
Audio problem: Towards the end there's a firefight between Matrix who wields a shotgun and El Presidente who is armed with a Steyr AUG. The weapon sounds used for the Steyr AUG however are from a MAC 10 or an UZI and don't sound a bit like it. (01:18:13)

Audio problem: The scene where Bennet and Matrix are fighting towards the end of the movie, before Matrix kills Bennet they have each others throat in their hands and one of their backs is against the furnace. While they are grunting and groaning, if you listen carefully, you can hear one of them say "switch" just before they change positions. (01:19:05)

Audio problem: When Matrix tells Cooke that "I eat Green Berets for breakfast" you never see his lips move when he says "right now I'm very hungry." (00:46:47)

Audio problem: When the soldiers surround the shack and finish firing at it,you can hear a shotgun blast last while nobody shot. (01:11:25)

Audio problem: When Matrix drops Sully of the cliff, he never seems to hit the bottom or the ocean. Even with a small man like Sully you would clearly hear a splash or a thud. (00:41:20)


Audio problem: When Cooke enters the motel room, the sound of the first hit that Matrix gives him happens a split second before the fist makes contact. (00:44:00)

Audio problem: When Cooke starts up the Cadillac in the dealership you hear the engine turn over and fire twice. (00:02:30)

Audio problem: When Arnie sets his stop watch to count down from 11hrs, each second that the watch ticks over there is a loud 'beep'. This is consistent with when he looks at his watch later in the mall, when it reads 9hrs 40mins to go, his watch is still beeping every second. But when Arnie and Cindy arrive at the Sunspot Motel (7hrs 57min to go) and when Arnie's in the back of the police wagon, at 5hrs 2min to go, the watch isn't beeping.


Audio problem: During the phone-booth scene at the mall, the same woman's cry is heard over and over and over again. (00:36:00)


Commando mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Matrix is driving the red car and trying to run Sully's yellow car off the road, watch the front bumper of the red car. At some points it is hanging off the car, and at others is it attached onto the car. (00:39:50)

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Arius: Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won't that be nice?
Jenny: Not as nearly as nice as watching him smash your face in.

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Trivia: When Col. John Matrix is with Cooke in the motel, Matrix says the famous phrase: "I eat green berets for breakfast." This was a reference to Sylvester Stallone, who played a Green Beret in the Rambo movies. (00:46:45)

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Question: The villain's whole plan was to force John Matrix to kill some foreign president by holding his daughter hostage. So why at the beginning were they killing members of his unit? That seemed rather pointless to me.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: They didn't know where Matrix lived. They were killing Matrix's old unit because they knew if they did General Kirby would make physical contact with Matrix to warn him. They simply followed Kirby to Matrix's home.


Answer: To flush him out into the open. By killing his unit it will make it more likely he will want revenge and come out into the open making him a target.


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