Best movie mistake pictures of 2001

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More The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring mistake pictures
More Scary Movie 2 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene in front of the hotel on the night before Rafe ships out to England, Evelyn puts a scarf around his neck. There is a camera shot from his back: no scarf; then another one from his front, and he's wearing the scarf again. (00:27:10)

More Pearl Harbor mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Yulaw slams Gabe into a metal box, the glass and debris falls next to his feet. You see both glass and a few chunks of metal, with one especially large chunk of metal. It cuts to Yulaw, then back to Gabe, and now the metal chunks are missing and it just shows glass shards. (01:08:40)

Quantom X

More The One mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the very beginning, when Danny is coming up on the elevator into the casino, when he is rising his jacket isn't buttoned, yet in the following shot the jacket is now buttoned half way down. (00:02:30)


More Ocean's Eleven mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: At the end when Brian jumps onto the semi truck to save Vince if you look closely at the back of Brian's pants you can clearly see the safety cable that holds him onto the semi truck. (01:26:17)

More The Fast and the Furious mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the start of term feast, after Harry is sorted into Gryffindor, he sits down on the right side of the table next to Ron. When the feast appears, Harry is on the other side of the table, next to Hermione. (00:46:05)

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Suggested correction: This is not a mistake. In the first shot, Harry was just sorted into Gryffindor and there were still quite a few students waiting to be sorted. By the time of the second shot, all the students were sorted and the feast started. Therefore, at least a few minutes have passed and Harry had plenty of time to switch sides of the table. Doesn't make much sense why he did that, I agree, but still plenty of time to do it.

I agree, but it's not about how there's plenty of time to do it. Like you said before, there's no reason for Harry to change position. Therefore, it counts as a mistake.

More Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Ingrid sits at the vanity table in the bedroom, in the shot just after Gregorio's screen reads, "Type password," but just before the close-up of Ingrid's fingers typing on her makeup, there is a lovely reflection of a crew member behind the camera, which is perfectly clear in the mirror to Ingrid's right. (00:07:30)

Super Grover

More Spy Kids mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The scar on the Duke's bodyguard's face switches from one cheek to the other throughout the movie, due to flipped shots. (00:17:30)

More Moulin Rouge mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Shrek backs into the two barrels at the tournament, they both have taps on them. He then bashes one of these off with the beer mug. But when Donkey rolls the other barrel the tap has vanished on that one as well. (00:24:00)

rabid anarchist

More Shrek mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end of the movie when the convoy is heading back to the Pakistan Stadium, a Humvee stops briefly to allow a man to walk across the street with a child in his arms. When the shot changes and the Humvee begins driving again, a crew member or cameraman is seen inside the Humvee wearing a white shirt. All of the men who entered the Humvee were wearing fatigues. (02:05:27)

More Black Hawk Down mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Billie slaps Dice, then leaves, her handbag swaps shoulders. (01:12:35)

More Glitter mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: During the scene in which Krendler shows the fake Lecter postcard, look closely and you can read the line: "Sounds like him to me" although this line is part of Krendler's speech, and not part of the message itself. Forgetting your lines, Mr. Liotta? (01:21:55)

More Hannibal mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Duane hits the second cow while hanging from the rope, if you watch carefully you can see the head of someone, bent down behind the cow, wearing a white hat. (01:01:30)


More Rat Race mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Jim's Dad walks in on him and the girl having 'goodbye sex', Jim scrambles around trying to cover himself. At one point, as he's going from the floor to the bed, you can see the string bikini or whatever he's wearing so that he doesn't accidentally expose himself. (00:03:20)

More American Pie 2 mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When they're driving back to the Darcys' in the snow, you can see that as they pass through the village near the house, the snow on the ground is in fact a white ground sheet and has not been pulled up to the edges of the wall surrounding the green. (01:17:25)

More Bridget Jones's Diary mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When all of Rowan's clothes are removed from her frozen body, the outline of a strapless bra can be seen under the metal blanket. It is also seen later when she sits up and the metal blanket slips a little bit. (00:21:15)

More Jason X mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Chihiro talks to Kamaji about taking the train to see Zeniba, she says "Yep, I'll walk back along the tracks," and turns around, and the little mouse and bird are sitting on her left shoulder. It then cuts to a wideshot of Chihro walking over to Haku, but now the mouse and little bird have vanished from her shoulder. (01:27:15)


More Spirited Away mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When the Senator is being killed by Travolta in the river, we can see some shots of his assistant before his car explodes. If you watch closely just half a second before the frontal shot of the explosion, you can see in the driver's seat a dummy with a green face.

More Swordfish mistake pictures

Other mistake: In the scaring simulation room, the alphabet wallpaper border at the top of the wall has the "J" written backwards.


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Suggested correction: The walls of the room also have nonsensical drawings like a giraffe with two heads. The implication is that the monsters designing the room didn't entirely know what kids would actually have in rooms (like they didn't know that giraffes don't actually have two heads). So they thought that humans have the J backwards.

Whether or not the backwards J was intentional or as a joke, it would still seem unreasonable for the monsters to get it wrong when you see they got the pictures for each letter seen correct "jaguar", "kangaroo "pig", "quail", "rhino." I would at the very least call it a character mistake.


As the original correction said, it's just an example of the monsters not understanding the human world. Not a mistake.

Yet they know the alphabet? I doubt it.


More Monsters, Inc. mistake pictures

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