Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Revealing mistake: At the end of the chase scene with the Mercedes and the pickup truck, the Mercedes flips on its side and slams into a tree. As the Mercedes falls back onto its roof, you can see a rope attached to the trunk used to pull the Mercedes over.


Revealing mistake: When the female terrorist goes to use the large drillhammer on the concrete wall, the force of turning it on causes it to "jump" in her hands. When the drill bit bounces against the concrete wall, you can clearly see the wall move back and forward about half an inch.

Revealing mistake: When Willis is driving through the park, you can see the tyre marks and lines where they had driven there on other takes.

Revealing mistake: When fighting with Targo on the boat, McClane pulls a chain, which trips Targo over. When we see Targo being tripped from above, you can see it is a stunt double - not only is he bigger than the actor playing Targo, but also his hair is grey unlike Targo's brown.

Revealing mistake: When Charlie (the bomb technician) hears that there are still children in the school, he continues trying to disarm the bomb. Pay attention to the shots of the countdown timer. It goes straight from 1:01 to 0:59. There is no 1:00.

Revealing mistake: When the water is pushing the truck in the aqueduct, one scene shows McClane on top of it. The truck and McClane are a different color indicating they were superimposed into the shot.


Revealing mistake: When they are being chased in the Mercedes, McClane tells Carver to pull the fuse for the anti-lock brakes. When Carver says he won't know which fuse is which, McClane tells him to pull them all. If Carver were to do this, he would cut electrical power to critical functions, such as the fuel pump or ignition system.

Revealing mistake: When Bruce Willis is searching the subway cars, take note of the passengers. The same people appear in the two consecutive cars. The actors just made minor changes such as adding/removing hats and glasses. The woman who screams is the most obvious.

Revealing mistake: When the truck is being pulled off of the bridge by the ship, if you look closely right before the truck plummets towards the water, there is no engine, transmission, or anything else in the engine compartment of the truck, which was left exposed after the hood fell off in an earlier wreck.

Revealing mistake: Right after the explosion, when Simon walks up to a detective and introduces himself as an adjuster for the bank, he asks if the detective can show him the way down. When the detective says yes he calls over an officer Murphy, who is facing the crowd. Murphy is already looking back and begins to walk to the detective before he is even called for.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Revealing mistake: When John is fighting the huge German thug on the boat towards the end, he flips him over his shoulder and on to the steel floor, which slides apart. It is obviously rubber sheets molded and painted to look real. The shot is an overhead shot and only lasts a second.

Revealing mistake: When Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson are climbing down the rope (or whatever it is) to get to the ship, the green Dodge falls off the bridge. If watch closely, you can actually see that the truck is tied by another rope in the back, which rips as the truck falls into the water.

Die Hard: With a Vengeance mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Simon is in the helicopter and shoots at McClane, check the metal strips next to his feet and the protruding metal parts where the squibs have been placed to allow for the pyrotechnics.


Revealing mistake: Towards the end of the film when Simon and his men are found by McClane (Willis) and Zeus (Jackson), Simon's men can be seen taking MP5K submachine guns. The guns are actually Daisy MP5K Airsoft replicas. At one point, a man "pumps" the forward grip of the gun to cock it. Indicating it as an airsoft gun and not a real submachine gun.


Revealing mistake: When McClane is hanging on the steel cable which pulls their car to the river, right when he says "Run, run" there's a brief shot and it's very obvious that the guy is Bruce Willis's stunt double.


Revealing mistake: After McClane chases the ambulance in the cab, he is driving the wrong way down a one way street. Notice the tyre marks on the pavement from previous takes. The cab follows them to a T.


Revealing mistake: When the bomb explodes at Bonwit Tellers at the start, we see a van fly into the air. You can see the devices that throw it upwards.

Die Hard: With a Vengeance mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: There is a shot towards the end of the film, (just before Willis and Jackson exchange dialogue in the engine room) in which it shows the entourage of people boarding a smaller boat from the much larger ship. Look towards the bottom left corner of the screen as the boat pulls away - inside you can see the head of a female boom mike operator.

More mistakes in Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Zeus: Didn't I hear you say you didn't even like your brother?
Simon: There's a difference, you know, between not liking one's brother and not caring when some dumb Irish flatfoot drops him out of a window.

More quotes from Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Trivia: In the German version of the first 'Die Hard' movie, the terrorists were changed into radical Irish because the dubbing producers didn't want to have German terrorists (see 'Die Hard' Trivia). In the German dubbing of this movie, however, they have decided to adapt the original background after all, and the late terrorist leader is called by his original name, Hans Gruber.

More trivia for Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Question: What is that gun thing that is pushed into the guy's neck after he says "I thought this was a currency exchange?" Is the guy dead or just knocked out?

Answer: Knocked out. It was a hand held tranquilizer gun like most vets use on animals to put them to sleep.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Answer: I've always wondered this and I don't think you're going to find a good answer. I know everyone is saying it was a tranquilizer. But tranquilizers wear off and if one of those people they gave an injection to regained consciousness it could be a big problem for them. eg. The cops in the subway. That's why I think it was probably a fatal injection of something.

It's not a fatal injection. Remember, Simon says, "I'm a soldier, not a monster." And earlier, one of the henchmen yelled at Otto, "No shooting." Simon doesn't intend to kill anyone (though later he changes his mind when he's ready to blow up the ship). The only people who killed anyone were Otto, Katya, and McClane.

I'm pretty sure the bombing at the beginning of the movie killed people. Plus, the bomb in the subway would have killed a whole bunch of people. Saying Simon doesn't intend to kill anyone is quite naive.


My opinion is it was not a fatal injection. They seem to be strangling and killing the guards in that scene; they could have easily done the same to the manager as well. My thinking is Simon deemed there was no need to kill the manager, so he simply knocked him out and likely tied him up.


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