Best movie mistake pictures of all time

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Visible crew/equipment: When Benedict snaps his fingers and the dogs form a pyramid to show how well they are trained - look at the dog's feet and you can see the rails that the dogs are standing on. (00:43:50)

More Last Action Hero mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Snake kills the wrestler he falls forward shoulders forward, next minute his arms are over the ropes, next minute his arms are in a different position again - quite active for a dead man. (01:16:55 - 01:18:10)

More Escape From New York mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Heather is campaigning in the hallway of the school and giving out flyers, Buffy grabs the flyer and lets go of it, and is holding nothing. In the next scene where Buffy, Brenda and Cindy walk over to their boyfriends, Buffy all of a sudden has a folder, some books and a banana in one hand. (00:11:45)

More Scary Movie mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Carly locks herself in the truck, the owner throws to the ground the box holding the fan belt and a few other things, right beside the driver's side of the truck. In the next exterior shot, there is nothing on the ground. (00:50:50)

More House of Wax mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Pierce's wife is walking in her auto shop they pan down to show her red Louboutin heels, then they cut to her walking in her office, and when they show her shoes again they have a tan sole.

More The Gentlemen mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Griswolds are driving to the tree farm, they are being harassed by the rednecks in the truck. Several shots of the front of the truck show only two passengers, but one view of the truck through its rear window shows three passengers. (00:04:17)

More National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Lasky heads toward the conning tower, an A-7 Corsair is shown at left (and the helicopter nose has a number "3" on it). As he is led inside the tower, the camera pans up, and now the Corsair is gone, replaced by an E-2 Hawkeye (and the number "3" on the heli is gone, too). (00:06:45)


More The Final Countdown mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After the Bandit jumps the bridge Sheriff Justice rear-ends the cop car in front of him, smashing the hood of his car. In the next scene Sheriff Justice's hood is fine.

More Smokey and the Bandit mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Joe is much too old to be in high school. He appears to be in his thirties (the actor playing him was 35 at the time).


More Earth vs. the Spider mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: There's one scene where they are surrounded by the foot. Leonardo reaches behind him for his katanas, but he doesn't unsheath them. If you look at his elbows, you can see gaps in the pads where the actor in the suit hasn't fully fastened the gloves to the rest of the outfit. (01:05:40)

More Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The scar on the Duke's bodyguard's face switches from one cheek to the other throughout the movie, due to flipped shots. (00:17:30)

More Moulin Rouge mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the statue of Liberty is about to crash on the street, a close shot is seen of jammed cars and hysterical people. When the shot changes to Superman flying to the rescue, the jam, the cops and the people have disappeared, and all is nice and quiet in Metropolis.


More Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Shrek backs into the two barrels at the tournament, they both have taps on them. He then bashes one of these off with the beer mug. But when Donkey rolls the other barrel the tap has vanished on that one as well. (00:24:00)

rabid anarchist

More Shrek mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When one of the stormtroopers unties Han Solo before he is put into the carbonite, watch his wardrobe - he has a disappearing / reappearing jacket on. This is fixed to an extent on the DVD - the jacket is now lightened to almost match his shirt, but it's still shiny like leather. (01:32:05)

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Suggested correction: It just looks like a jacket because it's a shadow.

That is incorrect. You can see the contrast between the jacket and the shirt, with the white collar of his shirt sticking out of the brown jacket.


The shadow isn't touching all of the shoulders, which gives the illusion that there is a jacket on him, but there isn't.

More Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Nick is singing "Spend This Night with Me", he brings up a girl from the audience. Watch the background. When it shows another girl from the audience, in the next shot, you can see a speaker that wasn't there before. Moreover, when he picks the girl, we can see that there isn't anyone at her left side. But a few seconds earlier she was sitting between two girls (the one at her left was wearing a white shirt). (00:42:05)


More Top Secret! mistake pictures

Factual error: The word 'magician' is spelled 'magicinan' on the cart when Nicholas bends down to collect the spiders web. (00:50:30)

More The Care Bears Movie mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Indy is distracted by the young girl and her eyelid message, the girl changes from a window seat to another row when the bell rings to end class.

More Raiders of the Lost Ark mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end of the movie when the convoy is heading back to the Pakistan Stadium, a Humvee stops briefly to allow a man to walk across the street with a child in his arms. When the shot changes and the Humvee begins driving again, a crew member or cameraman is seen inside the Humvee wearing a white shirt. All of the men who entered the Humvee were wearing fatigues. (02:05:27)

More Black Hawk Down mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the dentist wants to put Nemo in a bag, it's a resealable one with a seam at the top. When he finally catches him, it has changed to a normal plastic bag.

Dr Wilson

More Finding Nemo mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Black support rods are visible on both of the "standing" skeletons, which are holding the medallion that Juni steals. The rods are by the skeleton's right leg bones, and are not bones. (01:09:25)


More Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams mistake pictures

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