A nameless member

27th May 2020

Toy Story (1995)

Corrected entry: During the business meeting, Lotso (who appears as the antagonist in Toy Story 3) makes a cameo appearance sitting on Andy's desk. (00:06:49)

Correction: This isn't Lotso. While it is a pink bear, it's not Lotso as it's explained that Lotso was owned by a girl named Daisy who lost him during a family picnic.


I will also add the design on the face is completely different.


4th Jul 2020

Better Off Dead (1985)

Corrected entry: After Lane Meyer gets beaten up by the basketball team he goes out to his car and it has a flat tire. Not only does he not notice, but he gets in the car and drives away normally. (00:32:18)

Correction: How is this a mistake? Lane just got raked over by an entire basketball team - he is exhausted, humiliated, injured, and wants to get out of the area immediately so he would not care his car has a flat tire.


Corrected entry: When Enterprise finally defeats Khan in the Motara Nebula, Uhuru starts transmitting the order to surrender for one minute and 18 seconds before Khan activates Genesis. That was more than enough time for the Enterprise crew to beam Khan on board the enterprise and either arrest or kill him. (01:28:48 - 01:30:06)

Correction: The nebula interferes with a lot of systems. The sensors were not functioning and they could barely get a clear visual on the viewscreen. The transporters would not be able to lock onto Khan.

Correction: But they were still inside said Nebula. You saw how it was interfering with their shields, communications and the likes. Just imagine what could go wrong if you tried beaming people around in there.

Quantom X

Corrected entry: When Marty returns to 1985, an overhead shot shows the Eastwood Ravine. The camera pans over to ground level and the ravine is gone. The tracks are on the ground and there is no bridge. (01:42:15)

Correction: We just jump forwards a few seconds - the bridge is visible in the background, we just didn't watch him rolling the entire way into town.

13th Dec 2018

End of Days (1999)

Corrected entry: When the man is showing the flashback of Jericho's family being murdered, Jericho looks in a mirror and the wall in the reflection is spattered with blood. Jericho punches the mirror, shattering it. The blood disappears and the wall is now immaculate. (01:13:50)

Correction: The blood was all part of Satan's illusion. Jericho punching the mirror was effectively him rejecting the illusion, thus making the illusion go away.


Corrected entry: When Jason first wakes up in the morgue, he kills two hospital employees inside the hospital (a semi-public place) and leaves them there. Later in the movie, Rob Dyer (the hitchhiker)in trying to convince Trish Jarvis that Jason Voorhees is still alive, he says that two hospital employees disappeared. Their bodies were not discovered in the middle of a hospital? (00:14:00 - 01:02:40)

Correction: Jason could have just moved them; he has done that before.

Corrected entry: The sign "Chicago city limits" is facing across the street instead of parallel to it, as city limit signs always are. (02:03:20)

Correction: That's how the signs were in Chicago back then.

19th Jun 2010

High Anxiety (1977)

Corrected entry: When Dr. Richard Thorndike sees his former professor Dr Lilloman right after first arriving at the institute, Dr Lilloman quizzes him by asking, "a patient comes into your office suffering from Belldon's Hysteria, and he has a seizure right in your office, what do you give him?" Dr Thorndike responds "2 cc's of aqueous Thorazine coupled with Somadiozine". There is no such thing as Belldon's Hysteria, and there is such a thing as Thorazine but it is used for bipolar depression but there is no AQUEOUS Thorazine. There is also no such drug as Somadiozine. (00:11:50)

Correction: Of course there are no such drugs - the movie is a comedy written and directed by a comedian that spoofs Alfred Hitchcock films as well as the psychiatric industry.


11th Sep 2015

Summer Rental (1985)

Corrected entry: When the Gardener family comes to the house in the middle of night, Jack Chester realizes that he has the wrong house. He thought he was at 415 Road but the house was actually 415 Beach Lane. Honest mistake, but how did the Chester family get into the house since they didn't have the keys? (00:20:45 - 00:21:30)

Correction: The keys are in the mailbox of the Gardener House. This is even said by John Candy, "Keys are in the mailbox just like he said."

19th Mar 2014

Time After Time (1979)

Corrected entry: In the epilogue, it reads, "H.G. Wells married Amy Robbins..." He did in fact marry Amy Robbins but not until 1895. In 1893 he was still married to Isabel Mary Wells.

Correction: The epilogue does not state that they married immediately upon their return. There may have been a delay while Wells obtained a divorce.


Corrected entry: When Mark Ratner and Stacy Hamilton are having dinner, it's supposed to be at night but sunlight can be seen coming through, through the windows. (00:36:35)

Correction: There's no reason to think it's sunlight - it's more likely the restaurant had a well lit porch or patio (like many restaurants do).


6th Mar 2012

Commando (1985)

Corrected entry: When General Kirby goes to John Matrix's house to tell him his men have been killed, he names, "Lawson, Forrestal, Bennett, they've all been hit". Later, Arius reveals to Matrix, "we had to fake Bennett's death so General Kirby would become agitated and lead us to you". Why would Bennett be the only one out of the three who's death would cause Kirby to go to Matrix's home? (00:10:35)

Correction: Bennett made the third of Matrix's former unit to be killed, by which time a pattern would've been established and Kirby would want to go to Matrix to warn him. As well, the history between Matrix and Bennett in particular likely would've made Kirby suspicious.

28th Feb 2012

Commando (1985)

Corrected entry: Right after John Matrix kills Henriques and tells the flight attendant, "don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired" he gets up to go to the restroom. The Flight attendant tells him, "sir you must remain seated during takeoff", Matrix replies, "I'm airsick". This would not work because the flight attendant would point out that there are barf bags at each seat. (00:22:55)

Correction: The stewardess may have not wanted to challenge a man of John's size. That and airline rules were much more relaxed in the 1980s as compared to today.

22nd Nov 2012

Starsky & Hutch (2004)

Corrected entry: When Hutch is playing on his guitar and singing, Starsky looks at him strangely because he thinks there is a cartoon bird on his shoulder. Cocaine is not a hallucinogenic. (00:44:40)

Correction: The cocaine has been altered so that it can't be detected by normal means. Nobody knows how this would affect its properties.

18th Sep 2013

Last Action Hero (1993)

Corrected entry: When Jack Slater and Danny Madigan go into the LAPD station, there is a fountain bearing the seal of the City of Los Angeles. On the actual seal, there is a bear on the upper right corner (to match the California state flag) but on the fountain, there is a rhino. (00:32:15)

Correction: That's the "movie" version of Los Angeles; it doesn't have to match the "real" city in every aspect.


13th Jun 2010

Bad Boys II (2003)

Corrected entry: The flag shown in Cuba is not the Cuban flag. (02:12:50)

Correction: Not every flag is a national flag. Most countries will have dozens of flags in regular usage, representing regions, particular cities, organisations or even important individuals. As such, there is no reason to expect that any flag appearing on screen must be the national flag of the country the scene takes place in, particularly in a fleeting shot during an action sequence like this one.


Corrected entry: After the insect crawls out of Chekov's ear and Khan beams up Genesis, Admiral Kirk says to Khan, "you have Genesis, but you don't have me. You were going to kill me. You're going to have to come down here". Khan beamed up Genesis, so why didn't he beam up Kirk who was only a few feet away? I know he said, "perhaps I no longer need to try. I've done worse than kill you: I've hurt you" which indicates that Khan accepted his failure to kill Kirk: it was not premeditated to leave him there. Further, if he didn't want to kill him, why did he try later in the movie? (00:15:20)

Correction: Khan isn't "accepting his failure" to kill Kirk, he's simply found an alternative that he considers to be even more poetic, that of marooning Kirk, just as Kirk marooned him after their first encounter. As revenge, this is much more satisfying than simply killing his enemy, which is very swift, leaving Kirk behind with plenty of time to contemplate the fact that Khan beat him. Later, once he learns that Kirk has escaped, Khan reverts to the idea of simply killing him.


Corrected entry: Nigel Small-Fawcett calls James Bond in the fishing lady's hotel room and James hangs up. James Bond's motel room is later blown up by Fatima Blush, so then Bond says to the fishing lady, "looks like we made the right choice for 'my place or yours'". So then, Nigel could not have known which room Bond was in. (00:55:20)

Correction: Actually, Nigel greets Bond on the phone by telling him how hard it was to track him down, implying he wasn't in his room. Nigel could have been talking with various hotel staffers before someone realized Bond was with the fishing girl.


Corrected entry: Leroy says to Fool, "Y'all are being evicted, you gotta be out tomorrow at midnight." California law (the movie was filmed in and thus presumably takes place in Los Angeles) requires landlords to give 30 days notice to evict. (00:03:40)

Correction: Couple things: They may have been given thirty days notice, and he was reminding them they had to be out by the next day midnight. Second, even though it is law, some landlords don't follow the law, depending on the likelihood that the evictees won't complain because they either don't know the law, or don't have the resources (especially in low rent districts) to fight for their rights.


5th Jul 2009

F/X2 (1991)

Corrected entry: Ray Silak introduces Leo McCarthy as, "NYPD retired. He's a private eye, now". Leo was not retired, he was suspended (i.e. fired) in the first movie. (01:29:00)

Correction: As if you are going to tell a potential client that!

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