Star Trek: The Next Generation

Q Who? - S2-E16

Visible crew/equipment: After the encounter with Borg in main engineering, when it cuts to the observation lounge with Guinan participating in the conference, at the start of the first shot you can see the shadow from the camera and crew person as it moves, at the bottom of the screen. (00:24:10)

Q Who? - S2-E16

Other mistake: Worf says the Borg have locked on a tractor beam, but in the next exterior shot there is no tractor beam visible between the two ships. Later there is.

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Suggested correction: Stating that it is locked on is not the same as stating it is engaged. For example, there are numerous occasions where they detect that phasers have been locked but have not yet been engaged/fired.


In regards to a tractor beam, locked on has always meant engaged and holding the target. Phasers are different as they need to be targeted. The tractor beam just has to hit the ship. I think this is a valid error.


Q Who? - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: When Picard first looks around Ten Forward, there's nothing on the bar. When Guinan pops up, there's suddenly two glasses that are about two feet apart. When Picard sits at the bar, the glasses are now six to eight inches apart.

Movie Nut

Q Who? - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: When the security man gets tossed by the Borg, as he lands and rolls next to the far wall, his phaser falls out of the holster, and lands next to his shin. A second later, it's about two feet away from his leg.

Movie Nut

Q Who? - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: In the Shuttle, Q's hair is arranged in bangs on his forehead. A split second later in Ten Forward, his hair is up and back from his forehead in the familiar style.

Movie Nut

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Suggested correction: Q's powers has shown in the past that he can change his looks in an instance, as well as his location and anyone else he chooses. This is precisely what happens here.


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Trivia: Another joke from the set designers: whenever someone is in the Jeffries Tubes, you will see several pipes on the walls labeled "GNDN" this stands for "Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing."

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Skin of Evil - S1-E23

Question: Near the end when they are in the holodeck for the memorial ceremony for Lt. Yar, Dr. Crusher's uniform is green and seconds later it is blue. After watching it several times, it does not appear to be a trick of the light. What happened here? Why would she have on a green uniform in the first place?


Chosen answer: The uniform does indeed change colour. It may be due to the need for a green screen in part, or perhaps some lighting altering our perception. That being said, it certainly looks green at the start, blue thereafter.

The show has been done in HD now and not sure if they fix this problem.


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