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Continuity mistake: Right before they rob the police car, a Boeing 747 (four engines) is seen in shots of the plane coming into land. When the plane is shown from behind, it is a Boeing 767, with only two engines and fewer main landing gears. (00:30:10)

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Suggested correction: It's for effect to show they were hanging out around the airport for more than a bit.

There's no evidence this was meant to be a montage scene of various planes. The cuts they did have in the first angle were of the same plane getting closer to build suspense. Same for the other angle. Plus, there's no scenes or shots of "them" waiting.


More The Usual Suspects mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Ingrid sits at the vanity table in the bedroom, in the shot just after Gregorio's screen reads, "Type password," but just before the close-up of Ingrid's fingers typing on her makeup, there is a lovely reflection of a crew member behind the camera, which is perfectly clear in the mirror to Ingrid's right. (00:07:30)

Super Grover

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More Cruel Intentions mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The wagon, which is full of explosives, is on fire, so Mulan cuts Kahn (the horse) free with her sword and jumps onto Khan. She starts to ride away, while she holds the reins in her left hand and the sword with her right hand, up in the air. The wagon explodes and in the next shot, she still holds the reins in her left hand, though the sword, still in midair in her right hand, is now actually in its sheath, which is always attached to the left side of her belt. Some arrows are missing on the ground as well. Then her sheathed sword lands on the ground beside her. (00:53:45)

Super Grover

More Mulan mistake pictures

Factual error: In one scene, focused on a period wood-staked pickup truck parked on the street, you can see clearly a modern Jeep Grand Cherokee parked on the other side of the street.

More Public Enemies mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The books and other items on the desk of the boy sitting behind Andy move about between shots, and the boys sleeves change from rolled up his arms to pulled down to the wrists too. (00:33:00)


More Child's Play 2 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In Kate's hotel room, when she's trying to get away from GW she steps backwards through the hotel room's doorway onto the porch, and falls straight through the broken wood railing, but when GW looks down at Kate on the pile of hay, there's now a window behind GW, not a doorway, and clapboard siding has suddenly appeared on the hotel wall as well.

Super Grover

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Continuity mistake: Kevin sits down with a meal before the Wet Bandits arrive at the house consisting of macaroni and cheese on a plate. When Harry eventually makes it to the dining room, he is pelted with feathers. Look at the table to the left. A three part microwave meal still in its white plastic container now sits on the plate.

More Home Alone mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: During the sequence with the Native Americans chasing the Delorean in the beginning, in one shot looking up at the sky you can see contrails from a plane, obviously not around in 1885. (00:19:25)


More Back to the Future Part III mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At Skull Rock, after the crocodile has nipped off a good bit of Hook's clothing, sock and shoe, when Hook rushes toward Smee in the boat the crocodile opens his mouth, and just as he swallows Hook he's nearly fully clothed and wearing both socks and both shoes.

Super Grover

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Visible crew/equipment: Just after Lovell secures the hatch for LM jettison, and Swigert states "Okay, pyro batts look good, I don't think we're gonna have to tie those other batteries," there is a visible bearded crew member wearing glasses and a hoodie on the lower right hand side of the screen. This is only visible in the fullscreen version. (02:01:00)

More Apollo 13 mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: While Barnum and Phillip sing "The Other Side" Phillip uses two stools to get up and down from the bar top. When he steps down from the bar top, in this wideshot (also the first shot of them in the pub and other shots) the two upright stools Phillip used are secured with additional support, note the floor area underneath the stools' legs have the same pattern as the rest of the floor, though we can see the outline where the pattern's lines don't match up. Additionally, we also see three actors' marks (in the shape of an "L") on the floor in front of the bar, which will be where Barnum and Phillip will stand when they agree on the ten percent. (00:36:05)

Super Grover

More The Greatest Showman mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When blood gushes out of the bullet wound during 05's introduction, in the first slo-mo the squirt goes diagonally across her eye. Then all that is left is a horizontal streak from the mouth. It is implied that between cuts she fit her glove by biting it, so the inconsistency can be explained (even if just a rushed wipe would hardly clean her completely). The real mistakes are: 1 - she has a dotted streak of blood before and after, entirely inconsistent with those close-ups, and 2 - when Ryan Reynolds and Dave Franco are talking about the 'squirting', you can see in the background Adria Arjona's face is totally clean. (00:07:55)


More 6 Underground mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the Ministry of Magic, as Yaxley is reprimanding Ron, who is disguised as Reg Cattermole, the initial on Yaxley's Ministry tie pin changes direction. In one shot, the letter "M" is tilted to the left, and in a subsequent shot, it's slanted in the opposite direction.


More Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: A boom mic operator wearing a white shirt is seen reflected in the door that the female scientist opens, when the Umbrella personnel pick her up, as part of their extraction procedure. He is visible as the door is opening and very faintly when it is closed. (00:04:00)

More Resident Evil: Apocalypse mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Kimble goes back to the hospital as a janitor to check the hospital computer, the lady working in the lab is wearing two different dresses. (01:05:15)

More The Fugitive mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: As Mr. Fletcher is riding up on horseback to greet Lady Ashley, you can see him riding up next to a parked, red truck, that has the front end pointed away from the house. Keep an eye on that truck, because it will have the front end pointing towards the house, as Fletcher gets closer to Lady Ashley. (00:27:50)


More Australia mistake pictures

Factual error: In a shot in Harlem, a Ford Econoline AVIS rental truck drives on the adjacent street. The specific Econoline van was at least a mid-90's to 2000+ model van and the movie takes place in the 70s.

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More Spider-Man 3 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: At the beginning, when people are walking through the metal detector and on the screen it shows them nude, the background is different on the screen. For example, the screen shows two people sitting down, but there are no people sitting down. (00:02:35)


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