Star Trek: The Next Generation

Datalore - S1-E13

Character mistake: At the end of the episode, after Lore has been defeated, Picard asks Data if he is O.K. Data replies, "I'm fine." One of the plot points of this episode is that Data cannot use contractions.

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Suggested correction: That characteristic was not added to the character until season two. In the first season, Data uses contractions on a number of occasions.

It's still a possible mistake, even if it wasn't part of season 1 scripting. Just because we only learn later that Data doesn't use contractions, doesn't make this mistake invalid. We learn Data was specifically constructed that way and hadn't been able to use contraction since being created, which means all of season 1 he shouldn't be using contractions. Although it would probably be best to submit it as a mistake in season 2 when it's mentioned that it contradicts what was established.


It would only be a mistake if he used the contraction after the trait was established for the character.

Possibly, but that's not how mistakes on this site work seem to work. It could still be a valid mistake in the context of the entire show since the character trait had in fact been established. It's the same way for when shows do something like establish a character's birth-date in later seasons, but when episodes from earlier season have the character at the wrong age. Although it would probably be best to submit it as a mistake in season 2 when it's mentioned that it contradicts what was established.


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Suggested correction: It is true that in later seasons he is unable to use contractions. However, since that characteristic was not introduced in the first season, this is not a mistake. His behavior is consistent with the character's behavior throughout the first season.

It's still a possible mistake, even if it wasn't part of season 1 scripting. Just because we only learn later that Data doesn't use contractions, doesn't make this mistake invalid. We learn Data was specifically constructed that way and hadn't been able to use contraction since being created, which means all of season 1 he shouldn't be using contractions. Although it would probably be best to submit it as a mistake in season 2 when it's mentioned that it contradicts what was established.


Incorrect. It would be a mistake if he used a contraction after the trait was added to his character, but the mistake can't be retroactive as it wasn't a mistake for him to use it at that point in the show.

In Theory - S4-E25

Character mistake: After Data asks Jenna about a drink, he uses a contraction in his response, saying "Excellent choice. I'll join you." He's supposed to be incapable of contractions at this point.

Movie Nut

We'll Always Have Paris - S1-E24

Character mistake: When Data is on the planet, about to drop the material into the temporal rift, one of the three Datas asks which one of them should do it. The middle Data replies, "Me. It's me." Data is meant to be incapable of using a contraction.

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Suggested correction: That character trait was not established until season 2. Data uses contractions multiple times in the first season.

While it was explicitly expressed in season 2 that Data can not use contractions, the fact that they did established this character trait means it could be a valid mistake since the trait is meant to show Data could never use contractions since his creation, not that he suddenly developed it some 30-odd years later. Although it would probably be best to submit it as a mistake in season 2 when it's mentioned that it contradicts what was established or at least make one character mistake for "all of season 1" than list every individual time it happened.


Where No One Has Gone Before - S1-E6

Character mistake: Mr. Kosinski is trying to explain what happened to allow them to travel so far. He says, "I applied the energy asymptomatically", when he meant "asymptotically." (The subtitles for this scene are correct). (00:13:50)

Dark Page - S7-E7

Character mistake: When Troi is talking with Picard and Dr. Crusher about what's wrong with her mother, she says that "something was happening in her metaconscious mind." Dr. Crusher then asks "metaconscious?" As a Star Fleet doctor, she's had to study the neurology of Betazoids, Vulcans, and other telepaths. She should be familiar with the concept. (Yes, it's expository dialogue for us, the audience, however, Picard is in this scene too and it would have made more sense for him to ask about it.) (00:17:55)

Captain Defenestrator

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Suggested correction: This scene is set in the past (as you said). At this time Data was a Lt. JG.

No, Data was not Lt. Junior Grade at this point in the past. This was when they were going on the Far Point mission and Data already had the rank of Lt. Commander.


Suddenly Human - S4-E4

Character mistake: Captain Picard wonders why the boy would want to go back to his captors if they abuse him and Dr. Crusher tells him it's not uncommon, it's called the Stockholm Syndrome as if Picard doesn't know or understand. However, in S03E12, "The High Ground", Dr. Crusher is held captive and when Picard is talking to her (after he is captured trying to rescue her), she begins to appear sympathetic to her captors and Picard says "I don't have to remind you of the psychological impact of being a hostage." Picard would be aware of why the boy may wish to return.


Time's Arrow (1) - S5-E26

Character mistake: When the artifacts from the late 19th century, found in a cave, are identified by the away team, Data identifies the pistol as a "double action" Colt 45, circa 1873. The pistol is a Colt single action army, caliber .45. Certainly not a "double action".

I, Borg - S5-E23

Character mistake: When Commander Riker is assembling his away team to visit the planet's surface, he orders Dr. Crusher to bring a medical team. But when the away team is beamed down, Crusher is the only medical officer there.

Cubs Fan

Genesis - S7-E19

Character mistake: When Data and Picard discover Troi in her bathtub, Data scans her and comments that she is technically no longer "human." While Troi is indeed half human, she has the features of a Betazoid (black eyes and empathic abilities) and consistently describes herself and is described by others as a Betazoid. It is unusual for anyone to describe Troi as being "human", and it is unfathomable that Data would make that mistake.


Datalore - S1-E13

Character mistake: When the away team transports down to the planet, Data is wearing three full rank pips denoting the rank of a full Commander, rather than his actual rank of Lieutenant Commander. (00:09:39)

The Best of Both Worlds (2) - S4-E1

Factual error: Shelby announces the Borg have entered Sector 001, and we get an exterior shot of the Borg ship flying past Saturn. The problem is that the Borg are approaching from the side of the planet illuminated by the sun, meaning they would actually be moving AWAY from Earth rather than toward it.

More mistakes in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Deja Q - S3-E13

Picard: Return that moon to its orbit.
Q: I have no powers! Q, the ordinary!
Picard: Q, the liar! Q, the misanthrope!
Q: Q, the miserable! Q, the desperate! What must I do to convince you people?
Worf: Die.

More quotes from Star Trek: The Next Generation

Loud as a Whisper - S2-E5

Trivia: Guest star Marnie Mosiman, who plays a member of Riva's chorus, is married to John de Lancie, who had a recurring role as the omnipotent mischief-maker Q.

Cubs Fan

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Question: Were people able to "lock" the Holodeck doors so that others couldn't just walk in on them? I don't recall an episode where the doors were locked that wasn't because of some malfunction. It seems like Lieutenant Barclay, for example, would either lock the doors during his "fantasies" or have some "fail-safe" that shuts the program off when being walked in on. Otherwise, it's just a really dumb thing to do (for him or anyone playing out a fantasy) knowing they could easily be caught.


Answer: Yes. The doors to the holodecks can be locked when in use by anyone aboard the Enterprise so they couldn't be disturbed. However, high ranking officers like Captain Picard could override the doors as it's seen that overrides are in use even for the crews quarters. Even Barclay, when he's indulging in one of his fantasies could have the doors to the holodeck unlocked by an override code.

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