Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During Quidditch tryouts, when Ron blocks the Quaffle with his head in the closeup, Ron's body disappears at the bottom of the screen below the digital editing line. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD).

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After drinking the poison in Slughorn's office, Ron falls and in the overhead shots the top of his head is near the rug's edge, but in side shots his head is well below the large diamond pattern, more than a foot away from the edge.

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Harry finds Hermione crying at the bottom of the stairs, with the conjured canaries flying overhead, there are numerous leaves/debris on the lowest steps and near her feet, but in the shots looking down from the top of the stairs the area is clear. (This has nothing to do with the few leaves that blow about.)

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dumbledore approaches Slughorn, who is disguised as a chair, both the sheer and opaque curtains' appearance changes back and forth - also note the holes or lack thereof, between Slughorn's close-ups and wideshots. (00:07:00)

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Aboard the Hogwarts Express, when Luna finds Harry lying petrified on the floor and then speaks with him, the way she holds her wand and the Quibbler newspapers differs between shots. (00:27:40)

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Harry is in the diner and places the newspaper down on the table as he speaks with the waitress, it lies over the table edge (front and side edges), then doesn't, then does so again... (00:04:05)

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the Burrow, when Harry is speaking with Lupin, Tonks, and Arthur, and then when Ginny joins him on the sofa, the orange blanket lying on the sofa's arm to Harry's right moves forward, back, forward, etc. (01:15:00)

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the Three Broomsticks, when Slughorn and Harry speak, Slughorn holds a silver mug with a high foam head, but in the shot facing Harry, before Slughorn actually spills the drink the mug's foam head is gone (visible at the bottom of the screen), only to reappear when he spills it on Hermione ,whereupon the same previous angle is shown again without the foam.

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dumbledore and Harry first arrive in front of Slughorn's temporary residence in Budleigh, Babberton, Harry's height barely even reaches Dumbledore's shoulders (likely the actor's stand-in), but in the next shot facing them Harry's height compared to Dumbledore is back to normal, level with the Headmaster's eyes. (00:05:35)

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dumbledore brings Harry to meet Slughorn, the Daily Prophet is lying on the floor amongst debris, including the piano's hammer, which differs between shots. (00:06:50)

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dumbledore and Harry are talking about Horcruxes, Harry's hair is nice and combed in one shot. The camera cuts to a side view and his hair is now messy.


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In Fred and George's joke shop Ron asks how much something is, the twins reply 5 galleons, one of the twins (closest to Ron) is leaning against the banister then in the next shot of him he is in a different position.

Continuity mistake: In the dormitory, when lovestruck Ron is going gaga over Romilda, he is wearing a brown sleeveless tee shirt and its tan trim has many holes. When Harry brings Ron to Slughorn, Ron is still wearing that tee shirt, but now some of the holes are gone and the rest of the holes have changed position. (01:26:50)

Super Grover

More mistakes in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Hagrid: Seriously misunderstood creatures, spiders are. It's the eyes I reckon. They unnerve some folk.
Harry: Not to mention the pincers.

More quotes from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Trivia: Young Tom Riddle is played by newcomer Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, who is the nephew of Ralph Fiennes, the actor who plays Lord Voldemort, aka Tom Riddle.

Super Grover

More trivia for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Question: Instead of using the Pensieve to view Voldemort's and Slughorn's memories, wouldn't it have been much easier for Dumbledore to simply tell Harry of his first meeting with Tom and Harry simply asking Slughorn what he knew?

Answer: The purpose of the Pensieve is to preserve the memory exactly as it was recorded. Telling Harry something years after an event occurred is not as effective or as accurate as seeing. It is more impactful if Harry can watch events exactly as they unfolded. Regarding Slughorn, he had refused to give his complete memory because he was ashamed of the unintentional part he played in Voldemort's plan to create the Horcruxes. He was duped by Riddle, but he still did not want anyone to know how foolish he was.


Answer: Dumbledore went to great lengths to recover the modified memory from Slughorn and convince him to return to Hogwarts as a teacher. Asking Slughorn about the memory upfront would greatly reduce their chances of getting the rest of the memory. It was important for Harry to charm Slughorn because that was one of his weaknesses. He held Harry's mother in high regards, so Harry really was the only key to getting the memory.

Answer: It would have been pointless for Harry to simply ask Slughorn about Riddle because, as Slughorn previously did, he would react angrily, simply refuse, lie, or alter or delete facts as it was too painful and he was too ashamed to admit what he'd done. Even if Slughorn did tell him, memories are tricky, and, over time, people recall facts differently than what actually happened. Dumbledore needed the pensieve for both his and Slughorn's memories so Harry would have an accurate as possible picture of what happened. This is also J.K. Rowling's magical world. It would be pretty dull, literary-wise, to simply have Dumbledore or Slughorn tell Harry what happened.


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