
11th Sep 2010

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, Max's teacher tells the class the story of Binx and the Sanderson sisters (shown as a flashback). Later, Allison talks to Binx and says, "so the legends are true." If no one ever knew what happened to Binx, how did the story get passed down in the first place?


Correction: When the teacher says that no one knows what happened to Binx she means no one knows what his final fate was. Obviously this is because he hasn't yet met his end. At any rate, Allison could merely be referring to the fact that the Sanderson sisters existed or else there wouldn't be a talking cat in their old hometown. And *those* legends do not require knowledge of Thackary Binx for them to be passed from generation to generation.


12th Sep 2010

Army of Darkness (1992)

Corrected entry: Allegedly Sam Raimi bought at least ten Oldsmobiles to be used as stunt cars for this film, however, he still drove his original Oldsmobile to the set everyday. When filming the scene where Ash and his car crash land in the dark ages, Bruce Campbell and a few technicians swapped Raimi's Oldsmobile for the stand in that was to be hoisted up and dropped. Raimi never noticed until he'd shot the scene twice then walked onto the set to check if the car was still in good enough condition for a third take. Amazingly enough, it was.

Correction: No. Raimi's private property, which everyone knew had a high sentimental value, was not destroyed for a prank. This is just a rumor.


Corrected entry: After Mr. Holland performs a concert for his son's school for the deaf, the audience bursts into applause. But deaf people do not clap in applause, they wave their hands (it is more visually energetic). Since most of the audience was deaf students and teachers, there really should have been a lot of waving, and only a few sparse clappers. But I'm sure that would have sounded awkward and anticlimactic for this very emotional scene. Given the research the filmmakers put into ASL, I'm sure they were aware of this, but opted for the clapping to suit the typical (hearing) movie-goer.

Correction: Deaf people are aware of what clapping is. Those in the audience know that Mr. Holland is not deaf and that applause would have a greater impact on him than waving. This was their choice, not a movie mistake.


Corrected entry: When Iroh is angry about the moon spirit getting killed, he creates his own fire. It is clear that his flames are licking the leaves of the tree, but it does not ignite.


Correction: Iroh can control fire. He doesn't want to burn down the tree, so his fire isn't burning it.


15th Aug 2010

The Lovely Bones (2009)

Corrected entry: George Harvey goes to the dump in order to get rid of the safe. It takes him and another man to get the safe off the truck and slowly roll it into the dump. Then how in the world did George Harvey get the thing out of his basement and into his truck without any help?


Correction: Already submitted and corrected.


Corrected entry: In the top left corner of the newspaper Charlie is reading there is an ad for the US Open showing a tennis ball. The US open tennis tournament is always played in late August/early September and not in June when the movie is supposedly taking place.

Correction: Nothing out of place about an ad for an upcoming sporting event.


Corrected entry: With the exception of Falcor, none of the creatures of Fantasia have been to the human world. Yet, throughout the movie, various Fantasia citizens make references to Vegas, Greenpeace, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the song "Born to Be Wild". How do they know all this?

Correction: Every creature in Fantasia, and the world of Fantasia itself, are the product of human imagination. They were born of our thoughts. So it stands to reason they would know the things we know.


2nd Sep 2010

Robin Hood (2010)

Corrected entry: French Army landing: Horses get sea-sick and the English Channel is a very rough body of water - therefore, it's highly unlikely that knights would be able to ride their horses off the landing barges into battle.

Correction: Except this very thing was done in real history, so that must not be the case.


7th Sep 2010

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: In the baseball scene, Alice and Esme are wearing baseball caps that visibly have a C for Cullen on them. Rosalie is wearing a baseball cap too. But why does Rosalie's cap have a G on it instead of a C?


Correction: This isn't trivia, it's a question. Rosalie's last name is Hale, so if there's not a C then one would think it'd be an H.


12th Aug 2010

Silent Hill (2006)

Corrected entry: When Rose first meets Cybil, she is wearing sunglasses, even though it is too dark for them.


Correction: Cybil is an officer riding a motorbike. She wears the sunglasses at all times to protect her eyes from the wind, bugs, and road grit while driving. During the day they protect her eyes from sunlight, and at night they protect her eyes from the headlights of oncoming cars which would otherwise render her temporarily "blinded" while her eyes readjusted to the darkness.


12th Aug 2010

Moon (2009)

Corrected entry: Gravity on the moon is only a fraction of that on earth. The filmmakers properly try to display this on those shots taken outside the station, on the surface of the moon. These shots are similar to what we are used to seeing on real historic moon walks. However, no effort at all was made to simulate the lack of gravity on those shots taken inside the station, resulting in a very unrealistic presentation of a moon settlement.

Bruce Trestrail

Correction: Two words: artifical gravity. If they have the technology to build a moon settlement, it's not a stretch at all to accept they have invented a means to artifically create Earth-like gravity.


27th Aug 2010

Kick-Ass (2010)

Corrected entry: The newspaper headline read 'kick-ass impersonator killed' or something resembling that, but the problem is, no one knew who kick-ass actually was. Therefore they wouldn't know for sure if it had been the real kick-ass or not.

Correction: They would know, from family or pay stubs or tax records, that the man they identified worked as a Kick-Ass impersonator.


Corrected entry: When Max takes David underwater to escape Nasa's radar, David is apparently thrown backward into the pilot's chair at the moment Max hits the water. In reality, Max should have been slowed by contact with the water causing David to be thrown forward. (00:57:35)


Correction: The ship didn't slow at all. David jumped back in his seat, startled by the sudden submergence and bracing himself for a rough impact that never came.


10th Aug 2010

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Corrected entry: When Riggs and Murtaugh arrive at Dixie's house, the boys playing on the street immediately identify them as police officers. The clothes Riggs and Murtaugh are wearing and the car their driving, give no indication that they are police officers. So how could the boys know this? (01:02:30)


Correction: Several possible explanations. Perhaps the boys have seen Riggs and Murtaugh specifically before, for instance. It's also possible these young children, having lived in what is obviously not exactly the best sort of neighborhood, are very street wise and can recognize the pair as police by their behavior or some other indicator.


Corrected entry: In the beginning Aang didn't introduce himself to Sokka & Katara. They both found him at their home, which is the southern water tribe, which is in a different place in the world. Normally you don't wait until you arrive at a different place to introduce yourself.


Correction: How is this a plot hole, or even a mistake? He didn't introduce himself. So what?


6th Aug 2010

Zathura (2005)

Corrected entry: A short while after Walter is chased around the house by the robot, Danny spins and gets a card. They begin to enter the sun's gravity field. The sun would have destroyed the house the minute they entered the gravity field.


Correction: The planet Earth is within the Sun's gravity field, yet somehow we all escape destruction every day.


Yeah, but the Earth is 91 million miles away from the Sun. In the movie it looks like the house is MUCH closer to it.

When the boys opened the front door when they first realised they're in space, they could breathe just fine. I think the game has powers to alter physics, such as allowing them to breathe in space. So I think the game altered how strong the gravity field was so there was some danger without it being instant death.

Corrected entry: When Jasper was training the Cullens and wolves to fight, Edward and Carlisle fought to practice. After Edward knocked Carlisle over, Jasper came over and said, "Oh, and one more thing." Edward looked over, so Carlisle knocked him over, and Jasper said, "Never take your eyes off the enemy." Edward can read both their minds, so how did he not know that was going to happen?

Correction: Edward can't read minds per se, he can only hear and see what a person is specifically thinking about at any given time. Alice keeps secrets from Edward all the time by deliberately thinking about something else. Carlisle and Jasper did this to Edward.


Corrected entry: When Yzma is searching for Kuzko at Pacha's house and talking to Pacha's wife, who is pregnant, she drops something on the floor and Pacha's wife picks it up. It takes her a long time to do this because she looks almost ready to deliver her baby. Less than a minute later, when Pacha's wife sees Pacha at the kitchen window, she excuses herself and rushes over to the window. A woman as pregnant as she is could not move that fast.


Correction: Baloney. My wife has been "that pregnant" thrice and, while it's not comfortable, she was always able to move pretty much as swiftly as she needed/wanted to.


Corrected entry: In the garage scene, Bart is attacked by a legless zombie dangling from some pipes. Being legless, how would he have gotten up there in the first place? It's possible that perhaps when he was human, he got up there first, lost his legs afterward, and then changed into a zombie, but then why would he still be up there after so long? (You can tell he has been dead at least a few weeks by his stage of decomposition.)


Correction: He's got pretty impressive upper body strength. He could have easily climbed up something. Like a fixture against a wall, or some piping that comes down. Alternatively, he may have been a zombie with legs, climbed up there, then lost his legs somehow. Perhaps in a struggle with a survivor who is now among his fellows.


Corrected entry: When Marty is plugging his guitar in to the mega amp, the amplifier end of the cable is stereo (like you would use for headphones) and the guitar end is the correct mono connector.


Correction: This is obviously something Doc Brown built himself, not an "off-the-shelf" item. For whatever reason he wanted, needed, or settled on a stereo connection in the amp.


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