Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The amount of juice in the glass when Matrix has breakfast with his daughter suddenly changes from a third to over a half of the glass. (00:07:40)


Continuity mistake: At the end of the film, when the Army are arriving on the island, the amphibian plane is beached, with the nose facing the beach and the camera. In the next shot, when we see the same plane again, it has been moved out about 50ft, and turned round. (01:26:00)

Continuity mistake: Towards the end Arnold is firing a gun, and the length of the ammo belt changes. They show the ammo almost gone and then after an edit it's dragging on the ground. (01:16:00)

Continuity mistake: At the end, where Matrix kills Bennett by throwing a pipe through him (OK sure, but let's just pretend). The pipe goes through Bennett, and into a steam pipe behind him. Then steam pours out of the Pipe that Matrix threw. Now what happened to all of the flesh, bone, skin, and blood that was inside of the pipe? (01:24:00)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Matrix lands on the island and kits himself up, the camera zooms out to show him fully geared up; pay attention to the binoculars hanging from his neck - they are different to the ones he uses a minute or two later. (01:07:35)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: We see two thugs waiting for Matrix and the other guy at the airport. When we see a close up of the two thugs, there is no one in front of them. But, as the shot changes to a wider angle, people have appeared that should be visible in the previous shot. (01:06:10)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After landing on the marsh, Matrix sets his watch, putting 3 fingers around the sphere. when the angle changes there's just 2 fingers around it. (00:25:00)


Continuity mistake: At the shopping mall when Sully does the cash exchange (in the envelope) he picks up the money and puts in his pocket, then in the open shot it's back on the table. (00:32:00)

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Suggested correction: The envelope contains passports, not cash. Sully takes the passports out and throws the envelope onto the table. We see him put just the passports into his left jacket pocket.


Continuity mistake: Near the start of the film, Matrix's van tumbles dorn a hill and lands on its side. In the next shot, the van is on its top. (00:15:15)

Continuity mistake: When Matrix's daughter brings the food, Matrix's sandwich is either pointing in a 6 o'clock direction, or in a 8 o'clock, depending on the angle. (00:07:45)


Continuity mistake: When Matrix boards the plane towards the beginning of the film, it is early evening - the sun is shown to be low in the sky, casting long shadows. Once he has escaped from the plane and is making his way back across the runways into the airport building, the shadows are smaller and more intense, showing the sun is more directly overhead - therefore it has suddenly become much earlier in the day. (00:21:50 - 00:24:15)

Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Matrix is firing out of the sea plane, he shoots 2 people in a jeep. In one shot, they are both falling backwards having been shot, and in the next shot, the one in a sand-coloured top is jumping out of the jeep. (00:58:10)


Continuity mistake: Just as Matrix says about growing up in East Germany, his daughter has her hand on a glass of juice. However, as the shot changes, she is now holding her sandwich with two hands. (00:07:40)


Continuity mistake: After Jenny is abducted and Matrix chases the bad guys, the windshield in his car swaps between very dirty and dusty in the wide angles to spotless in the close-ups. (00:15:10)


Continuity mistake: The police van with Matrix inside pulls away from Cindy and drives for about 30 seconds including the fact that Cindy fired two rockets at it, and, yet, when it stops it is still much too close to where they began and this is even after someone misfired a rocket at them. (00:54:50)


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Suggested correction: A couple of things to point out here. First, the vehicle is a police van, which is going to be slower to accelerate than a car. Not by much, but enough. Secondly, the two cops are distracted by Cindy, thinking she is a hooker and is about to flash them. "I think she's got something for us." The cops are driving slowly at this point, note the speed of the passing streets. Then when she fires the first rocket, it causes both cops to look around to see what was happening - again slowing down.


Continuity mistake: Matrix slams the caterpillar into the gun shop through the metal gates and continues for several seconds, it appears that the metal gates are knocked down a few times. Also, the caterpillar winds up very close to the window even after Matrix drives it for several seconds once inside. (00:51:50)


Continuity mistake: When they arrive at the airport, Matrix closes the door of the car, and the window is almost closed. But, in the next shot, when Bennett says that he'll be ready, he is looking through a completely open window. (00:19:10)

Continuity mistake: When Matrix leaves the plane rowing a boat there are two angles on Cindy: In the close-up her hair remains still, but in the wide angle there's a strong wind blowing it. This changes back and forth. (01:03:20)


Continuity mistake: After the rocket-launcher scene Matrix's daughter is sitting on the floor with a wrinkled curtain at her feet. A shot later the curtain is less wrinkled. (00:55:30)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Matrix is driving the red car and trying to run Sully's yellow car off the road, watch the front bumper of the red car. At some points it is hanging off the car, and at others is it attached onto the car. (00:39:50)

More mistakes in Commando

Arius: Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won't that be nice?
Jenny: Not as nearly as nice as watching him smash your face in.

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More trivia for Commando

Question: When Matrix says to his captors "Why not have Bennett do it, looks like something he will get off on"; did he mean it was something Bennett wouldn't go to jail for (considering he was psychotic), or was it some kind of sexual implication?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: A sexual implication, suggesting that it's something Bennett would find exciting.


Answer: Not sexual but something that he (Bennet) would find immense joy in doing due to his unstable mental nature akin to a sociopathic tendency.

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