Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Things aren't going well for John McClane (Willis): his marriage is breaking up, he's been suspended from the force and now a guy who calls himself Simon (Irons) threatens to blow up a school if McClane doesn't run around the city solving his demeaning and dangerous puzzles. With the help of Zeus (Jackson), a Harlem electrician, McClane discovers Simon's plot to distract the NYPD while he clears the federal bank of billions of dollars in gold.

Factual error: When McClane and Zeus take the little hatchback from the bank location, they run up the ramp by the Brooklyn Bridge and McClane looks to see the dump trucks aren't on the bridge. Zeus then spots them on FDR Drive and they speed off down the ramp to FDR Drive. The ramp they were on doesn't connect to the ramp they took to give chase. It only heads towards City Hall or over the bridge. They'd have to take the Civic Center ramp, do a u-turn under the Brooklyn Bridge approach then head back up the ramp to FDR Drive.


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Trivia: Someone asked: Has anyone EVER figured out the math to that damn water-in-a-bottle-diffuse-the-bomb riddle? I actually have, in case anyone's wondering about it. If I remember right, they've got a 5, a 3, and they need 4. Fill the five, tip it into the 3, leaving 2. Empty out the three, and put the 2 in it. Then fill the five, and use that jug to fill up the remainder of the 3, which will leave 4 in the 5 gallon jug. Another possible way to do this: You fill up the 3 and tip these three gallons into the 5. Then you fill up the 3 and use this to fill up the 5. This leaves you with one in the 3 and five in the 5. Then you empty the 5 and tip the one from the 3 over, then fill up the 3. Then you've got three in the 3 and one in the 5. After you've tipped over the three this will leave you with four in the 5.

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Question: In the bank, inside the lift, when John McClane is with the fake Detective Otto, what does he see in Detective Otto's badge that convinces him he is fake?


Chosen answer: He sees the reflection of his friend's badge number that he remembered from their conversation about the lottery earlier, so knows the badge was taken from his dead friend.

Captain Defenestrator

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