Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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This isn't the movie Sleeper or Idiocracy or Planet of the Apes. A man is put into a stasis pod and shortly after that, the facility he is in collapses and his stasis pod is lost. About maybe three hundred years later, a group of people find his stasis pod and manage to open it. He discovers that they have no technology and they wear long gowns.

Answer: While the scenario described could apply to several sci-fi stories, films and television shows, it sounds very much like the 1973 made-for-television movie "Genesis II, " which was a pilot for a TV series that Gene Roddenberry attempted after "Star Trek" was cancelled in 1969. The premise of "Genesis II" was that a NASA scientist volunteers to test a suspended-animation chamber in the late 1970s; once he is successfully suspended, however, an earthquake buries the chamber for over 150 years. The scientist is revived in a post-apocalyptic world where the human population is greatly reduced and much of global civilization has gone back to a primitive state. Not all technology has been lost, but the humans of the future are largely ignorant of how to operate the old technology; this makes the NASA scientist from the past extremely valuable in the future. Unfortunately, "Genesis II" was never picked up as a TV series. In 1974, Gene Roddenberry revamped the "Genesis II" concept into another made-for-television pilot movie called "Planet Earth" (essentially the same story and characters as "Genesis II"). The networks didn't pick up "Planet Earth" as a TV series, either. Http://

There was a movie with Tom Hanks and Jackie Gleason where they portray father and son. In one scene, they are both at a restaurant when Jackie says that his left foot keeps bothering him. Tom tries to remove his shoe under Jackie's protest but, when he does, he sees that half of Jackie's foot is completely black. The next scene has a doctor tell Tom that half of Jackie's foot had to be amputated.

Answer: The movie in question is Nothing in Common ( It was made in 1986 and is the only movie where Tom Hanks and Jackie Gleason portray a father and son. This was also Jackie Gleason's final movie before his death in 1987, the following year.

Casual Person

There was a game for the video game console, Sega Saturn. It takes place in a mansion located in the afterlife. All of the inhabitants are dead and they take the forms of butterflies. The player, along with one of the inhabitants, is looking into mysterious things that are occurring such as one inhabitant being destroyed which leads them to discover that one of the other inhabitants is working with an evil entity. One of the items that the player is given is a deck of tarot cards that represents each of the other inhabitants.

Answer: This game is "Mansion of Hidden Souls".


There was a movie that took place at a military academy. The only scene I saw was of a cadet standing in the office of a military instructor with a high ranking officer standing right beside the cadet. From what I could make out, the high ranking officer gave the cadet full authority to handle a situation that had plagued the academy. When the officer leaves, the cadet then tells the instructor that him and some students are to graduate with full honors as well as given some graduation rings or some other item. The second thing the cadet wanted was for the instructor to quietly resign from his post. At first the instructor refuses but, the cadet tells him to look out his office window. When the instructor does, he sees another cadet holding some envelopes in his hand. The cadet then says that in the other cadets hand are some letters that, if the instructor fails to comply to the requests, will be mailed out to newspapers and other media exposing what happened at the academy. The instructor is left with no choice but to agree. This is not the movie Taps.

Answer: You are describing the end of the 1983 film "The Lords of Discipline, " based on the book by Pat Conroy. (film).

Charles Austin Miller

Does anyone know the name of the movie with a woman stuck in a house and she can't go outside. As soon as she steps out something strange happens to her. She can't breathe or walk, so she has to go back in. I was able to watch only the last 15 min of the movie years ago. But as far as I remember, her body was lying in a hospital room and somehow a doctor was trying to send her a message to make her "choose." I can barely remember that she was having a flashbacks about a guy and a baby that died in that house. After the flashbacks she got the "message" and made her "choice" and was able to go out of the house without the strange things. Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.

Aysen Yoruk

Chosen answer: There are several movies with that plot, but the closest you describe is Frozen with Fear (2001). Bo Derek plays a woman unable to leave her home after the murder of her husband and child. After hiring a private detective to investigate, she is forced to flee, when the killer comes for her.

I'm looking for the title of a movie. All I know is the first scene is a night club where a man goes and then gets arrested for something. But in the van he becomes a werewolf and massacres the two guys in the front. They discover the remains of one, and frankly it is gory. Any clues?

Answer: This is a movie from the 1980's called "The Monster Squad". A man goes into a police station screaming that he's a werewolf. He takes a cops gun and fires it into the air begging to be locked up. He is killed and as his body is being taken away, he changes into the werewolf and kills the driver.

A cop movie where the murderer strangles women in the order of a song. The detective has an affair with his boss' daughter. Maybe in the late 80's?

Answer: The movie is the January Man. An all star cast. Kevin Kline plays an unorthodox ex-cop rehired to catch a serial killer. One of the victims is a personal friend of Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, who plays the daughter of the police commissioner, played by Rod Steiger. The killer kills once a month to the old song, Calendar Girl.

From what I vaguely remember it's about a woman in a fancy big house. There is a party going on. This guy is being nice to her and they are flirting. She says she has to go somewhere. He begs her to stay with him - she promises to come back, then she goes off, races back, and when she comes back the house is old and some person tells her no one lived there for over 100 years. I think if she had stayed the spell would have been broken. If someone has any ideas please put me out of my misery.


Chosen answer: It sounds like you're thinking of "Brigadoon". A Scottish village is under a spell where it only appears for one day every 100 years (which was done to preserve the way of life of the villagers.) When two men find it, one falls in love with a woman villager and if she were to leave the village, the spell would be broken and the village of Brigadoon would disappear forever, along with everyone in it (if he stayed he'd have to leave the real world behind). There's been a lot of adaptations of the story, so not sure which version you saw. Two versions I know of are a 1954 film and a 1966 TV movie.


The movie described in the question is not "Brigadoon." For one, the entire village disappeared and there was no old house with someone in it that remained in the intervening 100 years. Also, in Brigadoon, it was the man who came upon the village, not the girl.


Possible, but I've noticed when people only have a vague memory of things, they confuse what they saw with another film or mix up some points. The key points of 1 day and 100 years and a broken spell pointed to "Brigadoon." But there's been adaptations of the film that the person might have seen which may have alternate minor plots that I'm not familiar with, which I mention so the person could have a reference to look for in case I was wrong in guessing what they saw. I've noticed with these general questions that the original posters sometimes reply if the suggest film is not what they were thinking of.


I'm desperately looking for what I believe is an 80s or early 90s movie. It's an actress with a pixie cut blonde hair...she babysits this good looking young boy at a beach house I believe for the summer. They end up sleeping together near the end.

Brigid Gatchell

Chosen answer: It sounds like the movie Stealing Home (1988) with Mark Harmon and Jodie Foster. Https://


A crime show episode when a little boy is kidnapped from his bedroom window at night. The mother goes into wake him up but realises he is gone. The police investigate and realise the window was flipped. A male and female detective look for him and they are left clues with pictures of the boy with writing on them. Soon, they know the kidnapper is a girl. They look everywhere for him.

Answer: Except for the girl being the kidnapper, the episode you describe is from Law & Order: SVU. A mentally ill man kidnaps a little boy because he believes it is his son. Actor Leland Orser plays the kidnapper.

There was a black and white comedy about two spirits in colonial clothing that are trapped in a house and can't leave until something is located. One scene has them walking through each other and switching clothes which they're able to switch back after walking through each other again.

Answer: It's The Time of Their Lives (1946) with Abbott and Costello. Two ghosts who were mistakenly branded as traitors during the Revolutionary War return to 20th century New England to retrieve a letter from George Washington which would prove their innocence. Trailer:


A 70's TV movie where people are stranded on a deserted island and lizard-like creatures kill everyone except for the last man and woman. At the end they are about to be killed and it starts to rain, and the rain kills the creatures.


Chosen answer: Would it be Komodo?

Answer: The couple trapped on an island and the creatures dying from water is from, "The Day of the Triffids," outer space plants taking over the world.

A French or European movie, during the Second World War. A man is shot and dies. His father goes to identify him and takes a photo. He retouches the photo of his son and gives his granddaughter this photo. The grandfather tells stories to the granddaughter of his son in the war. He says his father is alive and helps Resistance fighters. His father becomes famous. The grandfather does lots of things to sustain the lie: he produces a bomb.


Chosen answer: It's Le jardin des plantes (1994):


This movie wasn't Christine and it wasn't The Car, but it had a very similar plot. The movie was about a car that appeared out of nowhere and began abducting children but only some of them would be found. It's unknown what happened to the children who were still missing. A woman, who I believe was a bus driver, had a daughter who was kidnapped by the demonic vehicle so she goes in pursuit. When she finally tracks down the car, her daughter is seen halfway out of the window screaming for help.

Answer: I think it might be Wheels of Terror (1990). It's a 1990 American television movie directed by Christopher Cain and starring Joanna Cassidy and Marcie Leeds. The film revolves around the unseen driver of a black Dodge Charger, kidnapping, molesting, and sometimes murdering young girls around the fictional locale of Copper Valley, Arizona and a bus driver who chases the car, after it kidnaps her daughter played by Marcie Leeds. Marcie Leeds was nominated for a Young Artist Award for Best Young Actress in a Cable Special. Trailer:


I am trying to find a film... I can only recall one scene though. An old man living in a nursing home, but walks up to the woods everyday. I think he has a shed. He is over 100 and cannot die. I don't have anything else other than that. Thanks in advance.


Chosen answer: This is part of The Green Mile, based on the Stephen King book of the same name. The main character (played by Tom Hanks while young, and Dabbs Greer while old) is "infected with life" by miracle worker John Coffey - and so was Mr. Jingles, the mouse he goes to visit in the shed on the grounds of the seniors' home he now lives in.


I have been searching for this movie for a few years. I believe it was made in the mid 2000's. All I remember is there is a pre-teen girl and boy. I think they have a relationship that their families disapprove of. You find out later the reason the family doesn't want them together is because the mother of one kid had an affair with the father of the other. The parents died in a trailer explosion that the kids witnessed. It is an indie movie. Any help would be much appreciated.

Answer: The Burning Plain.

I'm looking for a movie I saw in the 80's (I think). It was a western... Not so sure anymore but I think it went something like this... Some cowboys find a girl in the desert. She looks abused. They take her with them, but then one by one they get killed by what they suspect are Indians, but in the end it's the girl who is the killer.

Answer: It could be this The Devil's Mistress (1966).

There was a movie I saw one time. The movie was about a woman whose car had broken down. She is taken in by an old woman and her family. At first, everyone is nice to but when she joins the family for dinner, they don't approve of her dress as they deem it to provocative and ask her to remove her lipstick. Eventually, she realizes that the old woman's family intend to hold her hostage for the rest of her life. She tries to have one of the woman's relatives mail a letter for her but instead, he shows it to the old woman and she reacts by locking the woman in her room. The movie ends with her husband coming to the farm and rescuing her.

Answer: I think the movie you're describing is "Fanatic (1965)". It's also known as "Die! Die! My Darling!" Young Pat Carroll (Stefanie Powers) goes to the home of her dead fiancé to meet his beloved mother, Mrs. Trefoile (Tallulah Bankhead). There, she discovers that Mrs. Trefoile is not the loving mother she had anticipated, but rather a grieving psychopath who blames Pat for the death of her son. This movie is based on a novel by Anne Blaisdell and adapted by Richard Matheson. (film)

Here's a tough one. I'm searching for a color, live-action, grade "B" sci-fi movie from the 1970s about a modern home in the desert Southwest that seems to be at the center of a time/space vortex. The family (I recall a father and son, but there could be more) is terrified because they never know what is waiting for them outside: It might be a Tyrannosaurus Rex from the distant past or an alien invader from the distant future or anything in-between. This was not a comedy and it actually had pretty good special effects for a "B" movie back then. What is this film?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: It sounds like the movie "The Day Time Ended (1979) " A family moves into their state-of-the-art solar-powered home in an isolated part of the desert to start a new peaceful life. Meanwhile, far away in deep space, three stars simultaneously explode, sending disruptive, time-bending shock waves through the cosmic void. These waves hit the house and soon some mighty bizarre things begin to happen, including a sudden resurgence of dinosaurs in their backyard, visitations from diminutive aliens, and a robot from outer space. The film is also titled Time Warp. Http://


I am trying to find the title of a film from the late 80's or early 90's. A family is having dinner and the doorbell rings. I believe a teenager opens the door and next thing you know he gets shot, then the gunman goes in the house and kills the rest of the family.

Rob Wilkins

Chosen answer: Are you sure that it's a movie? That sounds exactly like the opening of an episode of the television show The Closer. Season 5 episode 1 "Products of Discovery".

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