Corrected entry: When Homer goes to the barbecue, he grabs a plate of burgers. There isn't a burger at the top of the pile. However, when Flanders talks to him there is a burger on the top.
Corrected entry: If Bart has been ditching karate class, wouldn't Akira contact Bart's parents about it? (00:09:15)
Correction: No. He didn't really sign up for anything and Akira never found out his name, he just turned up with his ten dollars and joined in, not like anyone got to know him.
Corrected entry: At the end of the episode Homer says, "To Flanders, the richest left-handed guy I know." The problem is, Flanders isn't; Mr.Burns is the richest left-handed guy he knows, because Homer told Mr.Burns to go to the store. (00:19:50 - 00:21:10)
Correction: Two ways to correct this: 1) Homer isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the box, as evidenced by the multitude of times he's forgotten the names of his loved ones (especially Maggie, poor baby), so the notion that he'd forget about Mr Burns (his boss, who he despises most of the time) isn't outside the realm of possibility. 2) Perhaps, in one of those rare moments of Homer-esque brilliance, he didn't mean "rich" in the monetary sense, but rather in the humanitarian sense.
Correction: There are 5 burgers on the plate and one in his mouth when Homer walks off. When Ned calls over the burger in his mouth has gone and is now on the plate.
Ssiscool ★