
Commando (1985)

39 corrected entries

(17 votes)

Corrected entry: In the dealership, Cooke never shifts the Cadillac into reverse, and yet instantly starts backing up after he says he likes "the price." The car would have had to be in Park or Neutral in order to be cranked up and would not start in gear. (00:02:50)

Correction: There are a couple of shots of the salesman where you can't see Cooke. In one of the shots of the salesman, he even says, "you can't do that." Easy enough to have done it then.


Corrected entry: When he is attacking the house near the end, a stuntman falls off the roof, unfortunately you can see a hint of blue crash mat as he lands. (01:12:30)

Correction: At no point when a stuntman falls off the roof is a crashmat visible.


Correction: I have seen it before too.

Corrected entry: Arnie is supposed to be an army trained soldier but at the end of movie when he's shooting up the army base he hangs the grenades by their pins. Surely he couldn't be that stupid? (01:04:20)

Correction: Yes, attaching grenades to his vest by the pins would be very dangerous, but at worst all you could do is chalk it up to character carelessness. It takes a surprising amount of force to pull the pin out of a grenade. The whole cliche about pulling pins out with your teeth is pretty unrealistic. Attaching the pins directly to his vest would allow him to yank the grenades off his vest and then throw them with one hand, which makes sense when you see later that he's using one hand to lug around a big M60.

Corrected entry: After Arnold drops Sully of the cliff, he goes back to the the woman's car where she asks what he did with Sully, but she was never told his name. (00:41:49)

Correction: Matrix addresses Sully by name before he holds him over the cliff, so Cindy would've easily heard it then.

If she could easily hear his name she would have heard him scream and saw him dropped off the cliff too and wouldn't need to ask what happened.

Corrected entry: When General Kirby goes to John Matrix's house to tell him his men have been killed, he names, "Lawson, Forrestal, Bennett, they've all been hit". Later, Arius reveals to Matrix, "we had to fake Bennett's death so General Kirby would become agitated and lead us to you". Why would Bennett be the only one out of the three who's death would cause Kirby to go to Matrix's home? (00:10:35)

Correction: Bennett made the third of Matrix's former unit to be killed, by which time a pattern would've been established and Kirby would want to go to Matrix to warn him. As well, the history between Matrix and Bennett in particular likely would've made Kirby suspicious.

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, the other members of the Matrix special forces team are killed in various ways. None of them saw the threat coming, none of them decided to try and fight, the man with the trash even seemed scared when he saw the guns instead of reacting in some way. We are led to believe that Matrix is the only operative in his unit to have never lost his edge. (00:01:55)


Correction: Neither of the other two had the advance warning that Matrix got when Kirby warned him that he would be a target. Also Matrix deliberately isolated himself in the woods whereas the other two had both likely lived normal suburban lives for many years and wouldn't have suspected anything until it was too late. Even if Lawson had some time to react to the "garbagemen", he was in a bathrobe and not in the same physical condition still as Matrix, so it would've made little difference against two men with machine guns, same with Forrestal against a man running him down with a car.

Corrected entry: When Cooke is impaled by the broken table in the motel room, there is a close up shot of Cindy looking like she is ready to vomit. But when Matrix walks over to Cooke for answers, Cindy is sitting there with a blank expression on her face. (00:47:30)


Correction: After the shot of Cindy looking like she may throw up, the camera focuses on John for a few seconds before he crouches down beside Cooke. These few seconds would've given Cindy enough time to recover from being sick and to be sitting there silently in shock having just watched someone die.

Corrected entry: Right after John Matrix kills Henriques and tells the flight attendant, "don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired" he gets up to go to the restroom. The Flight attendant tells him, "sir you must remain seated during takeoff", Matrix replies, "I'm airsick". This would not work because the flight attendant would point out that there are barf bags at each seat. (00:22:55)

Correction: The stewardess may have not wanted to challenge a man of John's size. That and airline rules were much more relaxed in the 1980s as compared to today.

Corrected entry: When Matrix leaves the plane to paddle ashore, he's heading directly to the shore. But when we see him actually padding to the shore itself from a side view of the raft, you can see the seaplane directly behind the raft. Considering the direction Matrix left from the plane, the plane should have been off to the left of the shot, off camera, Not in the background of the shot.


Correction: Currents can easily account for the difference in the shots. Either the plane is not as well anchored as it could be, or the raft is drifting with the current.


Corrected entry: When Arnie's daughter is kidnapped, Arnold has got a shotgun and sees the guy in his daughter's room. Arnold shoots the guy in the head and there is a medium sized bullet wound on the guy's head. A blast from a shotgun at that range would have blown his head off his shoulders.

Correction: It's definitely not a shotgun. It's an HK91, the civilian version of the HK G3 because it's selector switch says only "Safe" and "Fire". Either rifle shoots a 7.62x51 NATO round. It should enter in a medium sized bullet wound, but the back of his head is a different story. It pretty much would blow the back of his head off.


Corrected entry: This may be a bit obvious, but there is no army surplus store in America that can sell what Matrix finds there. It's basically impossible to buy automatic weapons without government permission, not to mention the grenades, bombs, and rocket launchers.

Correction: By the way the weapons were hidden behind a huge sliding wall, the implication is the owner of the store was a black market arms dealer.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: How exactly did Cindy manage to get a hold of the rocket launcher after the police arrested Matrix? Why didn't the police put every weapon back in it's place and prevent such things from happening again?

Correction: Cindy had taken it out to the car. As John was leaving he got busted. Cindy wasn't in the shop.


Corrected entry: Matrix uses a bulldozer to break-in the front window of the army supply store. A highly trained operative like Matrix doesn't know how to quietly pick a lock? (00:51:30)

Correction: I think it is safe to assume that being against the clock it would be quicker that way.


Corrected entry: When Matrix is holding Sully by the ankle over the cliff to get the information from him, just above Sully's head you can see an arm holding a microphone. (00:39:30)


Correction: Nothing is visible during this scene.


Corrected entry: A general point which might apply to many films like this; why does Arnie round up so many different guns with incompatible ammo, why not just get one decent weapon and carry lots of ammo for it. Mind you the guys on the island have to face the same logistical nightmare with AK47s plus 9mm, 7.62mm and 5.56mm weapons all in evidence.

Correction: In situations like that, getting the magazine out of a pocket, ejecting the old magazine and putting a new one in gives the enemy time to shoot you, as you can't shoot back. By ditching a gun, it's a lot quicker.


Corrected entry: When Matrix is ambushed in the shed and the soldiers open fire, there is a random shot-gun blast that can be heard seconds after they ceasefire.

Correction: This happens every day, even on firing ranges with instructors present, shouting commands to cease fire. Someone gets a little over excited and squeezes off another round. Character mistake at best.


Corrected entry: After Matrix gets busted at the gun shop, you see Cindy just drive out of the parking lot without any police asking who she is or what she was doing there. What's funny about it is that you can even tell the police are still there by the flashing lights which are hitting the front of the store. Why would the police let a car pull out of the back of a parking lot of a store that was just broken into without wanting to know who that was? If they were good cops they would have seen her car anyway once they got to the store. (00:56:07)

Correction: Yes, but they aren't good cops. You can see how excited they are over the prospect of an interested hooker. They probably just wanted to arrest Matrix and then get out of there. Seeing a car driving out the car park really wouldn't have interested them.

Corrected entry: When he invades the compound one would think that he would keep in mind that he's there to save his daughter but he goes around blowing stuff up..His daughter could be in one of those buildings, plus if he was running around shooting people obviously Bennett & El Presidente would have immediately killed his daughter before he would be able to save her, he had no knowledge where she was and he didn't know she conveniently escaped. (01:11:00)

Correction: He was only blowing up the weak buildings where Jenny would not have been hidden. His instincts told him that she would have been kept more inland, in a more secure building. Plus, he would have known that Bennet and everyone else would not have been in the water tower for eg, and so Jenny would not have been there.

Corrected entry: Nick Tortelli's house on the compound is remarkably similar to Victor Maitland's estate in Beverly Hills Cop. Perhaps Arnie had seen BHC and that's how he knew the layout so well. (01:13:00)

Correction: This isn't a mistake. The location was just used in both programmes.

Corrected entry: When Matrix drives into the mall parking lot after Sully, it is light outside. When he chases after him from the same parking lot, it is night time. It doesn't make sense that Arnold would spend hours in the mall; he was on a tight schedule. Nothing he does suggests a prolonged period of time.

Correction: It can get dark that quickly. 1 hour is not too long to be following someone at the mall. Also, Sully appeared to have had one too many when he was driving, so he was drinking for a while.

Factual error: If the access hatch to the nose wheel well on an airliner was opened at any time during the flight, every alarm panel in the cockpit would light up like a Christmas tree. In this case happening within seconds of takeoff the pilot would immediately declare an emergency, turn around and land at the airport he had just left. (00:22:10)

More mistakes in Commando

Sully: Here's twenty dollars to get some beers in Val Verde. It'll give us all a little more time with your daughter.
Henriques: Heh.
Matrix: You're a funny man, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last.

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Question: The villain's whole plan was to force John Matrix to kill some foreign president by holding his daughter hostage. So why at the beginning were they killing members of his unit? That seemed rather pointless to me.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: They didn't know where Matrix lived. They were killing Matrix's old unit because they knew if they did General Kirby would make physical contact with Matrix to warn him. They simply followed Kirby to Matrix's home.


Answer: To flush him out into the open. By killing his unit it will make it more likely he will want revenge and come out into the open making him a target.


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