Commando mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: After chasing down Sully, the yellow Porsche is totally wrecked on the left side, until Arnie drives it away, and it's fine. Later, when Arnie and Cindy arrive at the hotel, the car is wrecked again. (00:39:50)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Matrix is driving the red car and trying to run Sully's yellow car off the road, watch the front bumper of the red car. At some points it is hanging off the car, and at others is it attached onto the car. (00:39:50)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the very end of the film. When the 3 helicopters and the seaplane come into land, it is quite a wide shot, with no boats visible. A few minutes later, when the seaplane takes off again, a big white boat is near the coast. Even if the boat was off camera during the landing scene, a few minutes was surely not enough to get that far, and that close to the shore. (01:20:30)

Continuity mistake: During the shooting scene by the mansion, the same poor soldier gets killed from different angles, again and again and AGAIN.... (01:12:34)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the film we see two guys on the bin wagon. The one on the left of the screen already has his Uzi in his left hand, yet in the next shot we see him lean into the back of the bin wagon to pick it out. (00:01:45)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bennet and Matrix are fighting at the end. Bennet has his hand over Matrix's face. During instant camera cuts, the position of his hand alters on Matrix's face and neck. (01:18:55)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Rae fires a rocket at the police van, first she fires it back to front then the second time she fires it correctly only this time she is knocked back by the recoil, why wasn't she affected the first time and pushed forward? Also there should be no recoil with a rocket launch. (00:57:10)

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Suggested correction: She was pushed forward against the front windshield which kept her upright whereas when firing it the right way she was thrown backward into the back seat. And rocket launchers will have some measure of recoil from the propulsion of the rocket firing out of the front of the launcher, how much depends on the time and force of the rockets being firing as every weapon has some form of recoil from firing.

Rocket launchers don't have the recoil you think. The propulsion of the rocket firing out of the front is countered by the gases expelling out the back behind the shooter. But if she was pushed forward (which she's not), her waist was above the top of the windshield, so the top of her body would should still lean over, even if it didn't cause her to topple over like she does with the seat.


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, Arnie puts on his flak jacket then his make-up, but when he takes off his jacket, he's got camouflage on. (01:04:15 - 01:14:40)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Arnold lets go of the landing gear he lands in the water. A few seconds later we see him walking up towards the beach, and we can now see that he is only wet from his waist down. It's not likely that he would have been able to land standing on his feet and not not becoming completely soaked. (00:24:41)

Continuity mistake: When Matrix is infiltrating the base (just before he blows everything up), and just after he has cut a soldier's throat and planted a bomb, he is confronted by two more soldiers walking along with rifles slung. Seeing Matrix, the two frantically start un-slinging their rifles. Matrix throws two knives at them. Next we see the two soldiers falling with knives in their throats... and the one on the right has his rifle fully slung again. (01:10:35)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Matrix first rips out the seat of Cindy's car and sits in its spot, his body sits very low to the the bottom of the car. You can even see in the next scene that his head is clearly lower than Cindy's. However, during the chase scene, his head is level with Cindy's. (00:29:55)

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Suggested correction: Matrix is over 6 feet whereas Cindy is under 6 feet and sitting in a car seat. The difference in standing height would make them closer to even headed when sitting in the vehicle with her in the seat and him on the floorboards.

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the baddies are destroying Matrix's house he is laying on the floor covering his daughter's head. The position of the hand keeps swapping depending on the angle. (00:11:50)


Continuity mistake: In the fight scene where Matrix and Bennett are trying to force each other against the furnace, watch Bennett's hands as he struggles with Matix. In one shot Bennett has his hand pressing against Matrix's face, in the reverse shot he is holding Matix by the back of his head/hair. His hands switch back and forth several times. (01:23:00)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Matrix throws the police officer into the bunch of officers at the mall, he runs at Sully, and you see the guards are beginning to get back up on their feet, but then you see them again a few seconds later, and they are back on the floor again! (00:36:27)

Continuity mistake: When Matrix and Cindy are about to take of in the pontoon plane it is dark. Then as the plane takes off it is dusk with a little sun left, yet at the same time the view from the cockpit shows it is unbelievably dark. (01:00:54)

Continuity mistake: While on the compound, there is a scene where some army guys are driving at Matrix in a jeep. They drive past some random army supplies and are about to surprise Matrix when he turns around and nails them with his rocket launcher. Or he sort of nails them. Actually, the army supplies that they had just passed have suddenly relocated and are crashed into by their jeep. Rewind and play repeatedly for full humour effect. (01:12:12)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Matrix jumps inside the house to protect the girl from the shootings, the blood stain on his forehead suddenly disappears. (00:12:00)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Cindy fires the rocket launcher she is knocked down by the blast. The camera cuts to the rocket flying to the van and she is instantly stood up again. Slow-mo may be helpful but is not essental. (00:54:50)


Continuity mistake: During the attack on El Presidentes house Matrix is seen using the belt fed machine gun. One shot shows him firing it apparently left handed (the film has been flipped as mentioned before) with a strap diagonally across his chest. The shots immediately before and after this he does not have the strap. A couple of shots later he is seen picking up a gun with a strap and putting it over his head. The next shot is the same one as previous but flipped back to its correct way. (01:15:33)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the bar at the mall, when the bad guy receives the money and handshakes the fat man, he grabs a glass with his left hand. In the next shot his hand is suddenly away from the glass. (00:33:20)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Matrix is driving the red car and trying to run Sully's yellow car off the road, watch the front bumper of the red car. At some points it is hanging off the car, and at others is it attached onto the car. (00:39:50)

More mistakes in Commando

Arius: Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won't that be nice?
Jenny: Not as nearly as nice as watching him smash your face in.

More quotes from Commando

Trivia: When Col. John Matrix is with Cooke in the motel, Matrix says the famous phrase: "I eat green berets for breakfast." This was a reference to Sylvester Stallone, who played a Green Beret in the Rambo movies. (00:46:45)

More trivia for Commando

Question: Why were members of John's former team given new identities?

Answer: Possibly so any surviving enemies they encountered on previous missions and or tours of duty couldn't hunt them down and kill them for revenge.

More questions & answers from Commando

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