
Correction: No because the number change was never acknowledged within the series. Monica and Rachel never moved apartments and the change of number has been explained elsewhere.


The One with the Dozen Lasagnas - S1-E12

Corrected entry: In the scene where Joey is using his fingers to "talk to Ross as his future baby might", the camera switches between Ross and Joey many times. Just before Joey says "What is a lesbian?", you can see that Joey was laughing, but finally covered it up before delivering his line. (00:03:00)

Correction: Joey is joking around and having fun with his friends. Just because they are characters in a sitcom, it doesn't mean that each time they laugh, it's an actor goof.

The One With The Red Sweater - S8-E2

Corrected entry: At the end of the episode, when Ross finds the red sweater, he says that he has been looking for it for a month. If he could not find it after his night with Rachel then he would at least know it was in her apartment and not need to look for it. If he really had been looking for a month then the sweater meant enough to him that he surely would have asked where it had been found.

Correction: There are situations where you are looking for something, but you not actively "looking" for it. What I mean is that Ross knows he has the red sweater and might have wanted to wear it but obviously couldn't find it, but then forgot about it again until the next time he wanted to wear it. This means that he might not be running around search for the sweater constantly.

The One With Ross's Wedding, part 2 - S4-E24

Corrected entry: In the scene where Rachel is on the plane telling the guy across the aisle about the history of her and Ross, the guy sitting beside her interrupts and says something like, "You are a horrible horrible person". If you look at his watch throughout the scene, it switches from having a leather strap (brown or black), to having a metal band, and then back again.

Correction: His watch consistently has a dark leather strap, it never changes.

The One with Two Parts: Part 2 - S1-E17

Corrected entry: When Monica is filling out Rachel's medical information, she has to change the name on the form so Rachel can use her insurance. You can see that she has a pencil in her hand. However, she goes up to the desk to get a new form. It makes no sense that she would arouse suspicion when all she had to do was erase Rachel's name and put hers.

Correction: Insurance forms often have multiple carbon copies. Even a pencil will leave a carbon impression on the other pages from the pressure of the tip. If there were no carbons used, the pencil point still leaves an impression on the top copy, even when erased. Monica is also perfectionist, she did not want there to be any revealing inconsistencies on the form.

Correction: This is false. The actual Statue of Liberty remains closed until further notice. However the grounds of Liberty Island, where Lady Liberty is located, is still open to the public, which is accessible by Ferry.

Correction: We've seen through the series that Chandler also has to sleep on the right side of the bed. When they moved in together one of them had to take the left side. Monica might have let Chandler have the right side to make him feel at home.

The One Where Paul's The Man - S6-E22

Corrected entry: At the museum, the girls learn there is a two-year waiting list for weddings. But when there is a cancellation, Monica is called about filling the spot. If there was a cancellation, wouldn't the next person on the list be called? Even if they weren't interested, there would be two years worth of couple ahead of Monica and Chandler.

Correction: Some or most of the couples probably had started planning their wedding - booking music etc, and couldn't switch days. The lady might have called some of them before Monica, and none were interested.

The One With All The Resolutions - S5-E11

Corrected entry: Ross goes into Ben's room to kiss him goodnight. While he's in there, Monica and Chandler leave to do 'laundry,' Phoebe leaves, and Joey and Rachel have their dialogue. He's in there for a long time, but worst of all is that he doesn't hear Joey and Rachel's shouting, which he really should have heard, being less than fifteen meters away on the other side of a door we've seen several times can easily be heard through.

Correction: We don't know whether Ross heard the shouting. Ben may have been upset by the shouting, and Ross stayed in the bedroom to look after him.

The One With The Rumor - S8-E9

Corrected entry: In The One With The Rumour (series 8) Monica begins showing Phoebe that she's meant to fold the napkins like swans. However Phoebe manages to get out of it to 'watch the game' with Chandler. You would think that Monica would have, therefore, folded them into swans herself, seeing as she always has to have everything perfect, but there is no sign of napkins, never mind 'swan' napkins, at the table when they have their meal.

Correction: Both Will and Ross are seen with napkins in several scenes.

The One With The Giant Poking Device - S3-E8

Corrected entry: In this episode Monica and Rachel babysit for Ben, and Monica accidentally bumps his head on a beam/pole separating the kitchen and the living room. However, as far as I can recall, we never see this beam/pole prior to or after this particular episode. (I'm referring to the one in the middle of the room, not the one against the wall).

Correction: This pole is seen in many other episodes but most of the camera shots look into the living room so it's not easy to see. You can see it in some of the shots when people are coming into the apartment.

The One After the Superbowl, part 1 - S2-E12

Corrected entry: When the gang is watching Joey's first show on Days of our Lives, he demonstrates how "smell the fart" acting works and then, on his show, he does it in his scene. It is unlikely a take where an actor forgot his lines and paused in such a way would be used on the finished product.

Correction: It's not as unlikely as you think. Soaps are filmed with limited time and resources, so any take that even comes close to being right could be used in the final product. I've seen far worse acting/mistakes on soap operas than a pause to remember a line.

Correction: We're never shown a 360 degree view of the building. The balcony could be on the other side. And since Joey and Chandler's apartment didn't have one, the shot of the building could be of their side.


Correction: When Joey originally gives the credit card to Gunther (the mastercard), it is declined and Joey says "oh, that's my card" and hands Gunther Chandler's card, which we don't get a chance to see closely so it is presumably the AmEx card. These shots aren't included in the Netflix version, which makes it seem like a continuity mistake.

The One In Massapequa - S8-E18

Corrected entry: When Ross is telling the imaginary story of how he 'proposed' to Rachel, he says that he did it at the planetarium because 'that's where we had our first date.' However this cannot be right because in series 4 'The One With Chandler In A Box,' Ross accuses Rachel of having no sentiment so she shows him a movie stub from their first date, implying that they went to see a movie, not to the planetarium.

Correction: True, Ross and Rachel didn't go to the Planetarium on their first date, but they did end up there on their second date. It was also the place where they first made love, and it's quite possible Ross would say it was the location of their first date to be polite and not talk about sex in front of his family and older friends.


The One Where Ross Got High - S6-E9

Corrected entry: Rachel claims to be making an "Old-English Trifle" using an "Old-English Cookery Book." When she describes the ingredients she says "Beef sauteed with peas and onions." Then Ross looks at the book and realises that the pages are stuck together exclaiming "She's made half an Old-English trifle, and half a shepherds pie." The problem here is that a shepherds pie is made with lamb; a cottage pie is made with beef. Therefore, not only is this simply wrong, but it also shows they are not using an English cook book as it would never make such a basic mistake as this.

David Mercier

Correction: The book is never said to be an "Old-English Cookery Book". In fact when you look closely you will see that it is some kind of magazine called something like "Cooking skills". The only English thing mentioned is an "English Trifle".

Correction: The shot after he has passed the hitch-hiker is supposed to be after he has picked him up.(You don't know how much time has elapsed between those shots). Also there is not only one person in the taxi. We only see the hitch-hiker now driving it while Phoebe and Joey are asleep in the back and wouldn't be seen from that angle.

Correction: If you look closely enough you can see her take it off and supposedly put it down behind the desk, out of view.

Correction: You never see the part of the floor where Hugsy supposedly came down.

The One With Ross' New Girlfriend - S2-E1

Corrected entry: In the first episode of the second series, Ross mentions to the group that, after returning from Beijing, it was six o'clock the next evening to Julie and himself. This is impossible; when it is six p.m. in Beijing it is five a.m. in New York, so it would be that time and it seems strange that they would all be gathered at Monica's apartment and Rachel would have just concluded a date (in the last episode of the first season) at such a time. For it to make any kind of sense, Ross would have to have returned from, say, New Zealand, and it would be one a.m. EST, which would be slightly more believable.

Correction: Given the way Ross makes this remark, it is not meant to be taken literally. He has just been travelling for a loooong time and is trying to highlight the time difference. This is exactly the kind or remark most of us would make after passing through multiple time zones.

More mistakes in Friends

The One With Chandler In A Box - S4-E8

Monica: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross] married a lesbian, [to Rachel] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler] LIVING IN A BOX!

More quotes from Friends

Trivia: Matthew Perry's wit is so legendary that the scriptwriters have often incorporated his gags into the show.

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The One With the Sharks - S9-E4

Question: What's the name of the "scary painting" that Joey saw in the apartment of the girl he thought he'd slept with before? The strange and creepy painting (black and white, with an amorphous body and a chair). I really, really want to know who is the artist. Not Gladys - that's Phoebe's painting that comes out of the frame.

David Cañedo Mesinas

Answer: The painting doesn't have a name, and if it does it is never mentioned in this episode.

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