
Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, when we find out Vince didn't scan all the items, they pull out the receipts to confirm this. The guy who pulls them up says that both receipts have the same amount of items. How is this possible if Vince didn't scan all the items? The competition was made so both carts would have an equal amount of items.


Correction: You just answered the question. The carts had equal items. The receipt shows much fewer items on Vince's receipt that had been scanned. He didn't mean the receipts had the same amount of items, he meant the carts had the same amount of items. His lines were awkwardly worded, but the meaning is clear.


7th Jul 2009

The Langoliers (1995)

Corrected entry: The seats on the plane are filled with accessories (watches, dentures, etc) because the vortex sucked everything living. Then why wasn't their clothing left behind?

Correction: This should be under questions, not mistakes. There's nothing in the submission to indicate it's a mistake, just an opinion/query from the submitter.


8th Jul 2009

Knowing (2009)

Corrected entry: Screen shows Nicolas Cage at his computer typing in the Latitude and longitude coordinates for the next disaster. He types in Lat 40.71 Long 74.00. That location is on the Kyrgyzstan and China border. Correct Latitude is 40.7156 and Longitude -74.0031. Should have been a negative number for Longitude. (00:55:30)


Correction: Longitude can also be exressed as E or W, instead of + or -. Some GPS systems that I have used, only need numerical information entered, because they are programmed for regions where they are going to be used. In other words, since the unit is only used in North America, there is no need to designate a - or + when entering data, or E and W, as the program recognizes that all the data will be for the region programmed into it.


Corrected entry: When Darren is having lunch with Sandy, on their first date, she's in a nun's outfit. As lunch begins, Darren says his fiance died and starts crying. Sandy comes to his side and starts singing Neil Diamond. Darren waves his hands and in a quick succession says, "Wait-Amanda-wait, you like Neil Diamond too?" Amanda is the actress's name. The character's name is Sandy.


Correction: He says "Wait a minute, wait, you like Neil Diamond, too?"


Corrected entry: In Egypt the Transformer that is sucking everything into itself, it's sucking all kinds of things and we see in one scene where the walls of a trailer are ripped off and sucked into the monster. Just in front or on the side of the trailer is a little table with a lamp and some other kind of decoration on it but it never moves. How can the walls of a trailer be torn off but a little table with stuff on it stay where it is?

Correction: Oddities like that happen in real life. For example, a tornado destroying everything in a yard, including tearing away a garage, but the car inside had no damage, not even scratche3d paint. Forest fires burning down every house on a block except for one which, for no apparent reason, doesn't even get singed. Just two examples of inexplicable things happening.


23rd Jun 2009

Imagine That (2009)

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, the school auditorium is filled with people for a children's concert. Olivia, the daughter of Eddie Murphy's character, is unable to sing her song until she sees him enter the building and walk down the aisle. He sits down next to his ex-wife. Amazingly, that was the only vacant seat in the auditorium.

Correction: Why so amazing? She came alone to the auditorium so odds are there's going to be an empty seat beside her. Coincidental, yes, unlikely perhaps, but not impossible, and not a mistake.


3rd May 2009

The Reader (2008)

Corrected entry: Michael and Hannah lived in West Berlin. In 1958 it was a closed enclave inside communistic German state (DDR), so a secret two-day bicycle tour in the countryside would be impossible for an under-age boy without parents.


Correction: During the cafe scene where they have a meal, it's plain to see the waitress presumed Hannah was his mother, and in fact she makes a comment about hoping his mother enjoyed the meal. It was only when he kissed Hannah that the waitress thought anything differently.


25th Jun 2009

The Robe (1953)

Corrected entry: This movie was made at the time of the Hayes code. Jesus's face is not allowed to be seen. So how were they allowed to have him speak from the cross? Unseen, of course. Surely that was a no-no that got past the censor.

Correction: The Hays code only required that religion not be presented in a negative way or ridiculed, and that ministers were not to be comic characters or villains. This applied to all religions, not just Christianity. There was no provision saying you couldn't show Christ, as long as it was not in a derogatory manner. The producers choosing not to show Christ's face would have had nothing to do with the Code, and allowing him to speak from the cross would not have been censored.


Corrected entry: In the set-up sex scene, Colonel Derricks is wearing a watch on his left wrist. But when he sits up and reaches out for Sayuri, there is no watch on his wrist. (02:01:55)


Correction: There is time between the shots for him to remove his watch for sex, which others do as well.


25th Jun 2009

The Proposal (2009)

Corrected entry: At the start of the movie, when 'Andrew' goes into the offices carrying the Starbucks coffees, the street scene shows a cop approaching the office doors. Three days later (story-wise), when 'Margaret' is getting removed from her office, the establishing shot shows the same cop walking in front of the doors. Either a re-used scene or a very slow cop on foot patrol.

Correction: Or a cop who walks the same route everyday, and passes by the door at about the same time everyday.


22nd Jun 2009

Quantum of Solace (2008)

Corrected entry: During the dogfight, Bond slows down and the smaller plane gets caught in the smoke from the engine, and comes close to stalling. But throughout that entire section the fighter pilot just carries on in the smoke, without firing a shot, despite being in a perfect firing position. This goes beyond a character decision - there's no reason for him not to shoot from that position and/or break off to a safer place, other than it gives Bond the chance to make him crash.

Correction: You can't shoot what you can't see. Besides, having flown in dense fog, similar to smoke, you are concentrating so much on flying the plane, watching the instruments to make sure you don't get inverted unintentionally, you don't think of anything else but flying.


25th Jun 2009

Halloween (1978)

Corrected entry: During the closing montage of shots, you can see Michael carrying Annie on the left side of the shot at the Wallace house. (01:28:25)


Correction: How is that a mistake? There's not enough information here, or a reason why it's a mistake.


22nd Jun 2009

Blazing Saddles (1974)

Corrected entry: A man and his horse are being hanged. When Hedley Lamarr looks out of his office window for the second time, he tells Boris he has a special, and Boris replies: I couldn't possibly fit him in until Monday, sir. I'm booked solid. The scene shows the man sitting on his horse, on the scaffold - and you can see power lines in the background. Movie is set in 1874.


Correction: They could have been telegraph wires, which were in operation in the US since 1844.


4th Nov 2008

Happy Gilmore (1996)

Corrected entry: If Happy has enough money to bid on his Grandmother's house then he has enough money to pay the back taxes to the IRS and stop the auction. Also, the IRS only cares about the taxes, anything bid over the tax amount is returned to the owner. Happy could bid a million dollars and win, at which point he'd have to pay his own Grandmother, something we can probably assume she wouldn't sue him for, given their relationship.


Correction: Except that the IRS gives a specified time to pay the taxes. IE, if the taxes are not paid by such and such a date, the auction will proceed. Happy didn't have enough money by the deadline, but did have enough once the auction started. The IRS would take the taxes owed out, and any money over the amount would go to the owner, however, the person purchasing the house can still force her to move out. Any bid at an auction is legally binding and would have to be paid. There are laws against this, and laws against bidding on your own property (or property of a friend or family member) to jack the price up.


3rd May 2009

The Uninvited (2009)

Corrected entry: When Anna goes down to the boathouse at night, because she hears her mother's bell, the outdoor light is on. Then when she sees her mother the light is off, but when Alex comes in the light turns back on. In the next shot it's off again.


Correction: The outside lights are motion sensitive, as seen in other scenes when Anna and Alex are walking outside the house and they are startled by the light snapping on.


7th May 2009

Top Gear (2002)

Show generally

Corrected entry: In the episode where they are testing the cars by British Leyland, James May bought a 1978 Austin Princess, and said it was the first car to "obscure its wiper spindles" when in fact, it was not. The Dodge Challenger had that in 1970.


Correction: He means the first British Leyland car to have obscured spindles. The Chevy Corvair, for example, also had hidden spindles, back in the '60s.


29th Nov 2002

Space Camp (1986)

Correction: It's only about 600 miles, or about a 1 hour flight.


Corrected entry: The scientific paper about a case study concerning Jason Treborn only deals briefly with him. Most of the text contains historical background information about research concerning schizophrenia and has nothing to do with Treborn's case at all.

Correction: Scientific papers frequently reference previous studies and research in the study it is currently discussing. It's not unusual.


6th Jun 2009

Up (2009)

Corrected entry: When Carl's house is floating through the air, suspended by thousands of helium balloons, he is able to control its direction by means of ropes attached to the weather vane. The movement of a tiny weather vane would have absolutely no effect on the direction of a two-story floating house.

Correction: If we can accept a two story house being able to float with balloons, we have to suspend disbelief on how it is maneuvered. It's not logical to accept one facet of a fantasy, and not another.


Corrected entry: The film is set between 2007 and 1976, and during a scene in 1976 the lead character, Tommy, goes to a diner. The waitress asks what he wants, and laughs when he says "coffee," citing his young age. She brings up something else instead: Cherry Coke. However, Cherry Coke was first introduced to a test audience at the 1982 World's Fair. It went into mainstream production in 1985. The scene happened nine years too early.


Correction: The problem with quoting Wikipedia is the information there is not always 100% accurate. In diners, since at least the 1940s, fountain drinks could be ordered with a shot of flavoring, one of the most popular being cherry. Cherry coke doesn't necessarily mean only the product sold by Coca Cola, since many diners had been adding flavorings for decades by the 1970s.


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