Best movie mistake pictures of 2008

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Visible crew/equipment: When Bella pulls up in her truck for her first day at Forks High, as the camera pans from her truck as she parks it into shot, you can see the camera and boom reflected in the triangular window. (00:05:35)


More Twilight mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: As Mr. Fletcher is riding up on horseback to greet Lady Ashley, you can see him riding up next to a parked, red truck, that has the front end pointed away from the house. Keep an eye on that truck, because it will have the front end pointing towards the house, as Fletcher gets closer to Lady Ashley. (00:27:50)


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Visible crew/equipment: During Batman's interrogation of the Joker, when he picks him up and slams him against the wall, for a very brief moment you can see the camera and the cameraman in the reflection of the mirror on the right. (01:29:10)

More The Dark Knight mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Stark is paralysed and slightly recovers, he goes to get his energy. Right then the blood around his left ear has vanished. Being seconds away from dying, the last thing he would think of is taking a shower.


More Iron Man mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When M meets Bond near the beginning of the film, as she walks down the stairs she is wearing flat shoes, but as she gets to the bottom she is wearing high heels. (00:16:45)

More Quantum of Solace mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: After Sophie faints at her bachelorette party, during the next scene it cuts back and forth between shots taking place in two rooms - Donna walking into Tanya and Rosie's room, then Sophie walking into Ali and Lisa's room, and both rooms have the very same cracks and stains on the walls revealing it was filmed in the same room, but with different furniture.

Super Grover

More Mamma Mia! mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Landers is presenting his machine, he puts an hourglass on the computer. In the next shot, it's gone.


More Superhero Movie mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Carrie and Big are in bed (Carrie is reading the Love Letters) the library card Carrie uses as a bookmark keeps changing position. She opens the book and holds the card behind the book cover, then when you see a close-up of the text you can see the card is being held inside the book. Then it's back behind the book cover. (00:22:25)

More Sex and the City: The Movie mistake pictures
More The House Bunny mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Miri takes her name tag at the reunion, it's sticking to the thumb of her right hand. In the next shot, it's sticking to the index finger of her left hand. (00:13:30)

Cubs Fan

More Zack & Miri Make a Porno mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Bryan chases the spotter, all of the cars that had to stop are all positioned at different angles. After the spotter dies and Bryan walks back along the bridge, one of the shots shows all of the cars now parked in a perfectly straight line.


More Taken mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Helen and Jacob walk out from under the bridge, at the very end of the movie, we see footsteps being made in the metal "sand". When the camera pans to a shot from behind, the footsteps made in the sand are gone.

More The Day the Earth Stood Still mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After the first dinner scene with the family, Dale finally decides to leave and head upstairs. He places his napkin down next to his plate. In the next shot it has vanished. It then reappears a few shots later. (00:10:15)


More Step Brothers mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the FBI are searching the office, Dacyshyn walks out, sees Mulder, drops the donor bag and runs with Mulder and Agent Whitney in pursuit. The donor bag is rear-facing when he drops it, but in the close-up it's front-facing to show the words "human organ for transplant", and its straps positions also change between all shots. (01:07:00)

Super Grover

More The X-Files: I Want to Believe mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Kirk Lazarus tricks Tugg Speedman into giving him the map, in one shot one of the shotgun shells on his back in his artillery belt is out of place and not lined up with the rest of them. In the very next shot, all the shotgun shells are lined up and in place evenly. (00:44:05)

More Tropic Thunder mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Rex slams on his brakes after Ian tells him that he met a girl online, the background outside the driver side window is a building with trees around it. The shot then switches to the passenger side. When the shot goes back to the driver's side, the background outside of the window is just trees and other shrubbery, even though the car is still at a standstill. (00:06:25)

More Sex Drive mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Sand has a mole on her left cheek. In her photo, in the locket that Denny gives her, this mole is missing. (00:24:20)


More The Spirit mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Trevor gets home from work and sits down in his lounge, between shots the sheets hanging over the chair he is sitting on change and items (such as a stack of books, newspaper, etc) suddenly appear on the radiator behind him. (00:03:15)


More Journey to the Center of the Earth mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Lawrence first wakes up in the hospital when Janet walks in, the guard rail on his bed is down. It's up in the next shot. Then it's back down when Janet leaves.


More Smart People mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At breakfast, the morning after Maria has just arrived at her Uncle's house, the uncle calls Maria's father a coward. He has a glass of brown drink in his hand. He's just taken a drink and the glass is 3/4 full. Maria angrily refutes that her father was a hero and the glass, still in his hand, is now full to the brim. (00:19:20)


More The Secret of Moonacre mistake pictures

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