
4th Apr 2017

Get Smart (1965)

Supersonic Boom - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: At the car wash, the KAOS man drives his car in and there are two people in it for some reason, but when he gets out, he's the only one there.

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Suggested correction: There are never two people in the car. The Chief, Max, and 99 even refer to "him" every time and not "them". Perhaps the submitter thinks the headrest of the empty seat is a person.


Corrected entry: Whenever money is shown, it's currency from 1967, not the 1930s. The paper currency in the 1930s was very different from modern currency.

Correction: A specific example needs to be given for this mistake because money in the 30's was not very different. It seems the submitter is thinking in the 30's they used larger paper bills, but in 1929 the US Government changed all paper currency to the current size (small bill note), so money from the 30's looked similar to the 60's. True, in 1966 a red seal was used, but the submitter does not suggest this was the difference.


4th Apr 2017

Get Smart (1965)

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Suggested correction: Assuming the submitter meant Max (since there is no Ma character in this episode), the agents aren't firing at anything in the room other than the Cube of Safety, which isn't made of a spark-able material nor would it "explode".


19th Apr 2004

The Avengers (1998)

Other mistake: The shot of Big Ben destroyed by lightning looks strangely like the Big Ben exploding in the film "Mars Attacks" (1996).

Dr Wilson

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Suggested correction: Whether or not it is the same footage or just similar, it's not a valid mistake as there no continuity or factual errors involved, etc. It's trivia at best, if the two films can be tied together and there's documented reports of someone involved in the films admitting the footage was reused.


14th Jul 2004

Time After Time (1979)

Plot hole: When Jack The Ripper checks his watch before confronting H.G. Wells and demanding the key, the hands point to 8:50, the ensuing chase to the museum and demise of the Ripper may have used up a half hour or so, yet the time on the wall clock indicates that it is midnight.

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Suggested correction: Movie time and real time don't match, so 3 hours has passed without all 3 hours being shown. The fact that the clock now shows midnight is meant to explain this fact without the need for subtitles to reveal the time.


13th Apr 2014

Community (2009)

Correction: As you pointed out, Shirley is Baptist and isn't aware how Orthodoxes make the sign of the cross. However, her established religion has no bearing on her making the sign of the cross, nor is it against her religion to make the sign.


1st Mar 2017

Columbo (1971)

It's All in the Game - S12-E1

Corrected entry: Lauren Dayton has a package sent to Columbo. It contains a bed for his basset hound. Later when she meets Columbo at a restaurant and sees the box, she says, "You didn't open it." Since the box and the lid were each separately wrapped in red paper, there is no way she could have known if the box had been opened.

Correction: It had nothing to do with the way it was wrapped. She just figured Columbo hadn't opened it because otherwise he wouldn't have brought it with him if he knew it was just a dog bed.


13th Feb 2017

The Flash (2014)

Correction: He doesn't say "Harley", he says "Holly". It has nothing to do with his role as the Joker, but just changing the lyrics which normally go "Deck the halls with boughs of holly."


23rd Jan 2017

San Andreas (2015)

Corrected entry: Near the end of the film, Chief Ray Gaines is desperately trying to save his daughter, Blake, from rising water inside a building. The water engulfs them both at the exact same moment, and Ray watches helplessly as Blake immediately drowns without struggle in only 22 seconds. However, virtually anyone can hold his breath much longer than that, up to two minutes or more. In fact, Ray continues holding his breath for an additional 30 seconds under continuous physical exertion as he retrieves Blake's body and swims to the surface.

Charles Austin Miller

Correction: Many people, especially when panicked, will actually pass out during their first breath. Blake could have easily gone into shock as well. So it's not unheard of for someone to drown in under 30 seconds, although they may still be alive and can be revived. But this was not the case with Blake.


30th Jan 2017

Starship Troopers (1997)

Corrected entry: When Rico is whipped, the guy with the whip is shown about 15 feet in the background. The lashes leave huge 18-inch stripes on Rico's back, implying that the whip is about 17 feet long. But the maximum effective striking length of a whip is only 12 feet, at most.

Charles Austin Miller

Correction: Even assuming the measured distances are correct, the fact is, 20' whips are sold and are routinely shown to be effective.


30th Aug 2003

Men in Black II (2002)

Corrected entry: When K shows his video store card to the clerk at the video store, the clerk remarks that the card hasn't been used since before she was born. How would she know that fact if she hadn't been born yet when it was used? Perhaps the card was only discontinued right before she began working there.

Correction: First, it was probably just an exaggeration on how old the card is. But why wouldn't she know about it, she's obviously aware of the card, so she could have been told about it or come across one by another long time customer.


12th Nov 2008

Black Sheep (1996)

Corrected entry: When Chris Farley gets his tie stuck in the back of the trunk of a car and is being dragged behind it, one can see the metal plate (or whatever it is) which he is gliding on.

Correction: I watched the scene to try to catch a glimpse of the metal plate. The fact that the submitter isn't even sure if it's a metal plate makes it suspicious that they actually saw anything and aren't merely guessing. The sparks are suppose to be from the metal campaign buttons and his metal belt buckle, which the submitter might have mistaken for a metal plate.


30th Aug 2003

Men in Black II (2002)

Corrected entry: When Agent Jay is in the yellow tent with Serleena's tiny ship, he pulls out his video communicator and begins to talk to Zed. Zed can see Agent Jay via the communicator but when Jay closes the communicator and puts it away, Zed still has a view of Jay speaking with him over the big, egg shaped monitor. How could Zed see Agent Jay over the monitor if there was no video device available to transmit the conversation? (00:24:05)

Correction: The device Agent Jay uses allows him to see HQ, not the other way around. In one shot of Jay on the monitor, you can see part of the spaceship, meaning the image of Jay did not come from his monitor, but some other device monitoring either the spaceship or Agent Jay. When Jay closes his visual communicator, the monitoring device is still active and thus HQ can still see him.


9th Dec 2016

Mayberry R.F.D. (1968)

Sister Cities - S1-E26

Corrected entry: Mayberry and the Mexican town of Puerto Bello become Sister Cities as part of a State Department program to foster friendship between nations. Everybody in Mayberry continually mispronounces the Mexican town's name as "Porto Bello."

Correction: Hardly a mistake that small town Americans can't pronounce Spanish names properly, even if they are friendly.


Correction: No, it's not. It's not even close. It's just pieces of John being pulled apart as he struggles to get away from the magnet. The images are essentially the same height and upright. In fact, two middle images are the tallest and straightest.


Corrected entry: Sarah throughout most of the movie wears her hair in a ponytail. In the scene prior to using the time machine her hair is loose because she can't wear any clothing. However her hair is somehow back in its ponytail prior to her stepping into the time machine.

Correction: We don't know how much time passes between these scenes, and none of the shots of her hair down then in a ponytail are continuous shots. After they're done talking about what year to go to, the next scene they're already in the locker room and her hair is down, and she had plenty of time to do it. She could have taken it down for a number of reasons, such as brushing it or because something got in her hair. After that, the next scene is all 3 at the time machine. She could have put it in a ponytail out of habit or because they had more to do, and again, she had plenty of time to do so. She even covers herself after taking her clothes off even though she's going to be naked in front of Kyle, so no reason to think she couldn't put her hair back up in the meantime. Of course, as she enters the time machine and disrobes she takes her scrunchie off to let her hair down.


15th Feb 2017

Home Alone (1990)

Stupidity: When a cop goes to Kevin's house after being requested by police, he simply knocks on the door and after a few seconds walks away assuming no ones home. Had he actually bothered to announce himself as a cop, Kevin would have opened the door and he would have been found safe.

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Suggested correction: Some people just aren't good at their job or are too lazy. The cop didn't like the idea of being sent on a possible fake call and didn't put in the extra effort. Or he was simply waiting for someone to ask who it was before identifying himself. Plus the cop would have had no idea Kevin was hiding and not answering the door because he was scared nor that saying he was the police would get him to answer the door, he could have simply thought a kid left alone would answer the door to anyone.


Even if he thought it was a fake call, he still should have identified himself. By doing this, he could have confirmed that Kevin was indeed left alone.

And the script could have been written a 100 different ways to prevent Kevin from being left home alone, but that doesn't mean there's a plot hole or movie mistake.


Creating series of silly explanations for obvious mistakes/plotholes never resolves them. He should have identified himself regardless of the circumstances.


Perhaps the officer's failure to identify himself (as well as other deficiencies in the way he responded to the call) would more accurately be classified as a "character mistake"? This may result in fewer criticisms (corrections) while not negating the "stupidity."


Maybe it should be. Because he acted much too unprofessionally for a police officer.

The Thing That Wouldn't Die (2) - S6-E20

Corrected entry: At the end of the show the aliens leave and Dick chops Mary's neck to supposedly help her forget he ever existed. However, what about all the others? It makes no sense to make Mary forget them when everyone else would still remember them. How could she explain not knowing Dick when she would invariably have his stuff around or hear others talking about them?

luke f

Correction: Dick only erased Mary's memory because she was torn between her love for him and her desire to stay on Earth. It had nothing to do with making sure no one remembered them, just to hopefully help Mary move on with her life.


Correction: First, his name is Broderick. However, he's simply not LeVar's (Freight Train) son. Since Broderick and Cleveland have the same mother, they're still brothers.


Corrected entry: When the pirate is reading the book about Bikini Bottom, he's saying what SpongeBob loves, when SpongeBob is looking at a snow globe of him running to the Krusty Krab, it's raining krabby patties. If you look closely, some of the raining krabby patties don't land on the ground.


Correction: While some don't land on the ground there's no mistake. At first, the ones that we don't see land on the ground are because they land off camera. Then when it's the snow globe, part of the ground is blocked by the red ring. And the rest that don't are "floating" in the water in the snow globe, just as the "snow" would float in a normal snow globe.


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