Star Trek: The Next Generation

Timescape - S6-E25

Factual error: With the Enterprise and the Romulan ship are stuck in a bubble in time and virtually stopped, the 2 ships would not be visible to the crew on the shuttle. The light entering the bubble would slow down, as would the light reflecting off the ships. All the shuttle crew would see is a "black hole" in space. (The disruptor beam was stopped in mid fire and sensors cannot penetrate the bubble).

Ship in a Bottle - S6-E12

Plot hole: About two thirds of the way through this episode, Data deduces how Moriarty was able to 'leave' the holodeck. The big reveal is that he never did leave the holodeck, he merely reprogrammed it to simulate the rest of the ship without Picard, Barclay or Data's knowledge. While it is believable that this would fool humans like Picard and Barclay, it is ludicrous to suggest that Data would be taken in by it, even for a second. Data is an android whose perceptions of sight, sound and the world around him are far more sophisticated than humans. To list what we know of Data's perceptive abilities from previous episodes would take up the entire page, but suffice it to say he should have immediately recognised the 'Enterprise' as force fields and holograms rather than the genuine article. Note: this goes beyond a 'character mistake' or anything like that. Data's enthusiasm for Sherlock Holmes style deduction should have led him to eliminate the impossible before considering what was probable. Data accepts the impossibility of a holodeck character existing is the real world before discounting the possibility that it was still a holodeck simulation. This contradicts an awful lot of what is known about Data's abilities and powers of deduction. Although it serves for a good mystery the fact is it takes Data far longer than it should to deduce, or even guess at, the truth of their situation.

Timescape - S6-E25

Plot hole: When Picard, Geordi, and Troi encounter one of the first time disturbances it results in one of the runabout's nacelles using up all of its fuel. Data says this is due to it having been in operation for 47 days (according to the plasma conversion sensor). After this the Captain reaches for the bowl of rotting fruit which causes him to scream in pain. The other crew members rush in and Troi scans his hand. She tells Picard that his hand is metabolizing at approximately 50 times the normal rate. Data and Geordi then discover that the temporal disturbance which covers the fruit also covers the nacelle that has lost all of its fuel. Data also notes the disturbance extends outward from the hull, about 17 meters from the ship and is spherical in shape. The problem here is that according to what Data said earlier the engine was active for 47 days even though it had only very briefly come into contact with the time distortion - maybe 1 second at most, but likely far less time than this since the ship was at warp when the fuel was consumed. So if we assume the engine was in contact with the fragment for 1 second then time is actually moving at 4,060,800 times the normal rate - not 47 or 50 times normal. (00:11:00 - 00:12:00)

11001001 - S1-E15

Plot hole: During evacuation, when Wesley is beamed off the ship, there are room for one more person on the transportation pad. You would think they would like to transport as many people away as fast as possible.

Klaus Egvang

Family - S4-E2

Other mistake: As Picard and Robert walk alongside the large bush just before their scuffle, two outgrowth branches on the bush get snagged onto the camera and can be seen snapping back into place.

In Theory - S4-E25

Other mistake: In performing the "Lover's Quarrel" part, Data uses contractions, i.e, "don't" and "you're." When Jenna asks about it, he responds "You are not my mother", eliminating the contraction.

Movie Nut

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Suggested correction: This scene is set in the past (as you said). At this time Data was a Lt. JG.

No, Data was not Lt. Junior Grade at this point in the past. This was when they were going on the Far Point mission and Data already had the rank of Lt. Commander.


Suddenly Human - S4-E4

Character mistake: Captain Picard wonders why the boy would want to go back to his captors if they abuse him and Dr. Crusher tells him it's not uncommon, it's called the Stockholm Syndrome as if Picard doesn't know or understand. However, in S03E12, "The High Ground", Dr. Crusher is held captive and when Picard is talking to her (after he is captured trying to rescue her), she begins to appear sympathetic to her captors and Picard says "I don't have to remind you of the psychological impact of being a hostage." Picard would be aware of why the boy may wish to return.


All Good Things... (1) - S7-E25

Other mistake: When Picard first meets Data in the past, Data's rank insignia is wrong. He's always held the rank of Lieutenant Commander, signified by two gold pips, and one with black in the center. However, Data has one gold, one with black, signifying Lieutenant.

Movie Nut

Encounter at Farpoint (1) - S1-E1

Other mistake: As the Enterprise is fleeing from Q, it peaks around Warp 9.6 which according to the fact books, translates to around 1000c in sidereal space. Also according to the fact books, the saucer section is not capable of sustained Warp flight on its own. Also, at the beginning of The Chase scene, the Enterprise is on course to Farpoint, Q's fence is perpendicular to it. The Enterprise does at least a 90°+ turn beginning her escape maneuver prior to separation, so it is definitely not flying past Farpoint during The Chase. Still the saucer section somehow makes it to Farpoint a mere 51 minutes after the engine section. There's no evidence at all in the dialog that it was Q's doing.


Rascals - S6-E7

Continuity mistake: When young Picard sees his "father" Riker, he says to turn on the computer in schoolroom 8. In the scene showing the children gaining access to the computer, the terminal they are at shows classroom 7 across the header of the screen. (00:36:20 - 00:39:55)

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Trivia: Another joke from the set designers: whenever someone is in the Jeffries Tubes, you will see several pipes on the walls labeled "GNDN" this stands for "Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing."

More trivia for Star Trek: The Next Generation

Skin of Evil - S1-E23

Question: Near the end when they are in the holodeck for the memorial ceremony for Lt. Yar, Dr. Crusher's uniform is green and seconds later it is blue. After watching it several times, it does not appear to be a trick of the light. What happened here? Why would she have on a green uniform in the first place?


Chosen answer: The uniform does indeed change colour. It may be due to the need for a green screen in part, or perhaps some lighting altering our perception. That being said, it certainly looks green at the start, blue thereafter.

The show has been done in HD now and not sure if they fix this problem.


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