Quantom X

The Flash: Batman?
Batman: It's future tech. Difficult to disarm without setting them off, even for me.
Captain Atom: I could try to vaporize the bombs.
Wonder Woman: Yes, but you'd be vaporizing the Rogues as well.
Aquaman: Diana's right. What's plan B?

Quantom X

3rd Nov 2014

Team Fortress 2

Scout: Gravity? Who gives a crap about gravity?

Quantom X

15th Oct 2014

Tammy (2014)

Tammy: That's not chicken. I don't know what it is, but it's not bird.
Keith Morgan: I can promise you that's 110% bird.
Tammy: Bird doesn't come out of a squeezy tube!

Quantom X

15th Oct 2014

Tammy (2014)

15th Oct 2014

Black Nativity (2013)

Hound: I'm like a fat ballerina, who takes scalps and slits throats!

Quantom X

Hound: Come and get some! You're all gonna die!

Quantom X

Batmobiles Racing - S1-E1

Damien Beurer: It's also atomic powered. If this thing was to explode, which it won't because it's that bad ass, it would take out anything in its path!

Quantom X

Batmobiles Racing - S1-E1

Damien Beurer: Which has the turning radius of a dump truck. And you're in a city. You're in Gotham City, man!
Andy Liegl: Well which is why this has grappling hooks to shoot out the side.
Damien Beurer: One use only, you turn one corner you're screwed.
Andy Liegl: No there's more than one.

Quantom X

The Ringer - S1-E1

Link: You're a girl, Spryte. How do I get Zelda to pay more attention to me?
Spryte: Who cares? She's a snot! You should stick with me.
Link: Spryte, you're only 3 inches high.
Spryte: What, you don't like short girls?

Quantom X

25th Sep 2014

Team Fortress 2

Blutarch Mann: I sense a disturbance in the force... Hold on. Okay, I'm back. My lawyers tell me I'm sensing nothing.

Quantom X

25th Sep 2014

Team Fortress 2

Bombinomicon: Okay, twist ending guys. Here comes the big twist! I'm an angel, and we're in Heaven! This was a test all along! No, I'm pulling your leg, there is no Heaven. There is Hell in every direction.

Quantom X

25th Sep 2014

Team Fortress 2

Bombinomicon: Hey, when you go back to Earth, make sure you tell everybody I'm the Devil now. Oh, I'm gonna be famous. Oh, I'm gonna be more famous than Lord of the Rings! So have you guys been doing? Soldier, still have that stupid wizard for a roommate? Oh, that guy, I could tell you some... You know what? You keep fighting, we catch up later.

Quantom X

25th Sep 2014

Team Fortress 2

Soldier: [after dominating a Demoman.] Scotland is not a real country! You are an Englishman in a dress!

Quantom X

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