Star Trek

Is There in Truth No Beauty? - S3-E5

Other mistake: In the final scene, Kirk is still in the transporter room, but does not have on a visor when the ambassador transports out. Even if he did, humans can still go mad if wearing one and that's why Spock operates the transporter. Spock has his visor on, but then you see Kirk walk out of the transporter room without a visor and he is not going mad.

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Visible crew/equipment: After McCoy examines Charlie and they talk about how Charlie learned to talk by just listening to the ship's tapes, when Charlie stands up the two actors' marks can be seen on the floor - the short one for Charlie and the longer one for McCoy, where they both will stand momentarily. (00:04:56)

Super Grover

Tomorrow is Yesterday - S1-E20

Factual error: Towards the end of the show the Enterprise is leaving Earth orbit and heading towards the sun. We see the Earth diminish and the moon appear looking exactly as it does from Earth. From this angle we should be seeing the "dark side" of the moon, which looks completely different. (00:40:50)


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Suggested correction: This wasn't a continuous shot though, we just don't know where they get the insignia, it could have been in his pocket. Both Kirk and Sulu are on the planet's surface without their insignia. And when "evil" Kirk beams up, he too doesn't have it on, even though later he does.


What possible reason could there be for the Enterprise Insignia, which is stitched to every uniform, to be in 'Evil' Kirk's pocket? No character has done this in any episode of Star Trek. They don't get them from anywhere, they are a part of their uniforms.

Miri - S1-E9

Factual error: In the opening scene on the bridge, when Spock states the planet's properties, the circumference is given in US miles; the mass is given in metric tons; the density is given in metric grams per cubic centimeter; and the atmosphere is given as oxygen/nitrogen. No scientist of Spock’s standing would mix US and metric unit systems. The atmosphere composition should also be stated reversed as “nitrogen/oxygen” with the most abundant gas first. (00:42:00 - 00:59:00)

Kenneth Schroeder

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Suggested correction: That might only true in today's standards. But we have no idea what future generations will choose to make standard.


This is such a trivial criticism that it should be removed to be fair. Whatever measurement standard is used in the future, it will be uniform without mixing of different unit systems.

Ken S

But that's an assumption based on what you think the future would be like. The British and Americans currently use a mix of different unit systems. While many US students use miles and pounds, they still calculate density as g/cm3.


The Man Trap - S1-E2

Revealing mistake: Just after Kirk stuns Crater with his phaser, he gets up to get to Crater, when he does he bumps into a heavy stone monument,a prop that shakes visibly on contact. (00:36:58)


Show generally

Deliberate mistake: Special effects of the ship in space were very expensive in the 60s and couldn't be wasted. So when a larger model was built with slightly different nacelles, shots of both versions became common, even within the same episode. This is why the Enterprise sometimes had red needle-tipped nacelles and sometimes lighted "spinning" ones, and in aft views she had either round white spheres or perforated vents at the nacelles' ends.

Jean G

The Cage - S1-E1

Plot hole: Pike says he doesn't want women on his bridge, Number One being the one and only exception, and he keeps ordering Colt off it. His apology to Number One indicates that A) he doesn't think of her as female, and B) she's the only exception to his rule. So how does he overlook the very female crew-woman seated at the science station? (00:06:55)

Jean G

Star Trek mistake picture

Charlie X - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Capt. Kirk and Charlie enter the turbolift heading for the bridge, Kirk is wearing one style of tunic and when the turbolift arrives on the bridge, Kirk is wearing a completely different tunic. (00:15:14)

The Enemy Within - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: All during the episode there are scratches on the left cheek of the "evil" Kirk. When the "Good" Kirk and the evil Kirk confront each other on the bridge, there's a shot where the scratches are on the right cheek of the evil Kirk.

The Cage - S1-E1

Visible crew/equipment: When the doctor is mixing the drink and Pike gets up off the bed to accept it, an equipment shadow sweeps across the left side of the screen. (00:03:55)

Jean G

Star Trek mistake picture

I, Mudd - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: Kirk and the others are beamed down to the planet, and when the Enterprise crew are led into Mudd's throne room by two Alice androids (the Alice series are 500 identical androids) they are wearing the usual metallic, backless, kitten heel slip-ons, but in the next shot android Alice at the left is now wearing altogether different shoes - cream color with ankle-straps. (00:09:30)

Super Grover

Star Trek mistake picture

Obsession - S2-E13

Visible crew/equipment: After Garrovick is relieved of his duties, Kirk tells McCoy and Spock to make comments and recommendations in their reports, then Garrovick returns to his quarters. Just as Kirk exits the turbo lift on the bridge, the boom mic is visible at the top, left side of the screen. Then when Kirk apologizes to Scotty, in the next wide shot two pieces of filming equipment are visible at the top of the screen. (00:17:20)

Super Grover

Star Trek mistake picture

Season 1 generally

Other mistake: The closing credits of thirteen episodes in season 1 have the word "Script" misspelled as "Scpipt" for the episode's script supervisor, either George Rutter or Billy Vernon. The episodes are: "The Galileo Seven"; "The Squire of Gothos"; "Arena"; "Tomorrow is Yesterday"; "The Return of the Archons"; "Space Seed"; "A Taste of Armageddon"; "This Side of Paradise"; "Devil in the Dark"; "Errand of Mercy"; "The Alternative Factor"; "The City on the Edge of Forever"; "Operation - Annihilate!"

Star Trek mistake picture

Metamorphosis - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: When Spock shows the others the machine which must be put "in the proximity of the Companion", in the closeup Spock's left arm is up on the machine and we see the chair opposite Spock is empty. However, in the next shot Spock's right arm is up by the machine and Kirk is sitting in that chair. (00:22:10)

Super Grover

Journey to Babel - S2-E10

Amanda: And you, Sarek, would you also say thank you to your son?
Sarek: I don't understand.
Amanda: Well, for saving your life.
Sarek: Spock acted in the only logical manner open to him. One does not thank logic, Amanda.
Amanda: Logic, logic - I'm sick to death of logic! Do you want to know how I feel about your logic?
Spock: Emotional, isn't she?
Sarek: She has always been that way.
Spock: Indeed? Why did you marry her?
Sarek: At the time, it seemed the logical thing to do.

Super Grover

More quotes from Star Trek

Trivia: Gene Roddenberry created the transporter as an easier (and cheaper) way of getting Enterprise crew members onto a planet's surface, rather than landing the ship on the planet.

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What Are Little Girls Made Of? - S1-E8

Question: When the Enterprise is in orbit, it uses the Impulse engines to maintain orbit. The Impulse engines are located on the back (aft) of the primary saucer. Why were these not on or lit up? Unless they're using gravity, but there are the familiar engine sounds.

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: If they're in orbit, they're being pulled along by the planet's gravity well, therefore, impulse engines would only be used for minor corrections and would be "on standby" while in orbit, but not active. (Like keeping your car idling without revving the engine and creating plumes of exhaust).

Captain Defenestrator

Thank you for the info.

Movie Nut

Answer: Happy to help.

Captain Defenestrator

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