
17th Dec 2002

Reign of Fire (2002)

Corrected entry: It was stated that there is one male dragon, which reproduces with all the females. It's strange how there were millions of offspring, and not a single one of them turned out to be a male dragon.

Correction: Very little is known about the dragons' biology, and most of that is theory (observations and experiments are difficult to pull off for obvious reasons). If there is only one male dragon necessary for continuation of the species, it makes little sense to introduce new, younger males that would compete with the old one for food and the harem. Perhaps a new male will only arise when the population requires it, i.e. when the preceding male is dead and the entire population is female, or maybe the lack of a male triggers a female behavior to feed a young dragon royal jelly like ants and bees, turning an unremarkable individual into a queen/king. There are too many unknowns for this to be valid.


27th May 2004

Groundhog Day (1993)

Corrected entry: There is a part in the story where Phil destroys his radio every morning. It then shows, next morning, the clock changing from 5:59 to 6:00. If, as Phil says later on in the film, the time loop starts at EXACTLY 6:00, then how would the radio be mended for 5:59?

Correction: Because the time loop doesn't start at EXACTLY 6:00, it starts at EXACTLY 5:59. Phil can be pardoned for rounding to the minute he wakes up, since he's not conscious when the time loop begins.


6th May 2004

Sphere (1998)

Corrected entry: When they decode Jerry's keyboard code, Harry decodes 'h' as the number 3. Surely if this is the case then the whole message would be different e.g. if Jerry turns into Harry then hello must turn into 'jallo'.

Correction: Not entirely sure but if the H and the J were mixed up I'm not sure if the other sentences would be too. Unless they didn't use either letter. I haven't gone through the movie to see if that was the case but this is something I always wondered about too.

Correction: No, the code presented by Harry is correct, he just purposefully misinterpreted the last bit. The rest of the crew assumed he was right and didn't bother to check his work as Norman does at this point.


Corrected entry: Just before the monster comes to life, Dr. Frankenstein has his hands clasped around the monster's head. Cut to a close-up of the monster's hands. Cut back to the Doctor and his hands are still clasping the monster.

Correction: There is only one time when Frankenstein touches the creature's head, before he gets on the elevator platform. A shot on the monster's head before Frankenstein touches him indeed shows no hands, but there is no such shot after Frankenstein touches him.


Corrected entry: When the guard is teasing the monster with a match he takes the cigarette from behind his ear to light. When the match goes out he lights another and the cigarette is back behind his ear.


Correction: The guard is a sadist. He takes the cigarette from behind his ear, but realizes that he can torment the monster with the match before he lights the cigarette. The shot stays on the monster for several seconds, and when it switches back to showing both characters, the guard's hand is just moving away from his ear. He put the cigarette back so he could torture the monster with fire.


The Harvest (2) - S1-E2

Corrected entry: Cordelia tells Buffy there's no cover charge to get into the Bronze, but later that episode, right before the vampires attack the Bronze, the bouncer is taking money from people on their way in. (00:18:20 - 00:31:50)

Correction: The bouncer demands ID from the approaching vampire pack and gets upset when they don't show him any, but he didn't get any ID from Buffy or other patrons. It's possible that the bouncer has an understood relationship with underage clubgoers: pass over some cash instead of ID. Buffy would have learned about this earlier from Cordelia (after Cordelia insulted Willow but before Buffy went to speak to her).


Corrected entry: When the mine is exploding near the end, David Arquette says "Goodbye Consuela" (or something to that extent) as he rides out with the giant spider in flames behind him. However, only Mike and the spider shack keeper knew the spider's name. It was mentioned in the beginning of the movie but never said anywhere else.

Correction: Mike is chatty around Chris to begin with, and has plenty of opportunities to tell Chris Consuela's name offscreen. Since he's happy to inform Chris about the species and weaknesses of the spiders at various points, he more than likely passed off the name too - "know your enemy" and all.


7th May 2004

Aliens (1986)

Corrected entry: When Ripley is going to rescue Newt, it's very hot in the corridors (as evidenced by Frost and Hudson's exchange earlier in the film), so why do we see the Alien Queen's breath?

Grumpy Scot

Correction: We don't know anything about the Aliens' homeworld and very little about their biochemistry, though it has been shown that some versions can function in a vacuum or survive molten metal. There is no way to predict how they deal with different environments.


Correction: He is never drinking liquor, he holds the burger from the time Seth puts it in his hand near the beginning of the scene all the way until Seth shoves him against the wall, when he drops it. We never see the burger enough to judge the bite size and placement.


Corrected entry: When Richie stabs the bartender multiple times with the knife he then slams it into the table, there is no blood on the knife, yet when Sex Machine (and the others) stake the vampires, blood is everywhere, and even projects over his shoulder.

Correction: There's definitely blood on it, though another mistake points out that the blood on the knife is a translucent green instead of red.


Corrected entry: After Frost gets bitten he throws Sex Machine through a thin plastered window. Bats have been trying to get inside the Titty Twister all the time. The thing is that the bats, who lived there, didn't know that there was this thin plastered window?

Correction: The vampires are in bat form and aren't as strong as their human/bipedal form, they certainly can't muster the force of hurling a 200-pound man 20 feet in the air. They cannot switch to human form and knock the window it because it is vertical and has no ledge outside, so they would fall straight down instead of through the window. So yes, they know about it, but they can't take advantage of it.


Corrected entry: After Salma Hayek's "routine" Seth Gecko says, "Now that's what I call a f*@%#n' show!", watch when the angle changes to a slightly overhead one of the room, you clearly see him yell it again. Footage used from a different angle of the same shot?

Correction: No, he just repeats the same sentiment. The second time, the emphasis is slightly different and he is looking around more. Not a mistake.


22nd Jan 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Corrected entry: When Liam Neeson and his stepson decide to chase the stepson's girl, they see her in the school car park just getting into a car. They leave straight away, but somehow manage to end up so far behind that the girl manages to get to the airport, check-in with all her bags and get through the security checks before they arrive. Must have been a really bad short cut....

Correction: Liam Neeson and his son see Joanna get into her car from the front steps of the rapidly emptying auditorium. Then they have to fight through the mass of the rest of the audience to the car, then fight through that out of the parking area, then fight through the Christmas traffic evident around the airport and find a place to park. No matter how good the shortcut was, they would still be working from a significant disadvantage.


Correction: Joanna could have used the same shortcut (or a shorter, better one) and simply got lucky with traffic conditions.

16th May 2003

Alien (1979)

Corrected entry: Why is Lambert the only crew member who managed to get covered in blood? There was even blood on the wall in the background, all the other members were in close around the table and yet their clothes were clean, Parker was even holding on to Kane's arm when the Alien burst out of Kane and yet he also managed to stay clean.


Correction: It's a directional blood spurt that happens to fly in Lambert's direction as the Alien forces its way out. Only the wall behind her gets covered in blood, all the other walls are clean. After the spurt, Ash steps in front of Lambert, so the wall behind him is bloody as well, but it's the same wall.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Cameron is talking to Pat about how Bianca kissed him, after Cameron says "In the car" you see a front view of Pat and his smile fades, then he puts his head down. In the next shot, which is from the side of the two of them, Michael comes running in, and just before he runs in, you see Pat still looking up, with a smile fading then he looks down, and they change the shot to Michael.

Correction: Cameron looks down and smiles again because he is savoring the memory. As Michael runs up, he realizes that he missed something in the exchange ("Where did she kiss you?" "In the car") and is about to ask for clarification when Michael distracts them both.


Corrected entry: When Brian gets his new car the hood scoops have no grills over them but when he goes to race wars they have grills.

Correction: The grills are always there, but they are more obvious in the strong overhead light evident during Race Wars.


Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film where Bryan and Dom are chasing the dirtbikes, Dom hits one bike with the back of his car and the bike goes to the left, yet in the next shot, the bike flies off the hill towards the right.

Correction: Dom hits the rear wheel, forcing it to the left and similarly jolting the rider. Thus, the bike turns to the right and flies off the road.


23rd Oct 2002

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Corrected entry: When Sully and Mike first speak to the geeky monsters in the lobby, you can see a slug-like monster in the background just entering one of the corridors leading to the scarefloors. When Mike is talking to Celia a short time later, the same slug still has yet to enter the corridor.

Correction: They are similar, but, as stated elsewhere, there are certain common monster shapes that appear relatively frequently: slug-shape is one. Besides, the first slug has no lunchbox (judging from the movements of its right pseudopod) and the second one does.


27th Aug 2001

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Corrected entry: When Sully and Mike go back to work to take Boo back to her home, the clock on the wall as they enter says 8:50, a few minutes later Boo takes off and Mike and Sully go after her, a few minutes later Randell catches Mike and points to the clock which now reads 11:55. The chase only lasted a few minutes.

Correction: There are many clocks in the lobby of the power company, all over different hallways that lead to different scare floors and reading different times. This can be assumed to mean that the monsters recognize time zones (affirmed by the Eastern Seaboard lighting up during the first shift). The clock that reads 11:55 is "local time" for the monster world, but the other clocks refer to the human world.


Actually, the clock on the scare floor says 8:50 when Mike calls down the wrong door for Boo. That time must be for the monster world.

26th Aug 2003

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Corrected entry: When Mike goes to get the card to Boo's door from Roz, there is a clipboard slightly to her right on the counter. The shot switches to Mike's view and when it switches back to Roz's view, the clipboard has moved to the right even though Roz is perfectly still.

Correction: Yes, the clipboard is now hidden behind Roz's head, but that is because the second shot is from closer to her shoulder. The clipboard is still the same distance from the loose papers on the desk.


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