Best movie mistake pictures of 2009

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Revealing mistake: During Quidditch tryouts, when Ron blocks the Quaffle with his head in the closeup, Ron's body disappears at the bottom of the screen below the digital editing line. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD).

Super Grover

More Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The Saturn that Mikaela is driving has a moonroof that encompasses most of the roof, over the front and back seats. When the Decepticon Grindor captures them, in the interior shot looking up at Leo as Grindor seizes the Saturn, the car has a solid roof over Leo, which is also seen in the interior shot as they fall. (00:54:05 - 00:55:05)

Super Grover

More Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake pictures

Factual error: In one scene, focused on a period wood-staked pickup truck parked on the street, you can see clearly a modern Jeep Grand Cherokee parked on the other side of the street.

More Public Enemies mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the guy on the roof stands and takes aim at the window in preparation for Brian, the film crew are reflected in a window behind him. (00:13:00)


More Fast & Furious mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Bella awakes from the first nightmare, we see her Romeo and Juliet book on the pillow beside her. When Charlie brings in her presents the book is gone, but then reappears on the pillow between shots. (00:03:00)


More The Twilight Saga: New Moon mistake pictures

Other mistake: When the mayor is talking behind the chainlink fence, with Brent in the background eating sardines, you can see as the mayor grabs the fence, his thumbs clip through the fence wire. This occurs on both hands and easily visible, particularly when Mayor Shelbourne says, "Otherwise, I'm just a tiny mayor of a tiny town full of tiny sardine-sucking knuckle-scrapers." (00:10:52)

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Suggested correction: This isn't really what happens, although it looks like it does. The mayor's thumbs are not pointing outwards, they are curled around the fence wire. As he continues to grab the fence, his thumbs don't clip through it, they curl more and more around it, getting a tighter grip on it. Then when Brent says, "But not me, right?", he lets go, and you can see his thumbs curl back out. This is all visible if you look close enough.


More Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Mike's talking to his son in the school cafeteria (just before his ridiculing of Stan, the bully) keep an eye on his burger - it's sometimes in his hand, sometimes not, and changes position in the box and tray as well. (00:36:30)

Jon Sandys

More 17 Again mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Tallahassee and Columbus find the yellow vehicle, Tallahassee paints the number "3" on the sides. The style that the "3" is painted in changes throughout the movie.

More Zombieland mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Jake wakes up from his link and Grace asks him, "Is the avatar safe?" and he replies, "Yeah Doc, and you are not gonna believe where I am," her hand is on top of his shoulder. But as the camera angle changes back and forth her hand switches to the side of his upper arm and back to the shoulder without time to have made the move. (00:48:55)


More Avatar mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The German Feldwebel, who gets beaten to death with a baseball bat, has a badge over his left breast pocket which disappears and reappears during shots. (00:31:30)


More Inglourious Basterds mistake pictures
More Watchmen mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Right after Marcus gets the Jeep to start, they begin running from the Aerostat. They start off going down a steep hill and the windshield is practically sparkling clean. Once they get to the road at the bottom, the shot shows the windshield caked with mud. (00:34:00)


More Terminator Salvation mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Paul tells Meryl that he was hesitant about adoption during their jogging, Meryl returns home. While jogging, she was wearing very tight grey pants. At the barn, her pants are a lot looser.


More Did You Hear About the Morgans? mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Gambit pushes Logan, who smashes through a wall. This hole becomes much, much smaller when Gambit climbs out into the alley. (01:10:00)


More X-Men Origins: Wolverine mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Alan and Doug the drug dealer are suggesting more accurate names for roofies, Doug places one hand on his hip with the other down by his side, but in the next shot, both hands are resting on his stomach. (01:21:30)

Cubs Fan

More The Hangover mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Chun-Li and her family arrive at their new home at Hong Kong, as the old servant opens the door, the reflection of the boom mic is visible on the black door. (00:01:55)


More Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Romey hits the little boy, she immediately parks her car and gets out. She closes the door behind her and runs to the little boy. After making sure he is ok, she goes back to her car and the door is open.

More The Unborn mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Coraline is in bed in the other world for the first time, she's holding the picture frame showing her friends face down. When the shot changes to her again, the frame is facing up. (00:21:35)

More Coraline mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Tiana wears a pair of gold earrings during Charlotte's ball. They disappear when she's watching Charlotte dance with the prince and reappear later. (00:23:55)


More The Princess and the Frog mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The money car gets hit by an ambulance on its way to the drop and rolls over. The light bar on top breaks off. It reappears when the car falls off the bridge. (00:59:10)


More The Taking of Pelham 123 mistake pictures

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