Best crime movie other mistakes of all time

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Blue Thunder picture

Other mistake: Murphy lands the helicopter on a railway line so an oncoming train will destroy it completely, and this happens exactly on cue with huge, dramatic explosions and flying debris. Apparently the train driver doesn't think this is important enough to interrupt his busy schedule - he doesn't stop the train. We do not hear brakes being applied - the wheels would make a noise like the sky coming down - and the train doesn't slow down at all - it just keeps on going.

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Predator 2 picture

Other mistake: In the slaughterhouse scene, after Harrigan has injured the Predator with his shotgun and Keyes reappears, the Predator throws its disc, and severs Keyes in half at the waist. We see his legs flop to the ground, and blood pour from above, but his upper half (torso, backpack and weaponry) mysteriously remain hovering out of sight. (According to the director, the MPAA made him cut the footage of the top half of his body hitting the ground because it was too gory, creating this odd error). (01:21:50)

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Suggested correction: We don't actually know if the disc completely cuts Keyes in half (or just passes through him and leaves a gaping hole). You see the blood, but the movie is edited so that it cuts back to Harrigan looking on in horror for a split-second, then back to Keyes' body on the floor (mostly obscured by a cement pillar).

They blatantly show his legs hitting the ground without the top half! I can only assume you watched an edited-for-TV version or something. It's VERY clear in the movie that he was cut in half. (In actuality, the scene was the victim of the MPAA according to the director... they had to cut the bit where the top half of his body hit the ground because it was too gory... creating this odd movie mistake).


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The Wicker Man picture

Other mistake: During his conversation with the landlord of the pub he ends up staying in, Sergeant Howie makes it clear that he did not intend to stay on Summerisle overnight, that he had been delayed and so needed accommodation. Makes you wonder why he packed his pyjamas. He's wearing them when Britt Ecklund does her famous naked song and dance routine, and they are not new so we know he didn't buy them that day. When he arrived he didn't even think he'd be on Summerisle for more than a few hours - we don't see him with so much as an overnight bag.

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Home Alone picture

Other mistake: Kevin rides down the stairs on his sled and out the door. He originally lined up the sled at the top of the stairs, but it is clear that the stairs lie to the right of the door. His sled went straight down the stairs, therefore making it impossible to go straight out the door in one movement as shown. (00:25:25)

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Darkman picture

Other mistake: At the carnival, you can see an African-American man staring at the camera for a while. I am unsure if he is a crew-member watching over the scene, or if he is just an extra trying to get onscreen.

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Suggested correction: He isn't staring at the camera. He's glancing over at Peyton and Julie as they are joyously dancing upon exiting the ferris wheel.


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Den of Thieves picture

Other mistake: Why did Merrimen have to show Donnie how to use a M4? Earlier in the movie it was stated that Donnie was in the Marines for a short time.

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Suggested correction: Only Big Nick and the other cops knew Donnie had served. They had his records pulled up. Donnie never told the other crew so he could look inexperienced enough to not run the whole show. It made it easier to double cross both sides later. Donnie played the fool to get the upper hand.

50 cent told Merrimen "he was a marine for a minute" also Donnie has an Eagle, Globe and Anchor tattoo (Marine Corps).

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Nobody picture

Other mistake: Hutch states he had a "Suppressed H&K USP .45 at the back of his head. The picture shows a H&K USP 9mm. (00:58:40)

Movie Medic

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Seven picture Seven mistake picture

Other mistake: When Somerset goes back to the man's house alone, he cuts a sticker on the door with his switch-blade to get in. The first error is the sticker is on the inside and it says "Keep Out." The best part about it is the door opens inward. How did they put the sticker on the inside and then exit? (00:20:45)

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Spider-Man picture

Other mistake: The scene at Columbia University was filmed on an unseasonably warm spring day, however, the costume department had provided the high school extras with cold-weather clothing. The real Columbia University students can be seen in the background wearing shorts and t-shirts by contrast. (00:05:35)

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CHIPS picture

Other mistake: Near the start of the movie Jon indicates that he has titanium in his right arm, but towards the end of the movie the bullet ricochets off his left arm. (00:08:55 - 01:34:45)


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Ocean's Eight picture

Other mistake: When Helena Bonham Carter removes the necklace from its case, the clasp of the necklace is obviously closed (or at least it should be-otherwise it would slip inside the case itself from the raised mount that it is kept on in the case when the case is being carried) ; she is carrying the top of the necklace (where the clasp is) in her left hand while her right hand carries the bottom of the necklace. Had the clasp been open in the case, her arm and hand motion when she picks it up with her fingers would not have been so smooth. She goes over to Anne Hathaway with the clasp obviously opened (because we see her put the necklace around Hathaway's neck rather than over Hathaway's head) and then she closes it. When she tries to open it a few minutes later the security guard informs her that she cannot open it; that it can only be opened with a special security magnet - which he then proceeds to use to unlock the clasp. In other words, the necklace would have needed to be opened by the security guard to begin with before Helen Bonham Carter could put it around Anne Hathaway's neck. (01:01:05)

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The Thomas Crown Affair picture

Other mistake: When Catherine breaks into Crown's house, her assistants immediately get to work on the security panel. When the first assistant touches the panel, it falls off the wall and he has to quickly push it back into place.

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The Fast and the Furious picture

Other mistake: At the end of the first race scene with the four cars, Brian spins out. As he spins out you can see that the Asian guy in the white car comes toward him, but when Brian completes the spinout the white car doesn't pass him. (00:20:27)

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Miss Congeniality picture

Other mistake: When Stan and Kathy call out the Top 10, they only call out 7 names, leaving out Miss Nebraska, Miss Vermont and Miss Ohio, who are also part of the Top 10. (01:23:45)

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The Gentlemen picture

Other mistake: When Fletcher is talking in the garden, the steaks for the BBQ are taken out of a freezer, but when placed on the BBQ, they are not frozen.

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Drive picture

Other mistake: In the pre-credit scenes when the chopper spots the runaway car, Driver guns it (he clenches his jaw, fists and you hear the engine revving and gears changing) but he never catches up with the two cars only a few feet in front of him (which are proceeding at normal speed) for the whole length of the bridge.

Giacomo Chizzola

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Heat picture

Other mistake: After the post-bank robbery shootout, a TV reporter is heard describing the shootout as taking place in a "small southland neighborhood." But earlier one of the detectives was heard ordering road blocks at Flower and Figueroa, meaning the gun battle occurred in Downtown Los Angeles. Hardly a small neighborhood.

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Wild Things picture

Other mistake: When Ray shoots Kelly twice in the chest, and then himself once in the arm, all three shots are heard within a few seconds. However, in the flashback at the end, Ray shoots himself about ten seconds after.


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Red Dragon picture

Other mistake: When Dolarhyde is taking Reba to the zoo in his van, there is a shot of the road he is traveling on behind him. For the entire trip, he is driving on the wrong side of the road.

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Daredevil picture

Other mistake: In the fight scene between Daredevil and Elektra, some of the sheets hanging to dry still have crease lines from taking them out of the package, meaning they have never been on a bed or ever laundered before, just bought for the movie and immediately hung up.

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