
23rd Oct 2002

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Corrected entry: The chef at Harryhausen's has a bandana with a Japanese symbol on it, and throughout the entire restaurant scene the symbol on the bandana changes.

Correction: In every shot the symbol is the same. I don't know what it means, but it looks like an inverted double cross over a short, pointed stroke and a snake shape.


Corrected entry: When Dylan is in the bar in Mexico, she orders a coffee, meets Kelly Garrett, and leaves without paying for it.

Correction: Technically, she never drinks it or even adds sugar or creamer to it, so leaving without paying is the same as sending it back to the kitchen.


Corrected entry: During the scene where Alex knocks out Jason by accident (while they are helping Nat to move in with Pete); before she knocks him out she is holding a box with stuff in it, but after she helps him up again, she picks up the TV and carries it over to the house.

Correction: She puts the first box down after she realizes she just attacked Jason, then picks up the TV. She does this believing that Jason will offer to take it from her (thus getting him to do some heavy lifting for her) but it doesn't work until she foists the TV on him after she gets paged.


Corrected entry: When the girls fight the mob, they start shooting at the cage. If you look carefully, you can see a stagehand near a 44-gallon drum.

Correction: That's not a crew member, it's an extra - a temporarily inactive member of the O'Grady mob.


Corrected entry: When Ray Carter has the rings and is driving down the highway, the headbar behind him changes from red to black and so forth. They obviously must have had 2 cars.

Correction: The seat, including the headrest, is red. The arched bar behind the seat, a stylish addition to a sports car, is black. These colors are consistent throughout the scene.


Corrected entry: When Alex is giving her speech about efficiency at Redstar she slams her cane down onto the table in front of her. After she lifts it up the camera angle changes and she is standing too far away from the table to have hit it.


Correction: It's a long cane, and she's only slamming the first few inches of it on the table.


26th Aug 2003

Charlie's Angels (2000)

Corrected entry: Knox thinks he has killed Dylan when he shoots her and she falls out the window. If this happens then why isn't he surprised to see her when all the angels go to rescue Bosley?

Correction: He is surprised - the expression flits across his face and he whispers something when he first sees Dylan, but he covers it well and immediately jumps to distracting her while Vivian sneaks up behind her. Just thinking on his feet.


28th Oct 2003

Runaway Jury (2003)

Corrected entry: In the scene when Nicholas Easter enters the New Orleans courthouse for the first time it is pouring rain outside. As he stops to look up at the building, there is blue sky and a few white puffy clouds.

Correction: When he enters the courthouse for the first time (after he kvetches to his friends about jury duty) it is very much a bright, sunny day.


14th Apr 2004

Runaway Jury (2003)

Corrected entry: John Cusack is beating a car with a lead pipe. Subsequent to smashing the windshield, shots alternate back and forth between a shattered and unshattered windshield.

Correction: He shatters the driver's side of the windshield with the first blow, leaving the passenger side relatively unaffected. Then he hits the windshield again and makes another bar-shaped mark next to the first one, again on the driver's side. Shots showing the driver's side are shattered, but shots on the passenger side are relatively unaffected.


23rd Nov 2003

Serendipity (2001)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jonathan is lying in the middle of the rink, there is a shot of his face as he looks up and sees Sara. The rink around him is covered in snow. There is a long shot of him as he stands up, and there is no snow whatsoever.

Correction: Shortly before this, there was a shot that showed Jonathan holding the glove and sitting up. The camera changes angles during this shot and the snow visible on the ground almost disappears because of the glare on the ground - one continuous shot, mind. The later shot referred to in the mistake also suffers from this same glare, but we know from the earlier shot that there the snow can be covered by this light. Even during the later shot, snow can be seen falling to the ground and apparently disappearing. Just a trick of the light.


19th Apr 2004

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: Why isn't Magneto wearing his protective helmet on the boat towards the end of the film? He has no way of knowing that Mystique's sabotage of Cerebro worked - for all he knew, Xavier could have been tracking him at that moment.


Correction: Mystique can't make a phone call?


19th Apr 2004

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: Xavier might not want to kill Magneto outside the train station, but he could easily have used Sabertooth to knock his protective helmet off or slam him into a wall and knock him unconscious. If he had done this immediately (before Magneto pointed everyone's guns back at them, after which it was obviously too risky) he could have captured Magneto then and there. Granted, not very good for the film, but it still should have occurred to him.


Correction: Ignoring the fact that Professor X and Magneto are very old friends, it's very clear throughout the movies and comics that Professor X does not want to get into a physical conflict with Magneto - instead, he wants Magneto to convert to the ideology of the X-Men. This is important because attacking Magneto will only escalate the conflict, whereas converting him would also bring many if not all of his followers. In addition, Professor X is in Sabretooth's mind - Sabretooth knows that the helmet fits Magneto very tightly (hard to knock off) and protects him from physical violence as well as mental intrusions (hard to knock out).


29th Mar 2003

XXX (2002)

Corrected entry: When XXX and the girl are trailing AHAB in the GTO, just before XXX blows up the potato trucks we see a shot of him with his foot on the gas pedal, the pedal appears to be black and somewhat basic. Later, when XXX and the girl switch seats in the GTO she tells him brake, then gas and we see a shot of the gas pedal, this time the pedal is a racing type, it is a shiny metal with black treads.

Correction: The first time, Xander's foot completely covers the pedal, and what little we can see matches the later shot. However, on the floor mat are two plain black rubber patches that could be mistaken for pedals.


9th Sep 2002

XXX (2002)

Corrected entry: When escaping from the terrible avalanche, there's a shot showing X being eaten by the giant wave of snow. However, in the next shot the secret agent appears right ahead of the wave.

Correction: In no shot does X actually fall under the wave - he's always just in front of it.


14th Apr 2004

Hellboy (2004)

Corrected entry: At the intro where you see the SS nazis, it says at the bottom of the screen "Scotland, 1944". It is impossible there are nazis preparing something calmly without none of the Allies knowing it & especially in the United Kingdom since no nazis ever crossed the English territory except in the air during the Battle of Britain event. It is also strategically nonsense since you could do this in a forest in Denmark or Norway (Nazi occupied) for example.

Correction: The specific location is very important - the professor explains that it lies at the intersection of several mystic leylines of energy, therefore this operation can only be performed in this location. Because this operation was intended to be the killing blow for Britain, the Germans attempted to shield it from detection with all the efforts of Germany's prodigious resources - even then, some intimation of their intentions escapes, as the Allied troops are there to combat them. Moreover, we see later that there is an impressive coverup operation in place to protect Hellboy from public knowledge - surely this would prevent history books from documenting an event that both sides wanted to keep secret.


14th Apr 2004

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Corrected entry: What happened to the little girl at the beginning? The main woman locks her out of the bedroom when she attacks her husband. When she escapes, her husband comes back through the front door to chase her. He would've had to pass the girl to get back out and since they seem to hunt in packs you would've thought she'd be with him. Where did she go?

Correction: The little girl could not possibly block a man twice her size and weight, so she is no obstacle to him escaping. She didn't see Ana go out the window, so she probably entered the room as soon as the husband opened the door and tracked Ana to the bathroom, then spent some time figuring it out while he went outside. Also, the undead don't hunt in packs, they are simply commonly attracted to food and certain locations that had great meaning in their lives (like the mall.) In the initial chaos, there are no roaming packs of zombies, and later there is no organization to the mobs.


4th May 2003

Identity (2003)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Ginnie locks herself in the bathroom, after her husband is killed. The murderer is pulling on the door and you can see the lock is being pulled away from the doorjam. How does the door remain locked? (00:41:55)

Correction: It looks that way to heighten tension, but in the closeup on Ginny's hand as she opens the lock, we see that there is a small piece of wood on the outside wall of the slide lock hole. It's very thin on the outside, but probably thicker and stronger deeper in the socket so the lock will hold.


27th Aug 2001

What Women Want (2000)

Corrected entry: There's a scene where Helen Hunt is showing the bedroom of her new apartment to Nick. When she gets in of it she is shoeless, and after a few minutes you can see that she's wearing a pair of shoes.

Correction: In every shot, from climbing the stairs from the street to dancing in the bedroom, Helen Hunt is wearing shoes.


21st Mar 2002

What Women Want (2000)

Corrected entry: When Nick is reaching for the hot wax that is warming up in the sink the second time, he reaches with his right hand then there is a cut to the sink and it is a left hand that picks up the wax. (00:42:40)

Correction: Nick's right hand is on the outside of his leg, away from the sink. It doesn't move across his leg before the cut, so there's no way he could have been reaching for the wax with that hand.


The Wish - S3-E9

Corrected entry: Giles says in 'The Wish' that destroying Anyanka's power source will reverse all her wishes. Surely Cordelia's can't have been the only wish that caused a temporal fold or similar history changing event? And if not, then shouldn't the world now be radically different in some way?


Correction: Cordelia's isn't the first temporal fold, but the point of the episode is that superhero Buffy has had a tremendous effect on Sunnydale. Anyanka usually deals with common women, like Cordelia, not exceptional individuals like Buffy. Therefore, past temporal folds probably dealt with small things, like cheating husbands never meeting temptresses or never being born, none of which significantly affected world history (even Cordelia's only affects Sunnydale and Cleveland). So the world is different, just not in ways that matter to our characters.


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