
3rd Oct 2012

Robocop 3 (1993)

Corrected entry: In the first part of the movie, the OCP board members are discussing talking about how they have 3 days to clear out the neighbourhood, before their loans are called in and the project is scrapped. This would have been a closed door meeting and it's details would have been kept secret: Yet Bertha tells the rebels later in the movie - and indeed the entire police force works towards this during the battle at the end - that they only have to hold out for 3 days. She would not have this information, resulting in the rebels not having any clear goal to work towards.


Correction: The details of the transaction, including the deadline, would be available to the public as are the details any land property sale in the U.S. What OCP intends to do about it, however, would be a matter for "closed doors", and neither the rebels nor the police display any awareness of OCP's specific plans in that regard.


Corrected entry: Katniss awakens on the third day of the Hunger Games and realizes the woods are on fire. This leads her into a confrontation with the Careers who chase her up a tree. Even though it must still be early morning (since it is highly unlikely that Katniss would have slept in), the Careers decide to light a campfire and set up camp at the base of the tree. It doesn't make sense for them to already be setting up camp this early in the day.

Correction: They intend to sit right there until Katniss comes down, however many hours or days that takes. There's no reason at all NOT to go ahead and set up camp since they figure on being there for a good while anyway.


Corrected entry: When the guy says " oh my sweet centipede" the middle part moves her fingers.

Correction: She's not dead, so there's no reason she shouldn't be able to move her fingers.


28th Feb 2011

Skyline (2010)

Corrected entry: When the nuclear missile explodes onto the spacecraft Oliver was looking at it through a telescope. He would definitely have been blinded in one eye because of the flash and in severe pain, yet he doesn't show any sign of trauma or pain directly after.


Correction: He yells and puts his hands to his eyes as he jerks his head away from the eyepiece. What part of that is that NOT a sign of pain?


27th Sep 2012

Serenity (2005)

Corrected entry: In the pilot of Firefly, River seems shocked to see Simon when she wakes up from cryosleep. In Serenity, she sees Simon before going into cryosleep, so she should remember. One could argue that due to her mental problems she simply forgot, but River's memory has always been extraordinary, even in terrible circumstances.


Correction: Waking from cryosleep results in brief temporary mental disorientation.


Corrected entry: When everyone walks over to the "hand hooks" you can see that one of the fingers on the hooks moves before they grab everyone's belongings.


Correction: So? Wonka never explains how they work, so there's no reason we know of for the hands not to have some degree of movement.


29th Aug 2012

Brave (2012)

Corrected entry: When Merida shoots the 1st arrow it lands on a bullseye, but when she shots the 2nd arrow the 1st arrow is not on the bullseye.

Correction: Who knows for sure which of the many arrows Merida looses is actually being discussed here, but presumably this entry refers to the archery contest. The arrow she bullseyed with her first shot is not seen when she looses her second arrow because she's shooting at a completely different target each time she shoots.


Corrected entry: While watching Bane in videos, Alfred points out he is in his "prime" and he certainly does look so, being stronger and faster than Bruce. Althought later is revealed he was already an adult in the pit, when Talia was just a child, which means he should be in his 40's at least which he certainly didn't look so.

Correction: Talia was 10 when she escaped from the pit; Bane said "I was already a man before I saw the light." I would wager Bane's definition of "manhood" is not the same as our definition of "adulthood" meaning he was much younger than you'd assume. But let's just say he was 18 in the pit. Talia is in her early 30's in the movie, putting Bane in his late 30's or very early 40's. Nothing about him couldn't have passed for that age range and there's no reason he couldn't have been in his prime at that age, especially compared to a crippled Bruce Wayne. It takes more than the vitality of youth to be a competent combatant.


Corrected entry: An atomic bomb blast with a blast radius of 6 miles should create an enormous tidal wave that could ultimately wipe out the city.

Correction: Actually, no. Water is a lot harder to move than air.


Corrected entry: At the beginning in the car taking Dr. Pavel to the CIA plane, we see Pavel at the front of the car and three masked guys in the back (Bane and two henchmen) but when they are in the airplane there are only two (Bane and just one henchmen).

Correction: There is a henchman at the open door, with a gun to his head, there is a henchman on his back waiting his turn to be threatened, and both are behind Bane who is on his knees.


Corrected entry: When Fox shows Bruce "The Bat" for the first time, the hidden area it is in is undoubtedly located on a floor high up in a skyscraper. Bane later blows a hole in its floor - from the sewers.

Correction: Applied Sciences is in a large basement area. There is no indication whatsoever at any point in any film in this entire franchise that it has moved above ground. How can you have a hidden floor in a skyscraper anyway unless it's underground?


27th Jul 2012

X-Men (2000)

Correction: His bones are not made of adamantium, they were coated in it. Obviously his teeth were not included in the procedure.


16th Jul 2012

Brave (2012)

Corrected entry: The witch's cottage is deeper into the forest that it can't be seen from the circle of stones, especially since Merida had to take at least one turn to find it while following the wisps. However, as soon as Merida leaves the witch's cottage, she is suddenly back at the circle of stones, in much less time than it took her to travel to the cottage from there. (01:33:00)

Correction: That's part of the magic of the forest and the stones, just like the Wisps. Merida is deeply confused to find herself back at the stones so quickly, indicating the journey was just as abrupt and unexpected for her. Same thing happens when she and her mother leave the ruins from the forgotten kingdom.


16th Jul 2012

Brave (2012)

Corrected entry: Merida left the castle without a bow after her argument with Elinor, yet she has a bow and arrows the following morning (after the spending the night in the rain with Elinor).

Correction: She left without a bow after the argument, found the witch, came back and turned her mother into a bear, then left again this time with a bow and arrows.


23rd Jun 2012

Brave (2012)

Corrected entry: Hamish, Harris and Hubert are using various objects to cast what appears to be the shadow of a bear on the castle walls. King Fergus leads a group of men in pursuit of what they think is a bear. At one point, the men dash down a corridor after the bear, but the shadow appears on an outside wall which they would not be able to see.

Correction: But they can hear the "bear's" growls coming from that direction.


28th Jun 2012

Brave (2012)

Corrected entry: Merida is thrown off her horse at the circle of stones because he is afraid to enter that circle. However, after Merida leaves the witch's cottage, she finds her horse in the circle of stones. (01:33:00)

Correction: Angus walked around the circle and followed her to the witch's cottage. He was inside the circle with Merida afterward because he got teleported back just like she did; it wasn't a choice on either of their parts.


11th Jul 2012

Brave (2012)

Corrected entry: Elinor only eats a small piece of the cursed cake, but the subsequent shots of the cake sitting alone on the plate atop the table show a bigger piece missing from the cake. (01:33:00)

Correction: We never see the size of the piece Elanor eats, except very briefly as she is placing it into her mouth. The angle-change alone is enough to account for the apparent change in size.


23rd Jun 2012

Home Alone (1990)

Corrected entry: When Harry comes through the back door, the blowtorch sets his hat on fire, but doesn't seem to damage or set alight the curtains hanging on the back of the door, even though the flame is pretty big.

Heather Benton

Correction: Many curtains are available that are either made from a flame-retardant material or are treated to be so; it would make sense for the McCallisters to have such curtains on their door so that, in the event of a house fire, the most obvious exit would also not be engulfed in flames.


7th Jun 2012

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Corrected entry: When K is killed in the past, why is J still with the Men in Black? It is only because of K that he joined them, so he should not be working with them at all.


Correction: Just because K was the one who was assigned to recruit J does not mean that J would not have been recruited without K. Anyone else could have handed him that business card.


Corrected entry: When Arthur first arrives on the Heart of Gold, Trillian shows himr where he can get some tea. However, she shows him a machine that gives something from a tube that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea while there is a much better machine standing right next to it that would give you anything you crave just by reading your mind (a bagel, for instance). If Trillian had just shown him that machine, Arthur would have been drinking some good tea. The other machine is therefore totally useless.


Correction: Congratulations on completely missing the joke. It's not a plot hole, it's humor.


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