
7th May 2012

Salt (2010)

Corrected entry: After Salt kills Orlov she arms herself with three grenades, picks up a semi-automatic pistol, checks the magazines, then snaps it up into the handle of the weapon. But she doesn't chamber a round by pulling the slide back - yet immediately afterwards she is shooting the bad guys without taking that vital step.


Correction: The gun was ready to fire before Salt ever picked it up. There was already a round chambered when she pulled out the magazine to see how much ammunition it held. Doing this would not remove the previously chambered bullet, nor would snapping the magazine back into place dislodge that round.


4th May 2012

The Avengers (2012)

Corrected entry: In the scene where we see Iron Man soldering underwater, the sound of his breathing is that of an open circuit breathing system, which should be releasing bubbles into the water, but none are visible (a rebreather wouldn't release bubbles, but sounds very different).


Correction: The Iron Man suit is completely fictional technology. Who's to say what it should or shouldn't sound like?


Corrected entry: In the 2nd Tremors film, there's a scene towards the end when Burt uses his LAR Grizzly Big Bore .50 BMG rifle on a shrieker, and the .50 cal round reduces it to spaghetti sauce. However, in this movie, Burt uses a .50 cal round to handle the Shriekers in Argentina (in the very beginning), and this time the bullets only cause bullet holes, and not massive carnage.


Correction: Burt makes his own bullets, as shown in the first film, and as such he can control how much powder goes into them and therefore how much kick they have. Not to mention whether they're hollow point or full metal jacket; that alone could account for the difference between "spaghetti sauce" and simple penetration.


14th Apr 2012

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: Why does Brock call Caledon a 'son of a bitch' during the dive? At that time he doesn't know he was a bad guy. He was just a wealthy man who lost some expensive jewelry at a ship disaster.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: In this instance the phrase is just a generic expression, not a condemnation of his personality.


14th Apr 2012

Family Guy (1999)

Peter-assment - S8-E14

Corrected entry: When the family are at the school play, Brian suggests that it's possibly too soon for a musical about the tragic story of Terri Schaivo, implying that it's the first time the play has been done. However, Stewie (who is playing an electrical plug) meets Jared, who has been the plug every year for three years.


Correction: It's highly unlikely Brian keeps track of what play the young elementary students are putting on. This is Stewie's first year of involvement and therefore Brian's first year of awareness. He's making the observation for the first time because he just found out about the play for the first time.


Corrected entry: The Hulk gets shot at thousands of times at the College and is bombed and also burnt by an exploding helicopter and seems unhurt. When he escapes to the caves, he is startled by Betty Ross and bumps his head on the roof of the cave, to which he rubs his head and looks hurt. surely this would be the least painful thing for the Hulk?

Correction: One could argue that with the super-strength of his own body being what forced hid head into the cave ceiling, it would hurt as much as anything could hurt him. Also, he wasn't in a rage at the time, ignoring the little stings and pains of being attacked.


10th Apr 2012

A.N.T. Farm (2011)

Correction: I've seen candles with the scent and manufacturer stamped into the bottom of the candle, rather than on a sticker on the bottom. A stamp in the wax would not be visible to the camera, but would be visible to the characters.


Corrected entry: During a scene they try to light some dynamite with matches, but these come from a cardboard matchbox. These were not available till the 1930s.


Correction: Matchboxes have been around since the early 1820's-30's. This movie takes place in 1873, so they've had around 40 years to find one.


Corrected entry: In the bar scene where Daniel Craig is pouring shots for himself while speaking to Olivia Wilde, just before she reaches for his bracelet he pours a glass. A few moments later without drinking, although we see his hand raise a little for a drink, he pours another shot into the same (already full) glass. (00:18:45)


Correction: So he made it a double.


9th Apr 2012

Knocked Up (2007)

Corrected entry: Ben could not have gotten an apartment, because as he explained to Allison when they were having dinner, he's an illegal alien from Vancouver, Canada.


Correction: Some landlords wouldn't care and most illegal aliens have false documentation of one kind or another.


10th Apr 2012

Waiting... (2005)

Corrected entry: An old highschool classmate comes into the restaurant one day and flaunts his success. He gives Justin an insulting $100 tip and says, "You need it more than me." He is an engineer and mentions how many $Gs he's pulling per year. This is part of the epiphany which leads Justin to quit. Justin is embarrassed to be seen there as a waiter. But at a different part in the movie, Justin and Ryan Reynolds are talking about how much money they are pulling per week as waiters. If you do the math, he's actually making the same amount of money as his engineer old classmate. The writer should have had the engineer bragging about making $80k, not $40k.

Correction: It's not just about the money, it's about the self-respect. The Engineer looked down on Justin because he was a waiter. *This* is what Justin really seeks to change about his life, not just his income level.


Corrected entry: When Ferris rings Rooney to asks if his sister can bring any work assignments home, he's speaking with a healthy, cheerful voice. Seems weird that someone as smart as Ferris completely forgets that he is meant to be sick that day, especially when he is speaking to the Dean.

Gavin Jackson

Correction: He didn't forget at all, he knows full well he's not getting anything past Rooney. Ferris is completely aware that Rooney knows Ferris is faking and Ferris is rubbing it in.


Corrected entry: When Katniss destroys the supplies and the mines are going off, one explosion comes from directly underneath the pile. Even if the Careers had the sense to make a hollow cavity keeping it from touching the gear, there's absolutely no reason they would place all their supplies on top of a mine, considering they moved all the others. It can't have been intended purely as a trap on that scale, otherwise when the careers return they'd be happy the trap worked, not furious that all their supplies were destroyed.


Correction: They were angry that the supplies were destroyed for nothing, since the trap was tripped without killing anyone. They were willing to sacrifice some supplies if it meant the death of another tribute. But this was just a waste, and showed they'd been outsmarted. I'd be angry too.


Corrected entry: When Katniss first obtains the bow from the dying Glimmer beneath the tracker jacker tree, its quiver is half-empty, with only four or five silver arrows left in it. However, in the next scene, when Katniss wakes up near Rue, her quiver is full of silver arrows, as if the arrows magically multiplied. Furthermore, during the remainder of the film, Katniss shoots at least six arrows (two at the bag of apples, one at Rue's killer, two towards Clove as she runs towards Katniss at the "feast," one at the first genetically engineered wolf "muttation," and two at Cato from atop the cornucopia). But despite shooting at least six arrows from her originally half-empty quiver, at the end when the gamemakers revoke the rule change, Katniss still has arrows left in her quiver, so she's forced to decide whether to shoot an arrow at Peeta.

David Watson

Correction: While the half empty-to-full quiver may be a legitimate mistake, the fact that she doesn't run out of arrows is not. She simply collects them after she fires them if she can. She does so in the book, and she is clearly doing so in the film, even if it's done off-camera.


25th Mar 2012

Man on the Moon (1999)

Corrected entry: Andy somehow already had a recording of the reading of The Great Gatsby ready to go on his record player, before knowing that the college audience was going to annoy him by clamouring for Latka.

Correction: Andy was dogged everywhere he appeared to "do" Latka, to the point that he grew to hate the character. The record player was there to trick people into thinking he was going to do his Mighty Mouse theme-song routine, another act he was pressured to do everywhere he went. It makes perfect sense that he'd anticipate this.


25th Mar 2012

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Corrected entry: When the Telephone approaches Woody to tell him how to escape by defeating the monkey, it motions to Woody that he needs to pick up the orange receiver to speak and listen. Woody complies. Later when Lotso catches the toys escaping, the Telephone appears on the wall's ledge and says "They broke me" which everyone can now hear without the receiver being used.

Correction: The receiver was used previously for secrecy's sake, to ensure that absolutely no one could overhear.


24th Mar 2012

TRON: Legacy (2010)

Corrected entry: When Sam is fighting Rinzler, gravity inside the arena is reversed causing them to fall towards the ceiling. Rinzler attempts to jump towards Sam and Sam smashes the floor beneath him to trick Rinzler like he did to Lizor. Thing is, the glass falls properly towards the ground rather than being affected by reverse gravity.

Correction: The combatants are the only things affected by the gravity switch.


24th Mar 2012

The Parent Trap (1961)

Corrected entry: When Susan and her friends canoe up to Sharon and her friends and the one girl tips the canoe. Before the canoe is tipped they have the paddles and after the canoe is tipped the paddles are gone.


Correction: I'd lose my paddles too if my canoe got tipped over. Alternatively, if I were tipping over another person's canoe I'd certainly need to set my paddle down in my own canoe to do so. This submission isn't really clear on who's paddles are "missing", but either way it's perfectly reasonable that they aren't seen.


Corrected entry: In the shot where Clyde checks Darby's restraints, as he walks back to Darby's head Clyde catches Darby's foot with his arm, the foot is a prop as it wobbles like rubber. Even though he was paralysed it would not wobble like this.


Correction: He wasn't just paralyzed, his muscles were seized in to position. He wobbled because his taut muscles, which he had no control over, were holding his foot in place.


21st Mar 2012

Family Guy (1999)

Perfect Castaway - S4-E12

Corrected entry: In the scene where Brian and Lois are talking in the bedroom, you can see that they both sleep in two separate beds. However, in a different scene when Lois is riding on top of Peter in the bedroom, you can see there is only one double bed inside the room.

Correction: While married, Lois and Brian sleep in separate beds, which were specifically acquired for the purpose. When Lois is married to Peter, they share a bed. There's no telling how much time passes between shots and it's not that hard to move some furniture around.


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