
17th Aug 2004

Predator (1987)

Corrected entry: When Dutch is battling the Predator one on one and he is in the tree, after he shoots the explosive tipped arrow the Predator starts shooting off plasma bursts very rapidly. After a minute or so of these bursts causing sparks to shower down on him, Dutch is either ejected or falls from the tree and when he lands on the ground if you watch closely you can see the ground bounce where he lands.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: He doesn't really hit the ground, he lands on some very thick bushes that are covered in leaves. Naturally the bushes will give a little, but they are so dense that they can support his weight.


Correction: The first time, Warren was trying to flee Sunnydale and escape from April. Buffy forces him to confront April sometime in the middle or late afternoon, and April eventually runs out of power in front of him so he knows she's no longer a threat. Warren returns home and deliberates for a few hours until after sundown on whether he should stay in Sunnydale, follow Katrina, or go someplace new. He finally makes his decision to leave and is packing for it when Spike interrupts him.


18th Apr 2004

Hellboy (2004)

Corrected entry: While in the tunnels under the cemetery in Moscow, walls rise up from the floor blocking the parties' exit. Shortly after that, rows of blades swing out perpendicular to the walls. The blades can be seen vibrating as if they were made of rubber.

Larry Koehn

Correction: The blades have some mechanism that allows them to extend or retract. It is this aged and imperfect mechanism that is causing them to bounce a little as they settle into the new positions, not because they're made of rubber.


1st Sep 2004

Hellboy (2004)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the two security guards fall from the balcony, when the scene cuts to them hitting the floor, you can see the yellow crash mat they land on.

jamie ryan

Correction: I watched this on DVD and there is no shot where you can see the crash mat. The shot where they hit the ground only shows them falling and bouncing a little, it's framed too high to show the actual floor.


8th Sep 2004

Hellboy (2004)

Corrected entry: Hellboy asks, "How big can it be?" then a huge tentacle grabs him and whips him down a tunnel. As he's being reeled in he hits a lot of colored lamp shades in the tunnel roof, shattering them. He beats the beast and returns to his friends in the tunnel. As they talk, you can see all the lampshades are undamaged in the background.

Correction: Since the tentacle grabbed Hellboy literally right in front of Myers, Myers reasoned that it wasn't very safe to stay there. He picked up Liz while Hellboy was fighting the demon and carried her farther away, but not so far that Hellboy couldn't find them again with a little looking. There are lampshades all along the passage in both directions.


21st Apr 2002

The Scorpion King (2002)

Correction: It's actually impossible to say. The arrow has a very slim tip and is never strongly lighted from the time Mathayus takes it out until he fires it. While there is no blood running down the shaft, this would be expected with the wound slanting down into Mathayus' back (the blood would go down his back).


Corrected entry: In the scene where Mary is leading Joel down the hallway to the doctor, Stan jumps out and scares her. Stan then says to Mary, "Sorry Kirsten..."

Correction: His exact lines are: "Sorry. Sorry. I was just...sorry." He never calls her Kirsten.


Correction: She is wearing rings on the thumb of her left hand (not a wedding band location) and on the ring finger of her right hand (also not a wedding band location). There is no ring on the ring finger of her left hand.


30th May 2003

Angel (1999)

Correction: Gunn, Wesley, and Lorne are exposed to Cordelia's blood, not Jasmine's. Cordelia's maternal link to Jasmine causes her blood to work differently and faster on Jasmine's enchantment because all of Jasmine's blood came from Cordelia during the pregnancy.


Corrected entry: In the end, when Valentine and Olivera show up to pick up Alice, none of the Umbrella guards recognize them. Earlier we see their faces plastered on TV. There should have been someone among all those guards to recognize them.

Correction: They were recognized by the guards at the checkpoint on their way in. The guards there called for orders and were instructed to allow Valentine and Olivera to enter unhindered. The upper management of Umbrella knew about them and wanted to let them come closer, either to capture them or send Alice out with them for a field test. The guards at the building have the same instructions, though they don't know why.


21st Apr 2002

The Scorpion King (2002)

Corrected entry: In the desert, when the guards go into a cave, the angle changes and you see two sets of rocks, then several guards fall into quicksand. When their leader "says stay on the rocks," the shot changes, and more sets of rocks appear.

Correction: The number of rocks is consistent through the shots. Most of them are harder to notice because they are around the edge of the room and out of the light.


21st Apr 2002

The Scorpion King (2002)

Corrected entry: When Mathayus falls down the water hole with the sorceror he drops his sword. But when he is figting with the king's army he has the exact same sword. How did he get his sword back?

Correction: Mathayus favors certain styles of weapons. He also carries many spare weapons on his camel. It's not unreasonable that he keeps a spare version of his favorite sword in case the first one got broken or lost.


Corrected entry: In the scene where the angels are helping Natalie move in to her new home, you can tell that the TV set that Alex is holding is a prop due to it not having a power cord.

Correction: Some TV sets have a compartment in the back that the cord folds into so it doesn't get caught on stuff while it's moving. Others have detachable cords.


Choices - S3-E19

Corrected entry: If even Faith can instantly realise that the gang would be willing to trade the Box of Gavrok for Willow's life, we can assume Willow knows it too. Why, then, when she escapes from the locked room in Town Hall, does she hang around to read up on the Books of Ascension? If she had escaped they could have destroyed the box, and the Mayor's plan would have been stopped, whether he had the books or not.


Correction: Willow knows from the gang's reconnaissance that all the entrances and exits from the building are guarded, but there are few if any guards within the building itself. If she tried to escape she would certainly be caught. Knowing that her friends would try to rescue her even if they weren't willing to sacrifice the box, she did some snooping on the off-chance that it would prove useful.


31st Aug 2004

The Mummy (1999)

Correction: The Magi claim that they stopped Imhotep during the process, though they do not clarify how. Presumably it was some sort of magic.


Faith, Hope And Trick - S3-E3

Corrected entry: When Faith asks Buffy what her toughest kill was, she tells her "The Three", from the season one episode "Angel", but in that episode Buffy barely encountered them. She saw them once in an alley and was barely harmed in the encounter - in the end, it was Darla who killed them. One would assume her first thoughts would be of someone like the Master (who killed her) or The Judge (who was indestructible).


Correction: Buffy is distracted because she is thinking about her actual toughest kill: Angel. She mentally grasps for some fight that was not witnessed by anyone present (who might contradict its difficulty) and comes up with the Three. Neither fight with the Master lasted more than a few minutes and the Judge was killed in one hit from a rocket launcher.


Dead Things - S6-E13

Corrected entry: The Katrina that Buffy sees in the forest is revealed to be Jonathon in a glamour, but where did he find an exact duplicate of Katrina's dress at short notice? (00:28:40)


Correction: Jonathan is a mage of some skill. He conjured a duplicate set or transformed existing clothes to match Katrina's.


15th Oct 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Corrected entry: In Crans Sur Mer, when the naked women are sitting under the monument at the beach, one says in French, "The monument is very moving," and the other one says, "Oui," which means "Yes" but is subtitled with "Let's make out".


Correction: It's a joke. The beach at the monument is supposed to represent the boys' fantasies and expectations, in contrast to the one they arrive at.


9th Oct 2004

Mean Girls (2004)

Corrected entry: When Aaron is tutoring Cady, he says that sometimes the product of two negative numbers is positive. The product of two negative numbers is ALWAYS positive.

Correction: It's well established that Aaron isn't very good at math. Character mistake, not a movie mistake.


20th Sep 2004

Hellboy (2004)

Corrected entry: When the clockwork soldier has his key removed from his chest he immediately falls to the ground and is dead. Later, when at Hellboy's secret headquarters, the clockwork soldier gets up, walks over to the table where his key is, picks it up and puts it in his chest and winds it up. The clockwork soldier shouldn't have been able to do this at all since he needs the key attached to his body to survive and give him movement.

Correction: Kroenen voluntarily falls to the ground and releases some of the energy stored in the key's mechanism before he is captured. The key is not removed until Broom does an autopsy. Kroenen doesn't need the key for basic movements, and only winds himself when he needs to move with speed and strength in combat. He purposefully allowed himself to be captured so he could transfer the note to BPRD, then rose when he was no longer being observed to reassemble his mechanical parts.


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