The Simpsons

Correction: He could have either snuck in or bribed/tricked the comic book guy.

CBG spots people in disguise and is stubborn in regards to people being banned.


Trilogy of Error - S12-E18

Corrected entry: In the scene where Homer is in the bathroom, Marge yells to Homer for breakfast. We see him running naked without a towel but by the time Homer, Bart, and Lisa get to the breakfast table, Homer is wearing his usual shirt and trousers.

Correction: We only see him running naked out of the bathroom, nothing else. So he ran in to their bedroom, got his clothes on, and ran downstairs. No mistake.


But Homer arrives at same time as Bart and Lisa.



New Kids on the Blecch - S12-E14

Corrected entry: When Lisa first discovers the subliminal message in the Party Posse video by playing it backwards, we hear the phrase 'Join the navy' delivered wrong because the voice we hear backwards is deeper. The tone of voice shouldn't change when audio is reversed.

Correction: Neither should "Yvan eht nioj" say "Join the navy" backwards - they are using creative license.


HOMR - S12-E9

Corrected entry: In this episode Dr. Hibbert says the crayon was never spotted because he always covered it with his thumb, but in episode 4-18, "So It's Come to This: A Simpson's Clip Show", when Homer is in the hospital, his head X-ray is placed up on the light box on the wall, and is visible with nothing blocking it, so the crayon should have been spotted then.

Correction: The joke in the scene is that there really is no way to explain why or how he would miss a large crayon in Homer's brain after all these years, numerous injuries and many x-rays. Even if he should have seen it, its a character mistake. As you pointed out there was no way he should have missed it but either he really did miss it everytime or is lying to cover up his mistake.


Correction: Bart is (and has always been) left-handed. Check out which hand he writes with in the opening credits. This is because Matt Groening himself is left-handed - it's just that sometimes the animators forget, so in some episodes Bart is shown to be writing with his right hand.

Correction: Bart doesn't say "I didn't know you cried", he just says "Cool". Even if he had said that its a character mistake not a mistake on the show.


Skinner's Sense of Snow - S12-E8

Corrected entry: All the children have time to run out of the classroom, put their coats, hats, scarves and gloves on (which are probably in their lockers) in the time it takes for Skinner to open the blind on the window. There is no way they could have done this in such a short space of time.

David Mercier

Correction: Take into consideration that this is a cartoon and things are sometimes faster than real life. Also do you think Homer can survive several falls down into Springfield Gorge?


Correction: Actually, they left New Springfield because the roads were blocked off by the barrier, and there was no way to get more food into The Town. Also, when Homer was trying to convince them to stay, he said, "There's plenty of food for today." So there was still some food in The Town, like the hotdogs.

Kathy Tjarks

HOMR - S12-E9

Corrected entry: Homer's dumbness is caused by the crayon stuck up his nose, as stated in the episode, but on a previous episode, Homer remembers he once was injected with a new drug which the government was testing, which left him bald, fat and stupid.

Correction: He also hit his head on a coffee table as a child and was brain damaged. There's a lot of reasons.


More mistakes in The Simpsons

Tree House of Horror X - S11-E4

[The Simpsons are driving down a road as fast as possible.]
Homer: Dear God, it's Homer. If you really love me you'll save my life now.
[The gas needle immediately drops to empty and the car stops.]
Homer: D'oh.

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The Simpsons trivia picture

Trivia: Maggie scans as $847.63 in the supermarket at the beginning (not NRA4EVER, as Troy Maclure asserts in 3F31 "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular), the price it costs to feed and care for the average American baby every month.

More trivia for The Simpsons

Tree House of Horror V - S6-E6

Question: Homer travels back in time and causes changes by what he does in the past, like stepping on a bug. I once saw a movie with the same basic plot: some people travel back in time and are told to be careful not to disturb anything, but when they return to their time everything has changed. In the end they discover it was because they stepped on a butterfly. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: I'm not sure if this is the one you're thinking of, but an episode of "Ray Bradbury Theatre," called "A Sound of Thunder," dealt with a similar matter: a group of hunters travel back in time to hunt dinosaurs, only to find things have changed when they get back because someone stepped on a butterfly.


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