
Becoming (1) - S2-E21

Corrected entry: Why would Willow choose the school of all places to do the spell to restore Angel's soul in 'Becoming'? Wouldn't it have made more sense to do it in someone's house, seeing as how the vampires were free to enter the school and attack but would have been kept out of their houses.


Correction: They were already at the school and didn't know of the vampire raid so there's no reason they should have realised to do it somewhere else.

16th Feb 2004

Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

Corrected entry: When the guy from the party at the start wakes up and finds his dad sitting next to him, he taps his shoulder and his head jumps right off where Jason has cut it. There's no way it would jump up, it would just tip forwards.


Correction: It does not jump up in the air. Blake tapped his father's head and it fell sideways into Blake's arms.

22nd Jan 2004

Angel (1999)

Conviction (1) - S5-E1

Corrected entry: Considering that Spike never visited Sunnydale or L.A. during Wesley's tenure in either place, and Wesley was in England before that, how does Wesley recognise him straight away? Even if he's heard about him from Angel or in books why would he assume that this is him? Some people suggest Wesley found a picture of Spike while researching Angel's past, but Giles conducted a similar investigation in season 1 but had never even heard of Spike in 'School Hard', let alone know his image well enough to recognise him on sight. Unless Wesley is a substantially better researcher (unlikely, given Giles' experience) he shouldn't know him so well.


Correction: If Giles has already researched Spike then he most likely kept most of the things to do with him in the same place. In season three Wesley comes along & has access to Giles' material so if he took the time to look into these things he may have found all the information he needed.


Corrected entry: When Alex is giving her speech about efficiency at Redstar she slams her cane down onto the table in front of her. After she lifts it up the camera angle changes and she is standing too far away from the table to have hit it.


Correction: It's a long cane, and she's only slamming the first few inches of it on the table.


19th Apr 2004

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: Why isn't Magneto wearing his protective helmet on the boat towards the end of the film? He has no way of knowing that Mystique's sabotage of Cerebro worked - for all he knew, Xavier could have been tracking him at that moment.


Correction: Mystique can't make a phone call?


19th Apr 2004

X-Men (2000)

Corrected entry: Xavier might not want to kill Magneto outside the train station, but he could easily have used Sabertooth to knock his protective helmet off or slam him into a wall and knock him unconscious. If he had done this immediately (before Magneto pointed everyone's guns back at them, after which it was obviously too risky) he could have captured Magneto then and there. Granted, not very good for the film, but it still should have occurred to him.


Correction: Ignoring the fact that Professor X and Magneto are very old friends, it's very clear throughout the movies and comics that Professor X does not want to get into a physical conflict with Magneto - instead, he wants Magneto to convert to the ideology of the X-Men. This is important because attacking Magneto will only escalate the conflict, whereas converting him would also bring many if not all of his followers. In addition, Professor X is in Sabretooth's mind - Sabretooth knows that the helmet fits Magneto very tightly (hard to knock off) and protects him from physical violence as well as mental intrusions (hard to knock out).


2nd Apr 2004

24 (2001)

Day 3: 7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. - S3-E7

Corrected entry: Tony is discharged from the hospital and back at CTU in under 20 minutes, this is far faster than it could possibly in real life, considering CTU is at least 15 minutes drive away. It takes a long time to check out of hospital - forms to sign and so on.


Correction: Seeing how he is the director of CTU. I'm sure he has special previleges. Besides, his wife would have given verbal approval to have him check out ASAP and maybe sign forms later.


The Wish - S3-E9

Corrected entry: Giles says in 'The Wish' that destroying Anyanka's power source will reverse all her wishes. Surely Cordelia's can't have been the only wish that caused a temporal fold or similar history changing event? And if not, then shouldn't the world now be radically different in some way?


Correction: Cordelia's isn't the first temporal fold, but the point of the episode is that superhero Buffy has had a tremendous effect on Sunnydale. Anyanka usually deals with common women, like Cordelia, not exceptional individuals like Buffy. Therefore, past temporal folds probably dealt with small things, like cheating husbands never meeting temptresses or never being born, none of which significantly affected world history (even Cordelia's only affects Sunnydale and Cleveland). So the world is different, just not in ways that matter to our characters.


8th Mar 2004

Identity (2003)

Corrected entry: Paris asks Ed what month he was born in and when he says May she smiles and says, "A Taurus." She couldn't know this without knowing the exact day -because anyone born between May 22nd and May 31st is a Gemini.


Correction: She's just assuming he's a Taurus, since the majority of May falls under that sign. Since he doesn't correct her, she knows she's right.


Becoming (2) - S2-E22

Corrected entry: How did Buffy know in 'Becoming, Part 2' that it was Drusilla who killed Kendra? Everyone in the library but Kendra was unconcious by the time she entered. (00:17:35)


Correction: Angelus was fighting Buffy & as far as everyone knew Spike was in a wheelchair, So Buffy is assuming that Angelus would send the strongest vampire he had to make sure the fight went his way.

Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7

Corrected entry: In 'Once More With Feeling', look closely at Parking Ticket Woman's car. There is no glass at all in the left hand side, presumably to avoid the camera's reflection being visible. The windows aren't just rolled down - even the smallest one at the back is missing, and that one can't be rolled down.


Correction: I checked the episode "Once More, With Feeling," and I couldn't even see the back window of the parking ticket lady's car. The first window has the glass, but it wan't possible to see the back window through the officer.

15th Dec 2003

Charmed (1998)

Centennial Charmed - S5-E12

Corrected entry: How does Paige know so much? First of all she knows that Cole is behind it all, though any number of demons have the ability to create temporal folds and as far as she knew Cole wasn't one of them. Second she knows that Phoebe is unhappy with Cole, just from talking to her for a few seconds. In fact, when she mentioned that she could help Phoebe get rid of him Phoebe threw her out. She seems to realise what's going on simply to save on exposition.


Correction: Paige had been suspicious of Cole for a long time at this point. Her assumptions just happened to be correct. Phoebe threw Paige out because Phoebe said she stayed with Cole so that he wouldn't kill Piper; she probably didn't want Cole to hear Paige and think Phoebe was conspiring against him and thus go ahead and kill Piper.

Becoming (1) - S2-E21

Corrected entry: In the season 5 episode 'Fool For Love' Drusilla and Spike mention how amazing a Slayer's blood is - far better than any other kind (a point repeated by many other vampires during the course of the show), so why in 'Becoming Part 1' did Drusilla not drain Kendra after she slit her throat? As far as she knew she was in no hurry, so why did she pass up on the best blood in the world?


Correction: In talking about Jenny's death earlier in the season, Joss Whedon said that Angel broke her neck as a way of saying she wasn't good enough to eat. Since Drusilla had no trouble fighting Kendra, Drusilla might have felt that there wasn't enough glory in the kill, and there'd be no point in feeding off a slayer that didn't put up much of a fight.

Chosen - S7-E22

Corrected entry: In the episode 'Chosen', roughly 30 Slayers and Spike attack the Hellmouth and leave the civilians alone upstairs to stop the escaping Ubervamps. Wouldn't it have made more sense to leave a few of the Slayers upstairs to fight with them? They could have easily beaten back the Ubervamps and Bringers, instead Andrew and Anya (the two weakest members of the gang) are left alone at one escape route, leading to Anya's death.


Correction: In a fight like that, with an almost unlimited number of ubervamps, wouldn't you want all of your big guns on the front line? The less slayers on the front line, the bigger the number of ubervamps that get by.

Correction: If you watch more carefully when Spike pulls out the shovel (just slightly off screen), we see him spin the shovel around, so in the next shot the metal part in facing Robin.

Season 7 generally

Corrected entry: For most of Series 7 there is a girl from Hong Kong among the Potentials. No one can speak Cantonese and she doesn't speak any English, so how did Giles convince her to get on a plane with him and fly to America? She wasn't sent by her watcher - Giles states very clearly in 'First Date' that she never had a watcher, and in 'Potential' Buffy mentions to the others that 'Giles has gone to Hong Kong to find the Potential there.'


Correction: There would obviously be people in Hong Kong who could speak English and explain everything to her.

Corrected entry: If Fester can survive being electrocuted in the bathtub in Hawaii practically unharmed, what makes Debbie think that electrocuting him in the chair at the end will do any better?


Correction: They are different amounts of voltage.

Smashed - S6-E9

Corrected entry: When Amy is de-ratted in season 6 she is quite strong, almost as strong as Willow - she can move things with a glance and turn people into goats with a wave of her hand. But when she turned herself into a rat in season 3 she had nowhere near this level of power - if she did she could have escaped from MOO with ease, and not in a way that left her a rodent for 3 years. How have Amy's powers grown so much?


Correction: This seems to make a huge assumption about her level of magical power, since she was only an occasionally recurring character. She easily turned herself into a rat with little or no effort, and Willow commented on what a powerful witch she was. We have no reason to suppose that she wasn't a very talented witch even before she went ratty.


2nd Dec 2003

Charmed (1998)

Show generally

Corrected entry: From the episode where she gets her explosion power Piper seems to ignore her freezing power, even when it would be better to use it. For example, in any episode where she is faced with more than one demon instead of blowing them up one at a time it would make more sense to freeze them all at once. Even if her explosions are more powerful sometimes, there's no logical reason why she should always use them in every situation.


Correction: Yes, there is no LOGICAL reason. But considering that Prue was the only one to ever get a pure offensive power (and remembering how long Phoebe whined about not getting an active power), it makes sense that Piper, having been thinking about this all these years, would use the spectacular, flashy, big-boom power before her tried and true freezing, especially in high-pressure situations. Also remember that Piper's known from the start that she can't freeze certain baddies, so it makes sense that her first instinct would be to "reach for the explosions."

22nd Jul 2003

Angel (1999)

Show generally

Corrected entry: In the Buffy episode 'The Prom' Angel mentions that he never drinks coffee as the caffeine makes him jittery, yet he drinks coffee in quite a few Angel episodes. It's unlikely a 243-year-old would change his habits in the space of a few months.


Correction: Perhaps sometime after The Prom, Angel discovers decaf. It's possible, especially for someone so old who didn't seem to "get" Buffy (or women in general) 90% of the time, to not be up to date on coffee. He makes other changes - he takes up smoking in the fifties flashbacks of season two, gives up smoking for the entire time we know him prior to halfway through season two, takes up smoking, and then gives it up...again.

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