Star Trek: The Next Generation

Timescape - S6-E25

Revealing mistake: As Picard goes to check the fuel consumption logs his right hand is in a closed fist. When he sits at a console and uses his right hand it already has the long nails he will get in the next few minutes when he reaches for the rotten fruit. (00:11:00)


Timescape - S6-E25

Continuity mistake: In the scene right before the shuttle's crew finds the Romulan ship and the Enterprise, Geordi calls the shuttle craft's cockpit to explain the temporal disturbances. Captain Picard, Troi and Data walk into the shuttle's cockpit room and Troi puts her right arm on Geordi's chair. As Geordi, Data and Captain Picard are talking you can see Troi's wrist hanging off the chair, but when the camera cuts directly in front of Geordi her whole wrist is on the chair. The camera then cuts back and you can see that Troi's wrist is still hanging off the chair.

Timescape - S6-E25

Factual error: Picard reaches for the bowl of rotten fruit, winces in pain, and suddenly his fingernails have grown about an inch. This was due to the fruit bowl being inside an area where time was moving much faster. The problem is, in order for his fingernails to grow, blood would have to supply the needed nutrients to his fingers at the accelerated rate. Since his heart is in normal time, being away from the bowl of fruit, there is no way his fingernails could have grown like that - his heart is only supplying a normal-time-continuum's worth of blood.

Matty Blast

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Suggested correction: This entry conflates rapid growth with sped up time.

Timescape - S6-E25

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Captain Picard reaches for the aged fruit, he screams while holding his right wrist with his left hand. As Troi, Geordi, and Data rush in you can see Captain Picard holding his wrist up in the air. The camera then cuts directly in front of Captain Picard and you can see Troi scanning his wrist but he isn't holding his wrist anymore. The camera then cuts directly in front of Troi and Geordi and you can see that Captain Picard is still holding his wrist. The camera then again cuts back to Captain Picard and he isn't holding his wrist anymore.

Timescape - S6-E25

Factual error: With the Enterprise and the Romulan ship are stuck in a bubble in time and virtually stopped, the 2 ships would not be visible to the crew on the shuttle. The light entering the bubble would slow down, as would the light reflecting off the ships. All the shuttle crew would see is a "black hole" in space. (The disruptor beam was stopped in mid fire and sensors cannot penetrate the bubble).

Timescape - S6-E25

Plot hole: When Picard, Geordi, and Troi encounter one of the first time disturbances it results in one of the runabout's nacelles using up all of its fuel. Data says this is due to it having been in operation for 47 days (according to the plasma conversion sensor). After this the Captain reaches for the bowl of rotting fruit which causes him to scream in pain. The other crew members rush in and Troi scans his hand. She tells Picard that his hand is metabolizing at approximately 50 times the normal rate. Data and Geordi then discover that the temporal disturbance which covers the fruit also covers the nacelle that has lost all of its fuel. Data also notes the disturbance extends outward from the hull, about 17 meters from the ship and is spherical in shape. The problem here is that according to what Data said earlier the engine was active for 47 days even though it had only very briefly come into contact with the time distortion - maybe 1 second at most, but likely far less time than this since the ship was at warp when the fuel was consumed. So if we assume the engine was in contact with the fragment for 1 second then time is actually moving at 4,060,800 times the normal rate - not 47 or 50 times normal. (00:11:00 - 00:12:00)

Timescape - S6-E25

Plot hole: Wouldn't Worf have known that the distress call was coming from a Romulan ship long before Riker arrived on the bridge?

Timescape - S6-E25

Other mistake: In engineering shortly before Troi and Picard appear, Data walks over to the pool table in the middle of the room. There's a panel missing from the centre of it. (00:24:00)

Qpid - S4-E20

Worf: Captain, I must protest. I am not a merry man.

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Loud as a Whisper - S2-E5

Trivia: Guest star Marnie Mosiman, who plays a member of Riva's chorus, is married to John de Lancie, who had a recurring role as the omnipotent mischief-maker Q.

Cubs Fan

More trivia for Star Trek: The Next Generation

Answer: He brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant and showed them that it was full of worlds waiting to be assimilated. Guinan's homeworld was their first stop, and they assimilated everyone and took over the planet, leaving The Survivors of her race without a home. Q is ultimately responsible for that.

Captain Defenestrator

By the time Q takes the Enterprise to meet the Borg, Guinan already knew who they were and they had already destroyed her world. Therefore the above answer can not be right. I believe Guinan is much more than she appears, and her people have had encounters with the Q in the past. It is these interactions, that obviously were not pleasant, that fuels her distrust.


That's what the above answer is saying. Q brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant (not Earth) and the Borg destroyed Guinan's home world in the late 2200's, which is why she hates Q. Although she met Q in 2160 and they both saw each other as enemies right away.


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