Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Continuity mistake: The creators re-did the titles from the third season on, but only from before the shot of the ringed planet, and they didn't make sure they matched. Compare the movement of the stars inside the rings and the star field outside the rings - they move in different directions compared to each other.

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Continuity mistake: The view of the starfield in the ship's windows is always inconsistent whenever they are orbiting a planet. Sometimes the stars appear to be moving by, and sometimes they are completely static.


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Continuity mistake: In the early episodes, Geordi's rank is inconsistent. In "Encounter at Farpoint", he is a full lieutenant. In subsequent episodes, he is a lieutenant junior grade, before being promoted back to full lieutenant.

Cubs Fan

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Suggested correction: Which episode is this for?

Jon Sandys

Encounter at Farpoint (1) - S1-E1

Visible crew/equipment: On the very beginning of the second shot of the episode (the shot in engineering showing Picard walking around), the camera seems to shake or wobble. It's pretty obvious that the camera must have hit a part of the set or was bumped by a crew member. (00:02:45)

Encounter at Farpoint (1) - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: As Q comes into the courtroom on his floating dais, he goes to his right and gestures to the people to sit. He then starts to his left, and puts his hand down. After the angle cuts to Picard's point of view, as Q goes left his hand is dropping to the arm rest again. (00:21:35)

Movie Nut

Encounter at Farpoint (1) - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Commander Data tells Picard the Saucer Section will arrive in 51 minutes. Riker's synopsis audio can be heard in the background without interruption, and shortly after Data says this, the cameras turn back to Riker and the Video synopsis ends. Riker immediately reports to Picard who then receives the message that the Saucer Section is in orbit. Now, Riker was watching highlights of video footage from the Bridge, of which we see almost all of it because there really wouldn't be that much to view. And that's really all he could watch since we don't have cameras in the "Q-verse" and we see the footage ending with the Q sphere chasing the ship. Also, the entire ordeal was far less than an hour so there's no way a highlight reel could take an hour, not to mention the uninterrupted audio. We seem to be missing almost an entire hour. (00:37:32)

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Suggested correction: It is true that in later seasons he is unable to use contractions. However, since that characteristic was not introduced in the first season, this is not a mistake. His behavior is consistent with the character's behavior throughout the first season.

It's still a possible mistake, even if it wasn't part of season 1 scripting. Just because we only learn later that Data doesn't use contractions, doesn't make this mistake invalid. We learn Data was specifically constructed that way and hadn't been able to use contraction since being created, which means all of season 1 he shouldn't be using contractions. Although it would probably be best to submit it as a mistake in season 2 when it's mentioned that it contradicts what was established.


Incorrect. It would be a mistake if he used a contraction after the trait was added to his character, but the mistake can't be retroactive as it wasn't a mistake for him to use it at that point in the show.

Encounter at Farpoint (1) - S1-E1

Other mistake: As the Enterprise is fleeing from Q, it peaks around Warp 9.6 which according to the fact books, translates to around 1000c in sidereal space. Also according to the fact books, the saucer section is not capable of sustained Warp flight on its own. Also, at the beginning of The Chase scene, the Enterprise is on course to Farpoint, Q's fence is perpendicular to it. The Enterprise does at least a 90°+ turn beginning her escape maneuver prior to separation, so it is definitely not flying past Farpoint during The Chase. Still the saucer section somehow makes it to Farpoint a mere 51 minutes after the engine section. There's no evidence at all in the dialog that it was Q's doing.


Encounter at Farpoint (2) - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Picard tells Q in the final scene "Get off my ship." Q is standing to his right, and Picard has his head turned towards Q. But when the angle changes to show Q's response, Picard is standing facing Q directly, and without his head turned.


Encounter at Farpoint (2) - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: The computer is directing Commander Riker toward L.C. Data in holodeck area 4-J. As he walks along the corridor the computer helps him by saying that he should go to "the next hatchway on your right." Then Riker turns left (according to the way he was going) to enter the holodeck.

Jørgen BB

Deja Q - S3-E13

Picard: Return that moon to its orbit.
Q: I have no powers! Q, the ordinary!
Picard: Q, the liar! Q, the misanthrope!
Q: Q, the miserable! Q, the desperate! What must I do to convince you people?
Worf: Die.

More quotes from Star Trek: The Next Generation

Trivia: Another joke from the set designers: whenever someone is in the Jeffries Tubes, you will see several pipes on the walls labeled "GNDN" this stands for "Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing."

More trivia for Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Question: Were people able to "lock" the Holodeck doors so that others couldn't just walk in on them? I don't recall an episode where the doors were locked that wasn't because of some malfunction. It seems like Lieutenant Barclay, for example, would either lock the doors during his "fantasies" or have some "fail-safe" that shuts the program off when being walked in on. Otherwise, it's just a really dumb thing to do (for him or anyone playing out a fantasy) knowing they could easily be caught.


Answer: Yes. The doors to the holodecks can be locked when in use by anyone aboard the Enterprise so they couldn't be disturbed. However, high ranking officers like Captain Picard could override the doors as it's seen that overrides are in use even for the crews quarters. Even Barclay, when he's indulging in one of his fantasies could have the doors to the holodeck unlocked by an override code.

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