as pain and cold. They are only unable to experience pleasure.


Corrected entry: Numerous times while in the outside, you cannot see their breath in the cold. For example while Lexx is being persuaded on the ship by the two men to help with the expedition, because of the cold, you should be able to see their breath, but you don't. They are in Antarctica which should be very cold.


Correction: As explained several times for other movies, visible breath has nothing to do with cold. It is the humidity of the air around you that matter.


This is a misunderstanding of the role humidity plays in seeing your breath. Seeing your breath is the result of your breath and outside humidity combining to be 100% relative humidity, meaning you're able to see your breath at higher temperatures if outside humidity is high enough. You can affect relative humidity by increasing humidity or decreasing temperature. This means at certain temperatures (usually below 45°F) you'll always see your breath. Given the Antarctic temperatures in the film, we should always see their breath, no matter what the humidity is.


Corrected entry: There is a gigantic store yard behind the Titty Twister, so why keep this pretty unnecessary stuff in a store room? Just so a few survivors of a blood fest can use it as weapons?

Correction: The stuff is there for the vampires to use, or to sell on the black market.


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