Best movie mistake pictures of all time

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Continuity mistake: In the scene where Harry and Marv are at the skating rink, the front of Marv's hair is constantly changing from shot to shot. It's either poofy or pulled back due to the earmuffs he's wearing.

More Home Alone 2: Lost in New York mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the red Sunbird and the Caddy are driving sown the steep hill, the windshield on the Sunbird changes from passenger side busted out, to completely gone, to completely intact, when they hit the tree at the bottom. (01:18:15)


More The Last Boy Scout mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: As the FBI and Richard Gere rush to the hospital to save the First Lady they are flying in a helicopter. You see a shot of the helicopter flying over buildings then it cuts to dialogue inside then back to the landscape shot. However in the first shot the helicopter carries the number "28" on the side. When it cuts back after the dialogue it has "29" on the side of it. (01:36:35 - 01:40:00)

More The Jackal mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Peter is just getting to the science lab at the beginning right after his friend gets out of his fancy car, if you look at the extras walking behind the two, you will see a bright red haired girl walking by, going towards the building, but when the camera focuses on Peter the girl is there again, walking the opposite way on the other side of the huge sidewalk. You see her about 5 times going back and forth to the building. The first few times she's alone, then she's walking with another girl. (00:05:55)

More Spider-Man mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Marlon Brando is gunned down at the fruit stand, he drops the bag of fruit he just bought. However, when he's collapsing against the car, the bag of fruit is now on the hood of the car. (00:43:05)

More The Godfather mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the bridge fight scene where Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead appear, Deadpool tries to escape Colossus' handcuffs by severing his hand. The hand that he cuts off is his left, but when he jumps off the bridge the severed arm is on his right side.

More Deadpool mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Will Smith and the other recruits are taking their written tests, the white table first appears to be situated between the second and third men from the left. When Smith goes to the table to pull it across the room, it is much further to the right of the scene. (00:24:25 - 00:26:35)

More Men in Black mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where John commits suicide by slitting his wrist, the soles of his shoes go from brand new and unmarked (quite clearly seen in a couple of close up shots) to scuffed and worn (also seen quite well in a couple of shots). (01:34:25)

Mad Ade

More Constantine mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Stark is paralysed and slightly recovers, he goes to get his energy. Right then the blood around his left ear has vanished. Being seconds away from dying, the last thing he would think of is taking a shower.


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Continuity mistake: When M meets Bond near the beginning of the film, as she walks down the stairs she is wearing flat shoes, but as she gets to the bottom she is wearing high heels. (00:16:45)

More Quantum of Solace mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Regina becomes angry, and writes the horrible message in the burn book about herself to frame Cady and the others, the handwriting changes between shots. Look at "DO NOT TRUST HER" and "She is a fugly slut." - The handwriting changes noticeably, and "fugly slut" changes a lot - she writes it so the "g" and "y" have curled ends, yet it cuts to her sticking her photo in, and the ends to the tails on the "g" and "y" are straight. The line under "fugly slut," and the exclamation mark both change too. (01:00:15 - 01:00:45)


More Mean Girls mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Nicolas Cage drives through the window in the yellow Ferrari and the shot changes, he is coming out from a different window than in the first shot. In the first shot he emerges from the window to the left of the 7th Street Garage storefront ('Classic Autos' written on the window), but next shot he emerges from the window to the storefront's right. Also, note the now glassless window to the storefront's left, due to a previous take.


More The Rock mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Just before Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair, there is a shot from behind him and he reaches up with his right hand to push her hair behind her ear. His arm is visible up to his forearm and the shackle is nowhere in sight. However, in the next, wide shot, the shackle is suddenly up around his wrist. (01:01:20)


More Tangled mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the girls figure out that Knox is after Charlie, and Dylan thinks of the picture and they zoom in onto "Townsend." The shot before the final shot of the photograph shows Knox's father's arm around Charlie, when in all the other shots, he has his arms above his head. (01:00:05)

More Charlie's Angels mistake pictures

Saw (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Adam pounds on Zep with the toilet seat, he grabs his shoulder in pain. In the first shot of him holding his shoulder, his hand is soaked in blood. In the second shot, however, his hand is much cleaner. (01:30:25)


More Saw mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Lasky heads toward the conning tower, an A-7 Corsair is shown at left (and the helicopter nose has a number "3" on it). As he is led inside the tower, the camera pans up, and now the Corsair is gone, replaced by an E-2 Hawkeye (and the number "3" on the heli is gone, too). (00:06:45)


More The Final Countdown mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After the Bandit jumps the bridge Sheriff Justice rear-ends the cop car in front of him, smashing the hood of his car. In the next scene Sheriff Justice's hood is fine.

More Smokey and the Bandit mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Joe is much too old to be in high school. He appears to be in his thirties (the actor playing him was 35 at the time).


More Earth vs. the Spider mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The scar on the Duke's bodyguard's face switches from one cheek to the other throughout the movie, due to flipped shots. (00:17:30)

More Moulin Rouge mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: There's one scene where they are surrounded by the foot. Leonardo reaches behind him for his katanas, but he doesn't unsheath them. If you look at his elbows, you can see gaps in the pads where the actor in the suit hasn't fully fastened the gloves to the rest of the outfit. (01:05:40)

More Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze mistake pictures

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