Star Trek: The Next Generation

Datalore - S1-E13

Revealing mistake: After Data leaves Lore in his quarters, as the doors close, the grain of the wood is plainly visible in the strong lighting. The doors were supposed to be a sleek material.

Movie Nut

Q Who? - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: In the Shuttle, Q's hair is arranged in bangs on his forehead. A split second later in Ten Forward, his hair is up and back from his forehead in the familiar style.

Movie Nut

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Suggested correction: Q's powers has shown in the past that he can change his looks in an instance, as well as his location and anyone else he chooses. This is precisely what happens here.


Heart of Glory - S1-E20

Continuity mistake: On the freighter, when Geordi looks at Data, the image on the Bridge view screen has Data's hair in an unkempt, or unusual style. When the scene shifts back to the freighter, Data's hair is straight back.

Movie Nut

Nth Degree - S4-E19

Continuity mistake: When Barclay enters the Holodeck to create an interface, he calls for a chair, an input for the left and a display for the right. When Picard comes to question him, the input and display units are gone.

Movie Nut

Darmok - S5-E2

Revealing mistake: When Picard takes his seat in the Captain's chair after informing Dathon's crew he has been killed, the reflection of an overhead rig of gelled lights can be seen in the blade of Dathon's knife, which Picard is holding, as Picard says the line, "but at least they're not new enemies."

Michael Albert

Relics - S6-E4

Other mistake: When Scotty goes to the holodeck to visit the original Enterprise, the computer tells him there are 5 Federation vessels with that name. (NX-01 served before the founding of the Federation so this is technically correct.) Scotty specifies NCC-1701, "no A, B, C or D." The computer then tells him the program is ready. The computer should have asked him if he wanted pre or post refit NCC-1701. The ship we see in the Original Series was rebuilt/refit into the ship we see in The Motion Picture.

Grumpy Scot

The Enemy - S3-E7

Other mistake: While down in the pit Geordi makes a couple of spikes to climb out with. When the phaser beam is melting the ore, the metal goes molten about two inches in front of the beam. Also, the spikes are rounded, like handles. The molds he made would have left a flat side.

Movie Nut

The Offspring - S3-E16

Other mistake: One of the physical appearances Lal considers adopting is an Andorian female with green skin. In the Trek universe, Andorians invariably have blue skin (the Aenar are a variant of the Andorian race but are depicted with bluish-white skin, still not green). And while other humanoid races have been portrayed with different skin tones, there are some races that have only one skin hue. (ie, Andorians are always blue, Orions are always green, Ferengi are always light orange.) It is highly unlikely she or Data designed it with different skin as Data wants her to fit in, and Troi makes no mention of it.

Grumpy Scot

The Big Goodbye - S1-E12

Revealing mistake: When Picard looks out the window of the Dixon Hill office he sees the cars passing by each other, the traffic light is right in front of the window as if the entire building is not only in the middle of the street but only one story high.


Qpid - S4-E20

Worf: Captain, I must protest. I am not a merry man.

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Skin of Evil - S1-E23

Question: Near the end when they are in the holodeck for the memorial ceremony for Lt. Yar, Dr. Crusher's uniform is green and seconds later it is blue. After watching it several times, it does not appear to be a trick of the light. What happened here? Why would she have on a green uniform in the first place?


Chosen answer: The uniform does indeed change colour. It may be due to the need for a green screen in part, or perhaps some lighting altering our perception. That being said, it certainly looks green at the start, blue thereafter.

The show has been done in HD now and not sure if they fix this problem.


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